Communication- Practice

20 August 2022
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List and give a brief description of the key factors of active listening.
The key factors of active listening are as follows: paraphrasing or rephrasing the message; clarifying, which includes asking questions in order to understand the message; encouraging, which involves using signals to show involvement and interest; and empathizing, which involves showing understanding of the speaker's feeling, behaviors, and attitudes
Which of the following is NOT an example of nonverbal communication? A. facial expressions B. e-mail messages C. crossed arms D. rolling of eyes
B. e-mail messages
How will you apply what you have learned about communication to develop better communication for yourself with teachers, family, or friends?
Answers will vary but may include the following: being aware of body language, tone of voice, or phrasing of messages sent via cell phone or face-to-face. Nonverbal communication is also important because our gestures can negate our words and sincerity. We need to be aware of what we say to ensure that the receiver gets the desired outcome. Good communication prevents misunderstandings, builds healthy relationships, and allows for people to express themselves.
Describe passive, aggressive, and assertive communicators.
Passive communicators are unable or unwilling to express their thoughts and feelings and usually go along with what other people want. They fail to express their feelings, allow others to infringe on their rights, and tend to speak apologetically. Aggressive communicators try to get their way by bullying and intimidating others. They often attack others verbally and in a loud manner. They often do not consider the rights of other people. Finally, assertive communicators express their thoughts and feelings clearly and directly, often without hurting others in the process. They defend attitudes and beliefs, attack the problem and not the person, and are considered the ideal communicators.
Developing and improving communication skills will help ensure that messages are sent and received properly.
Analyze the effects of effective communication.
Effective communication involves the sender having the desired effect on the receiver of the message. For communication to be considered effective, minimal misunderstandings should take place between the communicator and the message intended for the receiver should be clear. Good communication builds solid relationships and allows for self-expression of needs and wants.
Passive communicators do all of the following EXCEPT: A. do not make eye contact B. tend to speak apologetically C. stand up for themselves when needed D. allow others to infringe on their rights
C. stand up for themselves when needed
Active listening includes all of the following EXCEPT: A. paraphrasing B. clarifying C. ignoring D. empathizing
C. ignoring
Why do you think the ideal communication style is assertive communication?
Assertive communication is the ideal communication style because it is the healthiest communication style. Assertive communicators express needs respectfully, listen without interrupting others, use good eye contact, utilize calm and clear tones of voice, and do not allow others to manipulate or abuse them. This style of communication expresses that all parties involved are important and matter equally. The results of an assertive communication style are higher self-esteem, self-respect, and respect from and of others.
Passive communicators do not care about others' feelings or thoughts.