Clauses Phrases Sentences

25 August 2022
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Which statement is LEAST accurate? a) A sentence must make a complete statement. b) A restrictive word, phrase or clause is essential to a sentence's meaning and is not set off by commas. c) A simple sentence must have at least one dependent clause. d) An independent clause is one that can stand alone as a complete sentence
Correct Response c) A simple sentence must have at least one dependent clause.
The sun is high, put on some sunblock. That sentence BEST exemplifies a ... a) fused sentence b) comma-splice sentence c) sentence fragment d) correctly punctuated sentence
Correct Answer b) comma-splice sentence
Which statement about clauses is MOST accurate? a) All clauses must be independent. b) Clauses are groups of related words that lack either a subject or a verb or both. c) Independent clauses can be connected by a comma and coordinating conjunction, by a semicolon, or by a conjunctive adverb with a semicolon before it and usually a comma following it. d) A dependent clause can stand alone as a simple sentence.
c) Independent clauses can be connected by a comma and coordinating conjunction, by a semicolon, or by a conjunctive adverb with a semicolon before it and usually a comma following it.
Which sentence contains a restrictive clause? a) The lawn mower that is broken is in the garage. b) The lawn mower, which is broken, is in the garage.
Correct Response a) The lawn mower that is broken is in the garage.
Which sentence contains a restrictive clause? a) The house that is painted pink has just been sold. b) The house, which is painted pink, has just been sold.
Correct Response a) The house that is painted pink has just been sold.
Fred has one wife. Which sentence is punctuated correctly? a) Fred and his wife Wilma are going to Spain for a vacation. b) Fred and his wife, Wilma, are going to Spain for a vacation
Correct Answer b) Fred and his wife, Wilma, are going to Spain for a vacation
Their daughter Dawn visited with her husband, Kirk. This sentence indicates that: a) They have only one daughter. b) They have more than one daughter. c) Dawn has more than one husband.
Correct Answer b) They have more than one daughter.
The best sentences typically are at least three lines long. a) True b) False
Correct Response b) False
Which sentence uses proper parallel construction? a) Moviegoers found the film repulsive, offensive and embarrassing. b) Moviegoers found the film repulsive, offensive and thought it was embarrassing.
Correct Response a) Moviegoers found the film repulsive, offensive and embarrassing.
Which sentence uses proper parallel construction? a) Phuong Tran has wit, charm and a pleasing personality. b) Phuong Tran has wit, charm, and has a pleasant personality.
Correct Response a) Phuong Tran has wit, charm and a pleasing personality.
Compound-complex sentences typically make good leads for print articles. a) True b) False
Correct Answer b) False