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What type of culture is most likely to tolerate ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity? A. uncertainty-accepting B. individualistic C. On-time D. Sometime
A. uncertainty-accepting
Explanation: There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the specific circumstances of each culture. However, some experts suggest that cultures which are more tolerant of ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity are typically individualistic in nature. This means that they tend to value the individual over the group and encourage people to be independent and self-sufficient. They also tend to be more flexible and open-minded, which makes them more tolerant of different viewpoints and perspectives.
WhiWhich of the following is the best example of an uncertainty-rejecting culture? A. Sweden B. Japan C. Denmark D. United States
B. Japan
Which of the following countries would most likely be an On-time culture? A. Paraguay B. Oman C. France D. Germany
Explanation: Germany would most likely be an On-time culture because they are known for their punctuality.
Which statement below is NOT an example of ethnocentrism? A. If the Japanese would just shake hands like we do—instead of bowing—we would get along better. B. Don't you wish everyone in the world would use deodorant and perfume as Americans do? C. American workers get higher pay for less work than most people in the world. D. Americans have developed the best civilized society in history.
43. Kevin and Paul are having a conversation in which Kevin says, "All gay men are very effeminate." What type of intercultural communication problem might Kevin be engaging in? A. ethnocentrism B. stereotyping C. cultural relativism D. assimilation
Explanation: Kevin might be engaging in ethnocentrism, which is the belief that one's own culture is superior to all others. He might also be stereotyping, which is assigning traits to a group of people based on their membership in that group.
________ is where you assume that all members of a group are alike. A. Prejudice B. Ethnocentrism C. Stereotyping D. Profiling
Explanation: C. Stereotyping is where you assume that all members of a group are alike.
________ is where you have a negative attitude toward a group of people just because of who they are. A. Prejudice B. Ethnocentrism C. Stereotyping D. Profiling
Explanation: Prejudice is when you have a negative attitude toward a group of people just because of who they are. Ethnocentrism is when you believe that your culture is superior to all others. Stereotyping is when you oversimplify and generalize a group of people. Profiling is when you make assumptions about a person based on their appearance or other factors.
The preferred way to avoid an ethnocentric perspective is to A. be cautious about assuming similarity and recognize differences among people. B. deny differences, because stating that you recognize them can only get you into trouble. C. assume that other individuals would prefer to think and act as you do. D. discover what you have in common, but assume that others are fundamentally different.
Explanation: The best way to avoid an ethnocentric perspective is to be aware of the differences among people and to be cautious about assuming that everyone is the same. It is also important to be open to the idea that other people may have different ways of thinking and acting, and that these differences should be respected.
Which of the following is NOT a strategy for improving intercultural communication? A. Practice supportive communication and avoid defensive communication. B. Avoid stereotyping and hasty generalizations. C. Adopt an ethnocentric perspective. D. Practice personal self-assessment.
C. Adopt an ethnocentric perspective.
Explanation: C. Adopt an ethnocentric perspective.An ethnocentric perspective is when someone believes that their own culture is superior to all others. This perspective can lead to misunderstandings and conflict in intercultural communication because it can lead to a lack of understanding and respect for other cultures.
What is code sensitivity? A. a cognitive style that emphasizes open-mindedness about differences B. the frustration and early termination of communication in intercultural communication C. using words and nonverbal communication that are easy for the interpreter to understand D. assuming that others think and act as we do
C. using words and nonverbal communication that are easy for the interpreter to understand
Explanation: Code sensitivity is the ability to be aware of and understand the cultural context in which communication is taking place. It is the ability to use words and nonverbal communication that are easy for the interpreter to understand. Code sensitivity is important in intercultural communication because it can help prevent the frustration and early termination of communication.
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a collectivist culture? A. high value placed on commitment to family B. tendency of individuals to be loyal to their community C. higher value placed on cooperation D. high levels of divorce
D. high levels of divorce
Explanation:Code sensitivity is the ability to be aware of and understand the cultural context in which communication is taking place. It is the ability to use words and nonverbal communication that are easy for the interpreter to understand. Code sensitivity is important in intercultural communication because it can help prevent the frustration and early termination of communication.
In which type of culture would it be more likely for extended family members to live with nuclear family members? A. individualistic B. collectivistic C. Sometime D. On-time
B. collectivistic
Explanation: It is more likely for extended family members to live with nuclear family members in a collectivistic culture. In a collectivistic culture, the family is the most important unit and individuals are expected to sacrifice their own needs for the good of the family. Extended family members living with the nuclear family is one way to ensure that everyone's needs are being met.
All of the following are examples of individualistic cultures EXCEPT A. the United States. B. Australia. C. Canada. D. China.
D. China.
Explanation: D. China. While the United States, Australia, and Canada are all examples of individualistic cultures, China is not. In China, the collectivist culture predominates, which means that people are more likely to think of themselves in terms of their group affiliation (e.g., family, work team, etc.) rather than as individuals.
Unique combinations of rituals, religion, thought patterns, and behaviors are known as A. collectivism. B. strategies. C. cultures. D. uncertainty.
C. cultures.
Explanation: Cultures are unique combinations of rituals, religion, thought patterns, and behaviors.
54. If someone in a marginalized group tries to fit in with the dominant group, he or she is striving for what goal of intercultural communication? A. accommodation B. separation C. reflexivity D. assimilation
D. assimilation
Explanation: If someone in a marginalized group tries to fit in with the dominant group, he or she is striving for assimilation. Assimilation is the process by which a person or group comes to resemble those already in the dominant group. This can happen through intermarriage, adoption of the dominant group's customs and values, or simply by living in close proximity to the dominant group.
Which type of culture tolerates ambiguity and uncertainty? A. collectivistic B. uncertainty-accepting C. uncertainty-rejecting D. Sometime
C. uncertainty-rejecting
Explanation: Uncertainty-accepting cultures are those that are more tolerant of ambiguity and uncertainty. These cultures are more likely to be open to new ideas and experiences, and to be less concerned with rules and regulations.