Chapter 2

27 August 2022
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In the interpersonal communication process, the messages exchanged are... a. sequential and individual. b. simultaneous and individual. c. simultaneous and mutual. d. sequential and mutual. e. simultaneous and exclusionary.
simultaneous and mutual.
Jana decides to convey her consent by saying, "yes," and nodding. What process has Jana demonstrated? a) feedback b) encoding c) noise d) decoding e) receiver
Frank is having difficulty hearing the point his coworker is making because of loud hammering outside the window. What type of noise is Frank experiencing? a) physical b) physiological c) semantic d) psychological e) cognitive
Matt and LaRita grew up in communities that view authority in very different ways, so they have difficulty understanding each other at times. The problem is being caused primarily because of... a. psychological noise. b. a filter of lifetime experiences. c. differences in emotional intelligence. d. emotional hijacking. e. differences in self-awareness.
a filter of lifetime experiences.
David was already feeling stressed about a deadline he was having trouble meeting. When he went to make photocopies of an important graph, he saw a sign on the copier saying it was out of order. An immediate jolt of rage ran through David's system, and he kicked the machine and broke his toe. What did David experience? a. psychological noise b. high self-management c. emotional intelligence d. emotional hijacking e. high self-awareness
emotional hijacking
Why does emotional hijacking occur? a. People are hard-wired to feel emotions about a situation before they reason it out. b. People spend too much time developing self-awareness, so they become overly emotional. c. People have a high emotional intelligence, which makes them less emotional. d. People experience a great deal of physiological noise that interferes with reasoning. e. People deliberately use their emotions to manipulate the reactions of others.
People are hard-wired to feel emotions about a situation before they reason it out.
Asking oneself how certain emotions alter or distort one's thinking helps improve a. self-awareness. b. sight-reading. c. empathy. d. relationship management. e. physical noise.
What term is used for events that cause strong, often negative, emotional responses? a. noise b. messages c. hijacking d. stress e. triggers
Which of the following is most likely to be true about people who exhibit high self-management? a. They show a sincere interest in others' efforts, ideas, and successes. b. They react defensively and with a me-first attitude when threats are perceived. c. They discuss frustrations in the context of solving problems and improving relationships. d. They frequently vent frustrations without a constructive work purpose. e. They are unable to control their emotional impulses
They discuss frustrations in the context of solving problems and improving relationships.
People who speak out constructively about differences of opinion are most likely to have a. low self-management skills. b. low empathy. c. high self-awareness. d. high relationship management skills. e. low self-awareness.
high relationship management skills.
_____ involves favorable explanations for why others have behaved in a certain way. a. Decoding b. Relationship management c. Self-management d. Mitigating information e. Emotional hijacking
Mitigating information
Intense and emotionally charged situations, it is important to a. maintain your point of view. b. speak loudly and assertively. c. hold judgment. d. be uncompromising. e. ask cross-examination questions.
hold judgment.
Which of the following is a sign of a person paying attention? a. a closed body position b. a slouched and relaxed position c. a cursory glance accompanied by a smile d. a nod to indicate acknowledgment e. a deep breath to relax oneself
a nod to indicate acknowledgment
Which of the following people displays a learner mind-set? a. Natasha walks away when someone says something she disagrees with. b. Sam, a factory worker, declares that executives have no idea what real work is. c. Emilie declares in a meeting that there is only one correct procedure to follow. d. During a department meeting, Sasha reminds people that disagreements are normal. e. Selena always agrees with everything her manager and supervisor say.
During a department meeting, Sasha reminds people that disagreements are normal.
Which of the following is a funnel question? a. What did you learn in the meeting you had with our colleagues in Baltimore last week? b. Now that we know we want to reduce the company budget, what subcategories should we consider? c. In what way do you think our shipping practices contribute to our high expenses? d. How can we reduce our expenses for office supplies to meet our budget goals? e. Is your suggestion consistent with our goal to reduce our overall budget?
Now that we know we want to reduce the company budget, what subcategories should we consider?
What are probing questions? a. Probing questions break the ice and gradually ease people into conversations about shared business interests. b. Probing questions move from general to specific and are intended to increasingly deconstruct a business issue. c. Probing questions are intended to analyze a business problem from every angle in order to uncover its root causes. d. Probing questions focus on what should be done to solve business problems and accomplish business objectives. e. Probing questions are narrow-ended questions that are actually opinions presented in question form.
Probing questions are intended to analyze a business problem from every angle in order to uncover its root causes.
Which of the following is a solution-oriented question? a. What have your experiences with the new software been? b. Now that we know our absentee rate is high, how can we learn the reasons for that problem? c. Why do you think our personnel policies contribute to employee dissatisfaction? d. How can we change our process to ensure we meet the new deadline? e. Could you explain your suggestion in greater detail?
How can we change our process to ensure we meet the new deadline?
What is sight-reading? a. the process of interpreting messages from others into meaning b. understanding and managing emotions to serve goals c. intelligent observation of nonverbal communication d. understanding your emotions as they occur and how they affect you e. having the discipline to hold off emotions in order to meet long-term intentions
intelligent observation of nonverbal communication
When you are trying to read another person's nonverbal clues, which of the following should you focus on the most? a. the nose b. the chin c. the feet d. the neck e. the eyes
the eyes
Which of the following employees is most likely to have a blue motivational value system? a. Ted wants to make sure that decisions have been completely thought out. b. Darwin focuses on encouraging the growth of coworkers. c. Michele dislikes it when people do not fight back if they have been wronged. d. Elise wants the team to remain as flexible as possible. e. Therese gets annoyed when she perceives that people do not take work seriously.
Darwin focuses on encouraging the growth of coworkers.
Which of the following employees is most likely to be a hub? a. Before his next project starts, Joseph wants his boss to explain the rewards for a good job. b. Lila values efficiency and precision in coworkers. c. Magdala tries hard to give everyone credit for their contributions. d. Khadija urges her team to be flexible and to consider all available options. e. Robert's coworkers see him as rigid and nit-picky.
Khadija urges her team to be flexible and to consider all available options.
Which of the following is a strength of introverts? a. gaining the support of other colleagues b. acting quickly if they see an advantage c. asking thoughtful, important questions d. making a positive first impression e. meeting people at large social events
asking thoughtful, important questions
Which of the following employees is most likely to be an extrovert? a. Len meets everyone in the department by his third day on the job. b. Irina is patient and persevering at long, detailed tasks. c. Aun takes time to consider the ramifications of every decision. d. Bob has a small network of colleagues he works with closely. e. Phil prefers to work alone rather than on a team.
Len meets everyone in the department by his third day on the job.
______ is a show of respect for the dignity and importance of others. a. Synchronizing b. Civility c. Decoding d. Empathy e. Optimism
Which of the following employees is acting with incivility? a. Rena displays interest in her coworkers' personal accomplishments. b. Kathy's motto is "Let's agree to disagree" when contentious issues arise. c. Ben asks rather than orders his administrative assistant to take care of tasks. d. Scott usually greets female colleagues by saying, "Hello there, girls." e. Pilar refuses to multitask when her coworkers are talking to her.
Scott usually greets female colleagues by saying, "Hello there, girls."