Chapter 14

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As the Allstons began to reestablish their lives after the Civil War, they found that A. all of their former slaves had fled from their plantations. B. the blacks had taken control of southern society. C. it would be fairly simple to reestablish the old patterns of society. D. new relationships would have to be established with former slaves.
D. new relationships would have to be established with former slaves.
In trying to establish a policy for reconstruction of the South after the Civil War, A. Congress readily agreed with Lincoln's plan. B. a conflict arose between Congress and the president about who had authority in the matter. C. Johnson finally forced Congress to adopt his plan. D. Congress rejected Lincoln's plan.
B. a conflict arose between Congress and the president about who had authority in the matter.
In 1865, at the end of the Civil War, the southern states A. contrasted starkly with the economic prosperity of the northern states. B. readily accepted whatever reconstruction policy the North suggested. C. had been affected only slightly by the war, both socially and economically. D. quickly reestablished an industrial-based economy.
A. contrasted starkly with the economic prosperity of the northern states.
At the end of the Civil War, emancipated blacks A. received ownership of 40 acres of land. B. often changed their manners toward whites to demonstrate their freedom. C. mostly remained on the plantations where they had been slaves. D. immediately achieved full equality with southern whites.
B. often changed their manners toward whites to demonstrate their freedom.
In the years immediately following emancipation, the Freed people A. considered securing jobs and land to be their primary goals. B. preferred to work in gangs. C. showed little interest in establishing a traditional family life. D. showed little interest in acquiring an education.
A. considered securing jobs and land to be their primary goals.
In the months immediately after the Civil War, the dominant emotion among southern whites was A. anger toward plantation owners. B. acceptance of blacks as equals. C. sorrow. D. acceptance of blacks as equals.
A. anger toward plantation owners.
In an overall analysis, Congressional Reconstruction for the Freed people A. provided blacks with an excellent foundation for the future. B. attracted widespread support among southern whites. C. provided economic, but not political opportunities. D. provided little economic security.
D. provided little economic security.
Andrew Johnson's plan for national reconstruction A. proved to be very lenient toward the South. B. pleased the Republican leadership in Congress. C. called for harsh treatment of the South. D. defended the interest of the planter class.
A. proved to be very lenient toward the South.
Radical Republicans created their own plan for Reconstruction, including A. helping Freed people make the transition to full freedom. B. imprisoning rebel leaders. C. promoting economic diversity in the South. D. forcing southern states to pay the costs of the Civil War.
A. helping Freed people make the transition to full freedom.
The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution A. gained considerable support from President Johnson. B. became the central issue of the midterm election, because Johnson spoke against Republicans, and Democrats appealed to voters' prejudices. C. generated little controversy; all Americans endorsed it. D. joined Democrats and Republicans in a shared cause.
B. became the central issue of the midterm election, because Johnson spoke against Republicans, and Democrats appealed to voters' prejudices.
The election of 1866 was critical in determining the outcome of Reconstruction because the A. Democrats won a majority in Congress. B. Republicans were defeated in the election. C. president won great support from the people. D. Republicans won an overwhelming victory.
D. Republicans won an overwhelming victory.
In the Reconstruction Acts of 1867, Congress A. allowed southern states to deny blacks the right to vote. B. provided for impeachment of the president. C. divided the southern states into five military districts. D. impeached President Grant.
C. divided the southern states into five military districts.
Congress impeached President Johnson for A. the Credit Mobilier scandals. B. permitting blacks to vote. C. extramarital affairs in office. D. violating the Tenure of Office Act.
D. violating the Tenure of Office Act.
During the Reconstruction period, northerners A. only reluctantly supported the idea of giving blacks the right to vote. B. generally wanted to confiscate the property of southern whites and give it to the blacks. C. enthusiastically endorsed the idea of black equality. D. opposed granting citizenship to blacks.
A. only reluctantly supported the idea of giving blacks the right to vote.
Chief among those who wanted to provide economic support for the Freed people after the Civil War was A. Ulysses S. Grant. B. Thaddeus Stevens. C. Abraham Lincoln. D. Andrew Johnson
B. Thaddeus Stevens.
During the Reconstruction Era, the "Black Codes" A. reestablished slavery. B. guaranteed Freed people full political and civil rights. C. established dejure segregation. D. restricted the economic opportunities of the Freed people.
D. restricted the economic opportunities of the Freed people.
In providing aid to the blacks after the Civil War, the Freedman's Bureau A. concentrated on helping poor whites instead of blacks B. was characterized by mixed success C. was generally unconcerned with black needs D. was a total failure.
B. was characterized by mixed success
During the Reconstruction period, southern tenant farmers A. found it easy to gain ownership of their own land. B. united to confiscate the property of the landowners. C. generally grew almost all of what they needed for survival. D. seldom earned much money and fell into debt.
D. seldom earned much money and fell into debt.
At the end of the Reconstruction period, southern blacks in general A. dominated southern politics. B. remained economically dependent on southern whites. C. had gained effective economic independence from southern whites. D. had mostly migrated to the North.
B. remained economically dependent on southern whites.
During Reconstruction, poor blacks and poor whites in the South A. largely owned their own farmland. B. found economic independence through the tenant farming system. C. often became sharecroppers or tenant farmers. D. came together in harmony.
C. often became sharecroppers or tenant farmers.
During the Reconstruction Era, poor white southerners A. generally embraced a religion centered on camp meeting revivals. B. effectively combined with poor blacks to achieve political control of the southern state governments. C. tended to accept the blacks as their social equals. D. escaped from the tenant farming system.
A. generally embraced a religion centered on camp meeting revivals.
In an attempt to improve their condition after freedom, blacks during the Reconstruction period A. placed little emphasis on education. B. encountered little white opposition to their educational efforts. C. often worked through their churches. D. relied exclusively on the Freedman's Bureau.
C. often worked through their churches.
After the Civil War, as far as education was concerned, blacks A. showed a thirst for knowledge. B. found most southern whites supportive of their desire to learn. C. had a higher percentage of school attendance than whites. D. showed little interest in formal learning.
A. showed a thirst for knowledge.
In the late nineteenth century, the black leader who continued to press for full citizenship rights for blacks in the United States was A. Felix Haywood. B. Benjamin "Pap" Singleton. C. Frederick Douglass. D. Benjamin Franklin.
C. Frederick Douglass.
The Republican governments that controlled the southern states during Reconstruction were. A. supported by some white southerners. B. usually more corrupt than state governments in the North. C. generally accepted by most white southerners. D. dominated by illiterate blacks.
A. supported by some white southerners.
All of the following statements describe changes made to southern education during Reconstruction EXCEPT: A. White and black school attendance increased. B. The number of public schools increased. C. Poor children were not allowed to attend school. D. Segregation in schools remained largely the norm
C. Poor children were not allowed to attend school.
Which of the following statements describes the corruption in the South during Reconstruction? A. It took place in railway bonds. B. It took place in construction contracts. C. It took place in land sales. D. All of these answers are correct.
D. All of these answers are correct.
The Republican coalition lasted longest in the A. Upper South. B. West. C. Deep South. D. Midwest
C. Deep South.
Stimulated by the Civil War, many American workers during Reconstruction formed A. prisons. B. unions. C. asylums. D. railroad companies.
B. unions.
By 1868, the Republicans had changed from a party of moral reform to a party of A. material interests. B. pro-black sentiment. C. anti-southern sentiment. D. pro-Democratic Party sentiment.
A. material interests.
During the late 1860s as Republicans lost interest in the South, American women like Susan B. Anthony A. fought for women's rights. B. remained at home adhering to traditional values. C. joined the U.S. Army. D. gave up on helping other women.
A. fought for women's rights.
All of the following statements describe the Credit Mobilier scandal EXCEPT: A. President Grant was involved in the scandal. B. The scandal involved certain congressmen. C. The scandal involved a dummy corporation building transcontinental railroads. D. Congressmen received stock in the company in exchange for generous contracts.
A. President Grant was involved in the scandal.
In 1872, which of the following men became president of the United States? A. Horace Greeley B. Ulysses S. Grant C. Andrew Johnson D. Abraham Lincoln
B. Ulysses S. Grant
Why did Reconstruction end? A. Black issues became secondary to other national priorities and interests. B. Financial panic and economic hard times distracted northerners. C. Southern white Democratic violence halted black political control. D. All of these answers are correct.
D. All of these answers are correct.
Which of the following states had disputed election results in the 1876 presidential election? A. Louisiana B. Florida C. South Carolina D. All of these answers are correct.
D. All of these answers are correct.