Chapter 1

22 August 2022
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Which of the following is true of credibility? A. Its importance in the post-trust era has decreased. B. People gain credibility more easily than they lose it. C. It is an important basis for effective communication. D. Neither words nor actions can damage a reputation for credibility. E. It has no relationship to transparency and accountability.
C. It is an important basis for effective communication. In most business situations, others make judgments about what you say, write, and do based on your credibility. The importance of credibility as a basis for effective communication is universal
_____ refers to the knowledge and skills needed to accomplish business tasks, approach business problems, and get a job done. A. transparency B. accountability C. power D. competence E. character
D. competence Competence refers to the knowledge and skills needed to accomplish business tasks, approach business problems, and get a job done. Most people will judge your competence based on your track record of success and achievement.
Which of the following is true of competence? A. A person's reputation for competence is influenced by his or her communication skills. B. Competence is best acquired by reading about the topic rather than through experience. C. Competence is an inherited trait and cannot be developed through experience. D. Competence is demonstrated by taking a passive role in business. E. Too much emphasis on results decreases the perception of a person's competence
A. A person's reputation for competence is influenced by his or her communication skills. Competence refers to the knowledge and skills needed to accomplish business tasks, approach business problems, and get a job done. How you communicate directly affects the perceptions others have of your competence.
One of the traits associated with competence is "a focus on action." This specifically implies A. establishing an atmosphere of trust and goodwill. B. seizing business opportunities when they present themselves. C. adhering to high moral and ethical standards. D. seeking a low-profile, passive role in your organization. E. being accountable to no one but yourself.
B. seizing business opportunities when they present themselves. The two traits associated with competence are: a focus on action and an emphasis on results. A focus on action implies that you seize business opportunities.
An "emphasis on results" is a trait associated with A. character. B. transparency. C. caring. D. ethics. E. competence.
E. competence. Competence refers to the knowledge and skills needed to accomplish business tasks, approach business problems, and get a job done. The two traits associated with competence are: a focus on action and an emphasis on results.
In the business world, caring can be demonstrated by A. considering the needs of customers and employees. B. sharing relevant information with stakeholders. C. emphasizing the results of decisions and actions. D. focusing mainly on the tasks that need to be done. E. recognizing and acting on business opportunities.
A. considering the needs of customers and employees. Caring for others plays an important role in establishing credibility. In the business world, caring implies understanding the interests of others, cultivating a sense of community, and demonstrating accountability.
A sense of caring is demonstrated by an employer who A. prioritizes the development of his or her employees' skills. B. encourages employees to work as individuals rather than as teams. C. communicates using me-oriented, not we-oriented, phrases. D. separates personal values from corporate values. E. establishes more hierarchical communication structures.
A. prioritizes the development of his or her employees' skills. In the business world, caring implies understanding the interests of others, cultivating a sense of community, and demonstrating accountability. Less than half (42 percent) of employees believe their managers care about them. Even worse, less than one-third (29 percent) of employees believe their managers care about whether they develop skills.
Jerry, the CEO of Turbo Inc., is a successful business leader with a reputation for caring. Which of the following statements would prove this? A. He prioritizes the development of his company over the well-being of his team. B. His communication style is me-oriented, not we-oriented. C. He strives to understand the interests and aspirations of his employees. D. His leadership style is result-oriented and not relationship-oriented. E. He believes he is accountable to nobody but himself.
C. He strives to understand the interests and aspirations of his employees. Caring for others plays an important role in establishing credibility. Understanding others' interests indicates a sense of caring.
A business leader can cultivate a sense of community by A. encouraging employees to work as individuals rather than as a team. B. developing new strategies to sell different products to different markets. C. having a communication style that is we-oriented, not me-oriented. D. refusing to give in to pressure by the stakeholders. E. prioritizing the development of his company at the expense of his employees.
C. having a communication style that is we-oriented, not me-oriented When interviewed, accomplished business leaders characteristically used the term "we" rather than "I" in discussing success within the organization. Instead of thinking in terms of individual accomplishment, most tended to think in terms of what their management teams had achieved.
_____ refers to a reputation for adhering to high moral and ethical values. A. competence B. character C. community D. transparency E. accountability
B. character Managers can control their reputation as credible communicators by focusing on three well-established factors: competence, caring, and character. Character refers to a reputation for staying true to commitments made to stakeholders and adhering to high moral and ethical values.
Which of the following statements accurately describes the role played by character in the establishment of credibility? A. Character has become less important in the post-trust era. B. Character-based traits are the least important determinants of trust in the workplace. C. A decrease in transparency positively influences character. D. Character is especially important in long-term, collaborative relationships. E. An increase in accountability adversely affects character.
D. Character is especially important in long-term, collaborative relationships. Character refers to a reputation for staying true to commitments made to stakeholders and adhering to high moral and ethical values. Character has always been important in business relationships, especially long-term, collaborative relationships.
The rules of conduct or moral principles that guide individual or group behavior are known as A. transparency. B. accountability. C. values. D. ethics. E. character.
D. ethics. Ethics are rules of conduct or moral principles that guide individual or group behavior.
What is the definition of business ethics? A. the skills needed to solve and overcome business problems B. the ability to seize business opportunities when they present themselves C. communication patterns that are me-oriented, not we-oriented D. the extent to which employees care for the needs of the company E. commonly held principles in the business community for acceptable behavior
E. commonly held principles in the business community for acceptable behavior Ethics are rules of conduct or moral principles that guide individual or group behavior. Business ethics are the commonly accepted beliefs and principles in the business community for acceptable behavior.
The dominant business ethic in corporate communications is _____, which is "a principle that allows those affected by administrative decisions, business transactions, or charitable work to know not only the basic facts and figures but also the mechanisms and processes. It is the duty of civil servants, managers, and trustees to act visibly, predictably and understandably." A. expertise B. transparency C. caring D. competence E. hierarchy
B. transparency The dominant business ethic in recent years is transparency. Transparency involves sharing all relevant information with stakeholders.
Which action demonstrates that Joaquin acts with transparency? A. He shares his company's trade secrets with its competitors. B. He accepts gifts... and gratuities from clients C. He keeps conversations with stakeholders confidential. D. He shares all relevant information with stakeholders. E. He considers himself accountable only to himself.
D. He shares all relevant information with stakeholders. Transparency involves sharing all relevant information with stakeholders. A company that does not share all relevant information with stakeholders is not being transparent.
How can a business leader create an environment of transparency? A. by acknowledging the concerns of employees B. by refusing to give in to stakeholder pressure C. by interpreting business values subjectively D. by establishing closed communication structures E. by hiding his or her mistakes from subordinates
A. by acknowledging the concerns of employees The dominant business ethic in recent years is transparency. You can create a transparent workplace by being accessible, acknowledging the concerns of others, and following through when you don't have immediate answers.
Which of the following factors reduces the incidence of unethical behavior? A. opposing personal and corporate values B. a transparent atmosphere C. unaccountable business leaders D. a closed communication structure E. the subjective interpretation of business values
B. a transparent atmosphere In situations where the law and ethical principles do not provide a clear answer, transparency is key: Decision making needs to be open, documented, and based on the collective conscience of your work team and affected stakeholders.
Corporate values are A. self-formulated values that individuals adhere to. B. personal values practiced only in the workplace. C. unwritten rules by which an industry works. D. laws imposed by the government on corporations. E. the stated and lived values of a company.
E. the stated and lived values of a company. Corporate values are the stated and lived values of a company. Aligning personal values—those values that individuals prioritize and adhere to—with corporate values is an important element of character.
Personal values are A. the values that individuals prioritize and adhere to. B. the values that are practiced only in the workplace. C. unwritten rules by which an industry works. D. the stated and lived values of a company. E. guidelines that the government expects public companies to follow.
A. the values that individuals prioritize and adhere to. Corporate values are the stated and lived values of a company. Aligning personal values—those values that individuals prioritize and adhere to—with corporate values is an important element of character.
When personal values and corporate values are aligned, employees have more A. transparency. B. integrity. C. conflict. D. autonomy. E. confidence.
B. integrity. Aligning personal values—those values that individuals prioritize and adhere to—with corporate values is an important element of character. After all, if one is living corporate values that do not match one's personal values, then there is a lack of integrity
Which of the following is true of contemporary organizational culture? A. Most organizations are moving toward flatter communication structures. B. Companies no longer require employees to keep work-information confidential. C. Credibility is seldom a basis for effective communication in the business world. D. The communication structures implemented by most organizations are closed. E. Organizations that work in low-trust environments are the most successful.
A. Most organizations are moving toward flatter communication structures. Today, most organizational cultures are moving to flatter, more open communication structures. However, you will also find yourself in many situations where confidentiality is mandated.
The FAIR (Facts, Access, Impacts, Respect) test is intended to evaluate A. the contemporary relevance of your business's ethics. B. the financial state of your company. C. the relationship between stakeholders of different companies. D. the credibility of your business communication. E. the profits made by your company's investors.
D. the credibility of your business communication. One way to evaluate your communications is to use the FAIR test. The FAIR test helps you examine how well you have provided the facts; how well you have granted access to your motives, reasoning, and information; how well you have examined impacts on stakeholders; and how well you have shown respect.
In high-trust relationships A. communication is formal in nature. B. people view each other negatively. C. people are more willing to cooperate with each other. D. team members are more likely to miscommunicate. E. people prefer covering up mistakes rather than admitting them. them
C. people are more willing to cooperate with each other. Because individuals willingly and freely give the benefit of the doubt in high-trust relationships, communication is simpler, easier, quicker, and more effective. In terms of ease of communication, credibility leads to less resistance from others, increased willingness to cooperate, and less likelihood of miscommunication.
In low-trust relationships, people tend to A. expend extra effort toward meeting team goals. B. regard the actions of other people negatively. C. communicate more efficiently. D. assume credibility easily. E. be more willing to cooperate with each other.
B. regard the actions of other people negatively. In low-trust work environments, people tend to assume the negative regarding others' actions. In higher-trust work environments, people tend to give others the benefit of the doubt and assume the positive, until proven otherwise.
Laura wants to improve her employees' engagement. To do so, she should try to increase their A. skills and experience on the job. B. openness about their motives. C. accountability to team members. D. awareness of stakeholder interests. E. emotional engagement with their work.
E. emotional engagement with their work. Engagement is a measure of how much employees are connected emotionally to their work, how willing they are to expend extra effort to help their organization meet its goals, and how much energy they have to reach those goals.