APUSH Chp 21-23

2 September 2022
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Lochner vs. New York
1905- Asserted principle of u201cjudicial deferenceu201d to legislatures. Dismaying setback for progressives. Supreme Court invalidated NY law establishing a 10-hour work day for bakers.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
was a physician by profession but achieved fame as a writer; he was one of the best regarded American poets of the 19th century.
William James, Pragmatism
He was a philosopher who wrote about a concept known as the 'second,' which emphasized the practical side of thinking. Truth came from everyday experienced and observation.
John Dewey
one of the chief proponents of the philosophy of pragmatism; used philosophical ideas to help reform society, and is known for his educational reforms; founder of "progressive education"--the idea that students should be taught history, science, and geography to increase their experiences; ultimate goal was social equality
Henry George, Progress and Poverty
California writer and activist, his angrily eloquent book Progress and Poverty, published in 1879, became one of the best selling nonfiction works in American publishing history. He blamed social problems on the ability of a few monopolists to grow wealthy as a result of rising land values, and that the increase in the value of the land was an unearned increment, produced by the growth of society, and that the profits belonged to the community.
Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward
rivaling Henry George, he wrote Looking Backward, a utopian novel, published in 1888, it described the experiences of a young Bostonian who went into a hypnotic sleep in 1887 and awoke in 2000, finding a new social order in which want, politics and vice were unknown. The society had emerged through peace and evolution, and all of the trusts of the 1800u2019s joined together form one government controlled trust, which distributed the abundance of the industrial economy equally among all people. u201cFraternal cooperationu201d replaced competition, there were no class divisions, and there was great nationalism.
Walter Rauschenbush
was a Christian Theologian and Baptist Minister. He was a key figure in the Social Gospel movement in the USA.
Economic system in which government owns some factors of production and has a role in determining what and how goods are produced.
Eugene V. Debs
he organized the American railway union, became disillusioned with capitalism and became a spokes man for the socialist party of America and was candidate for president 5 times