APUSH Chapter 14 Terms

21 August 2022
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Fire Eaters
The term "Fire Eaters" refers to a group of pro-slavery, extremist. Often politicians, Fire Easters were from the South and urged the separation of southern states into a new nation. This later became known as the Confederate States of America. POLITICAL.
Southern States Secede
As a result of Lincoln's victory, the South believed that the President and the Congress were against their interests. The South felt particularly targeted by the government on the subject of slavery. South Carolina was the first of seven states to secede the Union. POLITICAL.
Jefferson Davis
Jefferson Davis was the President of the Southern Confederate States from 1860 to 1865 after their succession from the Union. During this time, Davis struggled to form a solid government for the states to be governed by. Jefferson Davis worked hard with solidating the civil government and carrying out military operations. POLITICAL.
Crittenden Compromise
The Crittenden Compromise of 1860 was an attempt proposed by Senator Crittenden to prevent the Civil War. This compromise offered a Constitutional Amendment recognizing slavery in the territories south of the 36ΒΊ30' line, noninterference by Congress with existing slavery, and compensation to the owners of fugitive slaves - defeated by Republicans. POLITICAL.
Attack on Fort Sumter
The attack on Fort Sumter was based solely on the greediness of the South and Jefferson Davis. Lincoln dispatched a team to provide food and water for the troops at Fort Sumter who badly needed it. Even though Davis knew it was a peaceful mission, Confederate troops opened fire. Compromise was out of the question. DIPLOMATIC.
Northern / Southern Strategies
The North wanted to block the South's ports in hopes of forcing them into forfeit. They also wanted to take control of the mississippi river and take Richmond, Virginia. The south, however, simply wanted to defend the North and hope that they would lose interest. DIPLOMATIC.
Battles of Bull Run (Manassas)
The Battles of Bull Run were the first major battles of the Civil War. The first of these battles occurred in 1861 when the Confederates surprised the Union troops by beating them. The Unions defeat was a wake up call to them that this war was not going to be easy. The second Battle was about a year later. This battle essentially had the same results in that the Union was pushed back to Washington and war carried on. DIPLOMATIC.
Battle of Antietam
The Battle of Antietam was Lee's attack on Maryland in hopes that he could take it from the Union. This battle was the bloodiest day of the war. Ending in a stalemate, the South would never be so close to victory again. DIPLOMATIC.
Total War
Total War is when a government becomes more authoritarian. They do this by increasing their control over the economic, social, political, and cultural lives of their people and moving towards efforts of war. Total War tries to channel the nation's entire resources into a war effort. POLITICAL.
Military Draft / Draft Riots
The first military draft was enacted by the Confederate Congress. However, this draft had loopholes. One loophole was that a planter, a son, or an overseer, for each twenty slaves, did not have to go into the fight. The other loophole was that those drafted could hire substitutes. Many states blatantly ignored the call to military service making Jefferson Davis look like a moron. POLITICAL.
Militia Act of 1862
The Militia Act of 1862 set local recruitment quotas. This made states and towns entice volunteers with cash bounties and, eventually, sign up nearly a million men. In the North, as in the South, wealthy men could avoid military service by providing a substitute or paying a $300 commutation fee. CULTURAL.
Women and the War Efforts
During times of war, women volunteered as nurses. This was a gateway into other employment opportunities. Women joined the Sanitary Commission and the Freedman's Aid Society. Some took leading roles in wartime agencies. Women's war efforts eventually paved the way towards women rights. CULTURAL.
Mobilizing Resources
The Union government applied and mobilized all of its resources to the war effort. The Union adopted a military draft, raised tariffs, imposed direct taxes on business and personal income, and subsidized a transcontinental railroad. ECONOMIC.
New Economic Policies
A new economic policy that was introduced was a better American System. This new and improved American System was enacted in attempts to compete with the South. First tariffs were raised, then the secretary of treasury secured legislation that forced numerous banks to accept federal charters and regulation. Next, a transcontinental railroad was to me built. There was "free land" and were new industries to deal with the armies's needs. ECONOMIC.
Raising Money in the North
To raise money in the North, Congress passed the nation's first income tax law. This tax required all workers to pay a small part of their wages to the government. The government taxed luxury items and issued bonds to help finance the war. Even after these various efforts, the North still did not have enough money. The North printed more than $400 million in paper money that they called greenbacks because of their color. This led to inflation and, as a result, prices of goods nearly doubled. ECONOMIC.
Inflation in the South
Because the south lacked a powerful central government they could not as easily raise money to pay off the war costs. The government only did 5 percent taxation and did 35 percent by borrowing. Because of this, they printed paper money. Paper money then accounted for 60 percent of expenditures. Riots broke out because food prices soared. The Confederacy only survived by seizing the property of its citizens. ECONOMIC.
Emancipation Issue
The Emancipation issue marked the turning point of the war in 1863. Northern Republicans called for complete abolition of the slaves and they wanted it to be the main goal of the Union. Lincoln said: "if I could save the Union by freeing zero slaves, I would do it. If I could do it with freeing all of them, I would." ECONOMIC.
Contrabands were fugitive, runaway slaves that began to turn up in the Union army camps. Often times they were put to work in the camps or set free. The Union needed to decided what to do with these escaped slaves. Two questions they addressed were: "can the contrabands fight for us?" and "how should they be fed and supported?" CULTURAL.
Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Lincoln to free all of the slaves in the Confederate states. The slaves in border states loyal to the Union, however, remained enslaved. The Proclamation only applied to Confederate states in rebellion. It also led to slave rebellions and slaves joining the Union army and increased sympathy from Europe. POLITICAL.
Battle of Vicksburg
The Battle of Vicksburg occurred on July 4th, 1863. As a result of this battle, Vicksburg, Mississippi fell to General Ulysses S. Grant and his army. After two months of siege, the Battle of Vicksburg was a turning point in the war because it gave the Union control of the Mississippi. DIPLOMATIC.
Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg was a Union Civil War victory that turned the tides against the Confederates. This battle took place in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It resulted in the loss of 50,000 soldiers. The Battle of Gettysburg was won by the North, but, was also the spot of Meade's failure to bring the war to a quick and decisive end. DIPLOMATIC.
Black Troops
Black troops were initially not allowed to fight. However, once they were allowed to fight, it proved a good idea. The African Americans were more motivated and courageous to win the war for the Union as it had more immediate benefits for them. However, military service did not end racial discrimination. CULTURAL.
Capable Generals
One of the most capable general was General Ulysses S. Grant. Grant was put in charge of all Union armies by Lincoln. Grant created a unified structure of command. Both Grant and Lincoln wanted a decisive victory. Grant was known as aggressive; a reputation that both his men and the enemies knew well. POLITICAL.
Election of 1864
The Election of 1864 was between Lincoln and McClellan. Lincoln primarily wanted to reunite the North and South. McClellan, on the other hand, simply wanted to end the war. McClellan claimed that he would do so if elected. For this reason, many citizens of the North, who were sick of the war, voted for McClellan. Despite the support of many northern citizens, McClellan lost the election to Lincoln. POLITICAL.
William T. Sherman / March to the Sea
William T. Sherman was a General appointed to take over the West when Grant was given overall command. Sherman took his troops throughout Georgia, torching the state as he went. Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground. The March to the Sea was now moving the Army to the coast. DIPLOMATIC.
Confederate Collapse / Appomattox
On April 9th, almost four years after the attack on Fort Sumter, General Lee surrendered at Appomattox Court House. By late May, the Confederate generals had stopped fighting, and the Confederate army and government simply dissolved. POLITICAL.
Anaconda Plan
The Anaconda Plan was a strategy for the Union army by General Winfield Scott. This plan involved choking off the main resources of the Confederate army. The Anaconda Plan had 3 main goals: To gain control of the Mississippi River which would cut the Confederacy into two parts, to blockade the Southern ports, and to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond. DIPLOMATIC.