Writing A Persuasive E-mail Assignment And Quiz 100%

25 July 2022
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Based on the claim, what should be included in the e-mail to the school principal? Check all that apply. Claim: Cell phones should be allowed in schools because banning them is no longer universally accepted as the best policy. a description of the student body population a counterclaim that supports banning cell phones in school statistics that show the benefits of having cell phone access in schools reasons why cell phone access in a classroom can help the learning process a detailed story of how access to a house phone helped in a school situation a rebuttal that rejects the counterclaim
a counterclaim that supports banning cell phones in school statistics that show the benefits of having cell phone access in schools reasons why cell phone access in a classroom can help the learning process a rebuttal that rejects the counterclaim
Claim: Cell phones should be allowed in schools because banning them is no longer universally accepted as the best policy. Reason: Cell phones today are essentially small computers, and having access to them can enhance, not inhibit, the learning experience. Which statements could be used as evidence for the claim and reason? Check all that apply. Students can access discussion boards, forums, and other educational online communities inside and outside the classroom. Many educators agree that handheld devices empower students to seek out answers. Ming's school allows students to use their cell phones, so I don't see why we can't. Not everyone has access to cell phones and handheld electronics, so using them is unfair. More people own and use cell phones today than in previous generations.
Students can access discussion boards, forums, and other educational online communities inside and outside the classroom. Many educators agree that handheld devices empower students to seek out answers.
(1) Cell phones should be allowed in schools because banning them is no longer universally accepted as the best policy. (2) Since many phones today are essentially small computers, having access to them can enhance, not inhibit, the learning experience. (3) Students can then access discussion boards, forums, and other educational online communities inside and outside the classroom. Which rhetorical appeal is used in sentence three? logos ethos pathos rebuttal
Claim: Cell phones should be allowed in schools because banning them is no longer universally accepted as the best policy. Counterclaim: Many people argue that cell phone access in schools is a distraction when students text and do not pay attention. Which answer is the best rebuttal to the counterclaim? However, it is more important that students are taught to manage their time in spite of the distractions that will always be around them. Since cell phones are not going anywhere, too much energy has already been spent on disciplining those who have broken this silly rule. Ninety percent of students have reported texting their friends while in class, and this needs to stop immediately. Since students bring their cell phones to school anyway, the policy should be formally changed in writing.
However, it is more important that students are taught to manage their time in spite of the distractions that will always be around them.
Read the paragraph and add appropriate transition words using the drop-down menus. Cell phones should be allowed in schools because banning them is no longer universally accepted as the best policy. Since many phones today are essentially small computers, having access to them can enhance, not inhibit, the learning experience. ________, students can access discussion boards, forums, and other educational online communities inside and outside the classroom to extend their learning and thinking. _______, allowing students to use cell phones for research can save the district thousands of dollars on computers. Through their phones, students can access textbooks, databases, and encyclopedias, all of which tend to be more up to date than their printed counterparts. _______, many people argue that cell phone access in schools is a distraction, as students may text instead of learn. However, it is more important that students are taught to manage their time in spite of the distractions that will always be around them.
For example Furthermore On the other hand
Subject: Save the Whales! Dear Professor Crest, I know you are really busy and everything, but I was hoping that you could spend more time thinking about how to save the whales. It's up to us to speak up on their behalf. It's really wrong that some amusement parks use these poor, defenseless animals for recreational purposes. This must be stopped, and you're the person to do it! TTYL, Jules Which revisions would make this e-mail more formal? Check all that apply. removing the contractions removing the exclamation points removing the salutation removing the slang and casual speech removing the information about amusement parks
removing the contractions removing the exclamation points removing the slang and casual speech
Claim: Cell phones should be allowed in schools because banning them is no longer universally accepted as the best policy. Which would be the most appropriate subject line for the e-mail with this claim? YOUR POLICY IS TERRIBLE Cell phones as an educational tool Help! Students are at a disadvantage! You should know that . . .
Cell phones as an educational tool
Read the claim. A student tutoring program should be established so that peers can help one another. Which statement best uses pathos to support this claim? Honor Roll students could offer homework help to students with specific academic needs. With careful student pairings, academics would improve and new friendships would form. Last spring, nearly twenty percent of all geometry students visited the guidance center to find a tutor. Families often complain about the cost of tutors, but a student-run program would be free.
With careful student pairings, academics would improve and new friendships would form.
Which sentence uses transitions most effectively? Additional hours of road practice might delay driver licensure; for instance, new drivers would be better prepared to navigate the roads safely. Additional hours of road practice might delay driver licensure, since new drivers would be better prepared to navigate the roads safely. Additional hours of road practice might delay driver licensure; in addition, new drivers would be better prepared to navigate the roads safely. Additional hours of road practice might delay driver licensure; however, new drivers would be better prepared to navigate the roads safely.
Additional hours of road practice might delay driver licensure; however, new drivers would be better prepared to navigate the roads safely.
Which statement best exemplifies a strong persuasive claim? Teachers often communicate with families via newsletters and e-mails. Parents of school-age children appreciate information from schools. Offices are trying to reduce paper usage through reuse and recycling efforts. School communications should be sent electronically to conserve paper.
School communications should be sent electronically to conserve paper.
Which statement best defines ethos as a rhetorical device? Ethos appeals to readers' sense of reason. Ethos appeals to readers' emotions or sentiments. Ethos promotes the credibility or character of the speaker. Ethos promotes the kindness or compassion of the speaker.
Ethos promotes the credibility or character of the speaker.
What are the components of a formal tone? Check all that apply. standard spelling familiar slang terms lively dialogue a clear and direct purpose appropriate transitions
standard spelling a clear and direct purpose appropriate transitions
Read the persuasive conclusion. Bike paths should be added to Main Street to encourage commuters and establish a bike-friendly community downtown. The wide, unpaved shoulders of the road promise an easy transition to paved paths, and the employees of three local businesses have voiced an interest in biking to work. Which sentence best completes this conclusion? Bike around your neighborhood to hone your skills for a longer ride. Main Street is a busy thoroughfare, but there is ample space for bike lanes. A decreased use of cars during commuting hours would improve air quality. Contact your town council representative to voice your support for bike paths.
Contact your town council representative to voice your support for bike paths.
Which audiences require a formal tone? Check all that apply. teachers friends employers policy makers family members
teachers employers policy makers
Which statement best explains the function of an e-mail subject line? The subject line is a friendly greeting. The subject line is a clever saying or logo. The subject line states the purpose or topic. The subject line establishes common ground.
The subject line states the purpose or topic.
Read the claim. Kennedy High School should offer club sports in addition to varsity athletics. Which statement best uses logos to support this claim? A student survey revealed that fifty percent of students expressed an interest in recreational sports. Every student needs a way to feel like an important part of a high school community. Kennedy High students would enjoy spending time with their friends in an active setting. Students from other nearby high schools have suggested that club sports are popular.
A student survey revealed that fifty percent of students expressed an interest in recreational sports.
Read the sentences. The school board needs to represent a more diverse population.A student member should be elected to represent local youth. Which transition should be used to combine these sentences? however therefore nevertheless because