Wartime Diaries

3 September 2022
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I'm not writing to you about me anymore. I'm writing to you about war, death, injuries, shells, sadness and sorrow. Almost all my friends have left. Even if they were here, who knows whether we'd be able to see one another. The phones aren't working, we couldn't even talk to one another. Vanja and Andrej have gone to join Srdjan in Dubrovnik. The war has stopped over there. They're lucky. I was so unhappy because of that war in Dubrovnik. I never dreamed it would move to Sarajevo. What conflict is Zlata Filipovic writing about?
the Bosnian War
I was almost positive the war would stop, but today . . . Today a shell fell on the park in front of my house, the park where I used to play with my girlfriends. A lot of people were hurt. . . . AND NINA IS DEAD. A piece of shrapnel lodged in her brain and she died. She was such a sweet, nice girl. We went to kindergarten together, and we used to play together in the park. Is it possible I'll never see Nina again? Nina, an innocent eleven-year-old little girl—the victim of a stupid war. I feel sad. I cry and wonder why. She didn't do anything. A disgusting war has destroyed a young child's life. Nina, I'll always remember you as a wonderful little girl. How does Filipovic view the Bosnian conflict?
She is angry that people are dying pointlessly.
"Deep down, the young are lonelier than the old." I read this in a book somewhere and it's stuck in my mind. As far as I can tell, it's true. So if you're wondering whether it's harder for the adults here than for the children, the answer is no, it's certainly not. Older people have an opinion about everything and are sure of themselves and their actions. It's twice as hard for us young people to hold on to our opinions at a time when ideals are being shattered and destroyed, when the worst side of human nature predominates, when everyone has come to doubt truth, justice and God. According to Frank, why is the war harder on children than adults?
Children are still trying to find themselves.
Identify and compare the basic beliefs and perspectives of Anne Frank and Zlata Filipovic.
Anne Frank writes from the perspective of a young girl in hiding during a war that persecuted her ethnic group. Zlata Filipovic writes from the perspective of a child witnessing the firsthand the brutalities of war. They have common basic beliefs such as having hope for the future. Filipovic is positive that people will win because "war has nothing to do with humanity." Frank is convinced that despite the terrible actions that people have taken, people are good at heart and the world is a good place.
Analyze the way in which The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank is related to the themes and issues of its historical period.
Anne Frank is the firsthand account of a teenager whose family has gone into hiding in order to escape persecution by the Nazi. It is related to the themes and issues of its historical period because other families either had to go into hiding or suffered the consequences of following the law during the Holocaust.
Furthermore, Hitler has been so kind as to announce to his loyal, devoted people that as of today all military personnel are under orders of the Gestapo, and that any soldier who knows that one of his superiors was involved in this cowardly attempt on the Führer's life may shoot him on sight! What does Frank's tone reveal about her perspective of German soldiers serving Hitler?
German soldiers were not all supportive of Hitler.
What is Frank's basic belief and perspective about the world?
Basic human nature is full of kindness.
Choose one of the groups she writes about and analyze how she portrays that group in a short response.
Frank portrays adults as being more confident about their opinions and actions than children are. She thinks that war is harder on kids than it is on adults. This entry reveals her struggle to be an optimistic kid with the whole world against her. She wants to view the future positively, but her situation is grim and full of danger.
How does Filipovic portray people's reaction to war?
They are resilient to war.
Compare and contrast the portrayal of war in Zlata's Diary with The Diary of a Young Girl.
Filipovic's diary entries are more brutal and harsh than Frank's. While Frank writes from captivity, Filipovic writes with bombs exploding around her and killing her friends. Both of them despise war and are confident that war would end. Tragically, only Filipovic saw it end.
a group of people bound by cultural markers such as race, nationality, tribe, religion, language, custom, and/or historical origins?
ethnic group
Where did Zlata live during the Bosnian War?
in the city of Sarajevo
Which phrase describes the author's perspective in Zlata's Diary best?
firsthand observer
Why is Anne Frank determined to believe the best of others?
She refuses to view the world as a cruel place.
What is Amsterdam?
capital of the Netherlands
the capital of Bosnia
How old was Zlata Filipovic when she observed war firsthand?
How does Zlata Filipovic portray the people in her town?
emotionally resilient and powerful
Which statement describes Anne Frank's perspective on war best?
Peace will return once again.
Which phrase describes the author's perspective in writing The Diary of a Young Girl best?
persecuted victim
How does The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank portray German soldiers?
as divided about Hitler and willing to start wars
Who were the aggressors in the war that is discussed in Zlata's Diary?
Bosnian Serbs
ethnic cleansing?
the practice of removing members of an ethnic group from a region by force or intimidation
Why does Zlata Filipovic decide to stop writing about herself in her own diary?
She has seen so much destruction that it has overshadowed her own life.