MT #11

25 July 2022
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The small sac-like structure that stores bile is called:
The ring of muscle that guards the opening between the stomach and the duodenum is called the:
pyloric sphincter; The pyloric sphincter is a ring of muscle that controls the passage of food from the lower part of the stomach, called the pylorus, into the duodenum. Food is allowed to pass into the small intestine only when it is chemically ready and only in small amounts at one time.
The ileum is the:
third portion of the small intestine, approximately 11 feet; The uppermost portion of the stomach is the fundus. The first portion of the small intestine is the duodenum. The second portion of the small intestine is the jejunum.
The soft V-shaped mass that extends from the soft palate is called the:
uvula; The name uvula comes from the Latin for little grape.
The final portion of the colon that is S-shaped and leads to the rectum is called the:
sigmoid colon; As it forms its final S shape leading into the rectum, the large bowel is referred to as the sigmoid colon, after the Greek letter sigma. The ascending colon is the first section of the large intestine that leads away from the cecum. The ascending colon curves to become the transverse colon. The transverse colon is the upper, horizontal segment that passes to the left, toward the spleen. As the colon extends vertically again, it becomes the descending colon.
The medical term referring to the tubular passageway for food that extends from the pharynx to the stomach is:
esophagus; The esophagus is the 10-inch tube that extends from the pharynx (throat) to the stomach. A bolus of food is moved through the esophagus and into the stomach by the tube's rhythmic contraction, which is called peristalsis.
The combining form meaning intestine (usually denoting the small intestine) is:
enter/o; Enter/o means intestine, and it usually denotes the small intestine. Col/o and colon/o mean colon, usually denoting the large intestine. Gastr/o means stomach. Ile/o means ileum. Proct/o means rectum.
The combining form gloss/o means:
tongue; Gloss/o means tongue. Gastr/o means stomach. Or/o and stomat/o mean mouth.
The word part that completes the medical term meaning pertaining to the anus, _________/al, is:
an; To finish building the term meaning pertaining to (-al) the anus, you need the word root an/, which means anus. The combining vowel is not used because the suffix already begins with a vowel.
The word part that completes the medical term meaning pertaining to the peritoneum, ___________/al, is:
peritone; To complete the term meaning pertaining to (-al) the peritoneum, you need the word root that means peritoneum, peritone/. The peritoneum is the serous saclike lining of the abdominal and pelvic cavities.
All of the following combining forms mean abdomen EXCEPT: celi/o abdomin/o cheil/o lapar/o
cheil/o; Cheil/o means lip, not abdomen. It may help you to remember this by associating the ch of cheil/o with chapped lips, but know that the ch sounds are different in cheil/o and chapped.
The large intestine is comprised of the:
cecum, colon, and rectum; The large intestine is the canal that extends from the ileum (the last portion of the small intestine) to the anus (the end of the digestive tract).
When a bolus of food leaves the stomach, it travels through the:
duodenum, jejunum, and then the ileum; In digestion, when a bolus of food leaves the stomach, it first enters the upper section of the small intestine, the duodenum, where it is mixed with bile from the liver and gallbladder and with pancreatic juice from the pancreas. These enzyme-rich secretions break the food down further for its passage into the 8-foot-long jejunum and then into the 11-foot-long ileum, which attaches to the large intestine.
The main function of the large intestine is:
absorption of water and elimination of solid waste; The main function of the large intestine is the absorption of water (after initial absorption in the small intestine) and the passage and elimination of waste products.
The pain on Tina's lower right side leads the Emergency Department team to suspect an inflammation of her ________, the pouch that hangs from her cecum.
vermiform appendix; The appendix, or vermiform appendix, has no function in digestion. The appendix hangs from the cecum, which is where a bolus of food enters the large intestine.
The opening through which food passes into the body:
mouth; The mouth is the opening through which food passes into the body. The tongue and teeth aid chewing, or mastication, by grouping and repositioning the food between the teeth. These movements mix food with saliva to form a compact mass called a bolus and initiate swallowing.
The term peristalsis describes the:
involuntary wavelike movement of food through the digestive tract;
The fingerlike projections lining the walls of the small intestine are called:
villi; Absorption takes place through the villi, tiny fingerlike projections that line the walls of the small intestine. These villi are the part of the digestive system where nutrients are first absorbed for distribution to the rest of the body.
The word part that completes the medical term meaning condition of stones in the common bile duct, _______/o/lith/iasis, is:
choledoch; The condition (-iasis) of stones (lith/) in the common bile duct (choledoch/o) is called choledocholithiasis.
The word part that completes the medical term meaning inflammation of a diverticulum, ____________/itis, is:
diverticul; Inflammation (-itis) of a diverticulum (diverticul/o) is called diverticulitis. You need to supply the word root diverticul/; no combining vowel is needed because the suffix begins with a vowel.
In the medical term rectocele, the word root means:
rectum; To answer this question correctly, you must first be able to identify the word root in the term rectocele, which is rect/, and then remember that it means rectum. A rectocele is a protrusion of the rectum.
In the medical term pancreatitis, the word root means:
pancreas; The word root in the term pancreatitis is pancreat/, which means pancreas. Pancreatitis is inflammation (-itis) of the pancreas.
The medical term that means inflammation of the gallbladder is:
cholecystitis; If you remembered that the word root for the gallbladder is cholecyst/, you can easily build the term for inflammation (-itis) of the gallbladder: cholecystitis. Choledoch/o is the combining form for the common bile duct.
The medical term that means tumor of the liver is:
hepatoma; A hepatoma is a tumor (-oma) of the liver (hepat/o/). Cholangioma is a tumor of the bile duct (cholangi/o). Hepatitis is liver inflammation. Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder.
The meaning of the medical term gastritis is inflammation of the:
stomach; You're pretty familiar with the suffix for inflammation (-itis), so to answer correctly, you need to recall that the word root gastr/ means stomach. Gastritis is stomach inflammation. Stomat/ means mouth. Gingiv/ means gums. Hepat/ means liver.
The medical term that means stone in the salivary gland is:
sialolith; The medical term that means stone (lith/o) in a salivary gland (sial/o) is sialolith. Cholelithiasis is the condition (-iasis) of stones in the gallbladder, or gallstones. Choledocholithiasis is the condition of stones in the common bile duct.
The meaning of the medical term palatitis is inflammation of the:
palate; To answer correctly, you must recall that the word root palat/ means palate. Inflammation of the palate, which is the roof of the mouth, is called palatitis. The combining form for the pancreas is pancreat/o. The combining form for the peritoneum is peritone/o. The combining form for the uvula is uvul/o.
The meaning of the medical term anorexia nervosa is a(n):
psychoneurotic disorder characterized by a prolonged refusal to eat; Anorexia nervosa is a psychoneurotic disorder characterized by a prolonged refusal to eat. It is essential to note that sometimes anorexia alone can be a temporary, natural reaction to intense emotion that self-corrects quickly. Likewise, surgical patients often have trouble recovering their appetite. In both cases, anorexia as a symptom does not carry with it the psychoneurotic aspect of anorexia nervosa.
The medical term that describes the chronic disease of the liver involving gradual destruction of cells, which is most commonly caused by alcoholism or certain types of viral hepatitis, is:
cirrhosis; Cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease that is commonly, though not always, caused by alcoholism or certain types of viral hepatitis. Liver cells are gradually destroyed during the course of the disease. Crohn disease is the chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract.
Patient G's constipation has led to a distention of the veins in the rectal region, a condition known as:
hemorrhoids; Chronic constipation can put pressure on anal veins, causing swollen or distended, twisted veins in the rectal region called hemorrhoids. A hemorrhoid can occur either internally (within the rectum) or externally (outside the anal sphincter).
The medical term intussusception refers to:
telescoping of a segment of the intestine; Intussusception is the telescoping of the intestines. In this condition, one bowel segment collapses into the opening of another segment. Volvulus is a twisting or kinking of the intestine causing intestinal obstruction. The medical term for an obstruction of the intestine, often caused by a failure of peristalsis, is ileus. Obesity refers to excess body fat (not body weight).
A patient is diagnosed with ___, which is a malabsorption syndrome caused by an immune reaction to gluten.
celiac disease; Celiac disease is a malabsorption syndrome caused by an immune reaction to gluten that may damage the lining of the small intestine, preventing absorption. Symptoms can include weight loss, irritable bowel, and lower abdominal pain. Because of the impaired absorption, celiac disease is also associated with steatorrhea and iron deficiency anemia. It is sometimes also called gluten enteropathy.
The medical term meaning inflammation of the colon with the formation of ulcers is: ulcerative colitis peptic ulcer gastric ulcer duodenal ulcer
ulcerative colitis; The question asks for the medical term that refers to inflammation of the colon with the formation of ulcers. Three of the answer choices include the word ulcer, but only one includes the word colitis, which means inflammation of the colon. The term ulcerative describes a special kind of colitis, namely, the type that is associated with the formation of ulcers. Ulcerative colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine that may produce a bleeding ulcer.
The medical term referring to the inability to swallow is:
aphagia; The suffix -phagia means to swallow, and knowing that word part narrows your choices down to aphagia and dysphagia. Aphagia literally means without (a-) swallowing; it refers to the inability to swallow. Dysphagia means difficult (dys-) swallowing.
The medical term referring to frequent discharge of liquid stool is:
diarrhea; For the general condition of abnormal discharge of watery stools, the term is diarrhea (dia- = through; -rrhea = abnormal discharge). Melena is black, tarry stool that contains digested blood. Hematemesis is the vomiting of blood. Peristalsis refers to the involuntary wavelike contractions that propel food along the digestive tract.
The medical term melena refers to:
black, tarry stool that contains digested blood; Melena refers to the black (melan/o) tarry stool that contains digested blood. The frequent discharge of watery stool is called diarrhea. Hematemesis is the vomiting (-emesis) of blood (hemat/o). Ascites is the abnormal collection of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
The meaning of the medical term reflux is:
abnormal backward flow; Reflux is an abnormal backward flow. Esophageal reflux is the term for the flow of the contents of the stomach back into the esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a backward flow of the gastrointestinal contents into the esophagus that gradually breaks down the mucous barrier of the esophagus.
The abbreviation of the medical term referring to the periodic disturbances of bowel function, such as diarrhea and/or constipation, usually associated with abdominal pain is:
IBS; The symptoms described in the question—intermittent bouts of diarrhea and/or constipation, usually associated with abdominal pain—are part of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Another name for either a gastric or duodenal ulcer is:
peptic ulcer; Peptic ulcers may occur in either the duodenum, as a duodenal ulcer, or in the stomach, as a gastric ulcer. Dyspepsia can be a symptom of an ulcer. An ileus is an intestinal obstruction. Polyposis is the abnormal condition of multiple polyps in the mucous membrane of the intestine, usually the colon.
A patient is diagnosed with hemochromatosis, which:
occurs when the body absorbs too much iron from food, creating excess iron deposits throughout the body; A nonalcohol-related cause of cirrhosis of the liver is hemochromatosis, a fairly rare disorder that occurs when the body absorbs too much iron from food, creating excess iron deposits throughout the body.
Patient H is diagnosed with steatohepatitis. By breaking this term down into its word parts, we can conclude that Patient H is suffering from:
inflammation of the liver associated with excess fat; Knowing your word parts makes this pretty quick: an inflammation (-itis) of the liver (hepat/o) would be hepatitis. However, an inflammation of the liver associated specifically with excess fat (steat/o) is steatohepatitis (steat/o + hepat/o + -itis).
Crohn disease, which is a chronic intestinal inflammation that usually occurs in the ileus and colon and forms scar tissue, is sometimes referred to as:
regional ileitis; Chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract that usually affects the ileum and colon is Crohn disease, sometimes called regional ileitis or regional enteritis. The condition is characterized by cobblestone ulcerations and by the formation of scar tissue, which may lead to intestinal obstruction.
An inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth is called:
stomatitis; Build this from familiar word parts: an inflammation (-itis) of the mouth (stomat/o) is stomatitis.
The medical term for the creation of an artificial opening between the stomach and the jejunum is:
gastrojejunostomy; The medical term for the creation of an artificial opening (-stomy) between the stomach (gastr/o) and the jejunum (jenun/o) is gastrojejunostomy.
The surgeon plans to cut certain branches of the patient's vagus nerve in hopes of reducing the amount of gastric acid produced, a procedure called:
vagotomy; Vagotomy is the cutting of certain branches of the vagus nerve to lower the amount of gastric acid that is produced.
A(n) ___ is a series of radiographic films taken of the large intestine after a contrast agent has been administered rectally.
barium enema; The lower GI (gastrointestinal) series, or barium enema, is a series of radiographic films taken of the large intestine after a contrast agent has been administered rectally.
The meaning of the medical term gastrectomy is:
excision of the stomach; A gastrectomy is the total or partial removal (-ectomy) of the stomach (gastr/o). Surgical repair of the stomach is gastroplasty. Surgical repair of the esophagus and stomach is esophagogastroplasty. Gastrostomy is the creation of an artificial opening into the stomach through the abdominal wall for the purpose of feeding a patient who is unable to swallow.
The medical term anoplasty refers to surgical repair of the:
anus; Anoplasty is the surgical repair (-plasty) of the anus (an/o).
The medical term that refers to the suturing of the lip is:
cheilorrhaphy; The surgical procedure of suturing (-rrhaphy) the lip (cheil/o) is cheilorrhaphy.
The meaning of the medical term herniorrhaphy is:
suturing of a hernia; A hernia, which is any protrusion or rupture of an organ through a body wall, can be treated by herniorrhaphy, a suturing of the hernia for repair.
The medical term that refers to an excision of the colon is:
colectomy; The surgical excision (-ectomy) of the colon (col/o) is called a colectomy. A colostomy is an artificial opening into the colon through the abdominal wall, used to facilitate the passage of stool, especially in cases of colon cancer.
The medical term meaning surgical repair of the esophagus and the stomach is:
esophagogastroplasty; Building this term is not too difficult if you've mastered your word parts. The surgical repair (-plasty) of the esophagus (esophag/o) and the stomach (gastr/o) is called esophagogastroplasty.
The meaning of the medical term ileostomy is the creation of an artificial opening:
into the ileum; An ileostomy is the creation of an artificial opening (-stomy) into the ileum (ile/o) to create a passage for stool. This procedure can be used after total proctocolectomy (removal of the colon and rectum) in cases of Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, or cancer.
The medical term meaning surgical repair of the pylorus is:
pyloroplasty; All the answer choices include the word root for pylorus (pylor/), so the question is testing your ability to recall the suffix meaning surgical repair, which is -plasty.
When blood is present in the feces but cannot be detected except through chemical testing, a ___ test may be useful in screening for bowel cancer or polyps.
fecal occult blood; The fecal occult blood test reveals fecal blood that can only be detected by chemical testing (called occult blood). This test is also known as the guaiac test.
The medical term meaning cutting of certain branches of the vagus nerve is:
vagotomy; Cutting certain branches of the vagus nerve is known as a vagotomy. When ulcers recur chronically, a vagotomy may be done to lower the amount of gastric acid that is being produced.
The medical term meaning visual examination of the rectum is:
proctoscopy; You've seen the suffix for visual examination (-scopy) before, so all you need to recall from this module is the combining form for rectum, which is proct/o. Proctoscopy is the visual examination of the rectum by proctoscope. Proctoscopy is also known as rectoscopy.
The instrument used for visual examination of the abdominal cavity is:
laparoscope; The instrument for visual examination (-scope) of the abdominal cavity (lapar/o) is a laparoscope.
In the medical term sigmoidoscopy, the word root means:
sigmoid colon; In the term sigmoidoscopy, the word root is sigmoid/ and it refers to the sigmoid colon. The suffix -scopy denotes the use of a lighted endoscopic instrument for visual examination of the interior of a hollow structure.
In the medical term proctologist, the word root means:
rectum; Analyze the term: proct/o/logist. The word root is proct/ and it means rectum. A proctologist is a medical doctor who studies and treats diseases of the rectum.
The serous sac lining of the abdominal and pelvic cavities is called the:
The second portion of the small intestine, approximately 8 feet in length, is called the:
jejunum; The duodenum is the first portion of the small intestine. The descending and transverse colons are part of the large intestine.
The rectum is the:
final portion of the large intestine extending from the sigmoid colon to the anus; The rectum stores solid waste until it is expelled from the body through the anus.
The uppermost portion of the stomach is called the:
The medical term referring to the sphincter muscle at the end of the alimentary canal is:
anus; The anus is the terminal end of the alimentary canal. The anus is a sphincter muscle. Sphincter refers to a ring-like band of muscle fibers that constrict a passage or close a natural opening in the body. The pyloric sphincter is a ring of muscle that controls the passage of food from the lower part of the stomach (the pylorus), into the duodenum.
The function of the liver is to:
produce bile; The liver produces bile. Bile is stored in the gallbladder. The salivary glands produce saliva, and the pancreas secretes insulin.
Word part analysis indicates that the term stomatitis refers to an inflammation of the:
mouth; Build this term from familiar word parts: an inflammation (-itis) of the mouth (stomat/o) is stomatitis.
The combining form meaning lip is:
cheil/o; Cheil/o means lip. Celi/o means abdomen. Gloss/o means tongue. Chol/e means gall, bile.
The combining form sial/o means:
saliva; Sial/o means saliva. Uvul/o means uvula. Chol/e meansgall, bile. Choledoch/o means common bile duct.
The word part that completes the medical term meaning pertaining to the mouth, _________/al, is:
or; To finish building the term meaning pertaining to (-al) the mouth, you need the word root or/, which means mouth. The combining vowel is not used because the suffix already begins with a vowel. The combining form stomat/o also means mouth, but the combining forms are not interchangeable.
The word part that completes the medical term meaning surgical repair of the pylorus, ___________/o/plasty, is:Villi are best described as:
pylor; Surgical repair (-plasty) of the pylorus (pylor/o) is calledpyloroplasty. The question supplies the suffix and combining vowel, so you need to identify the word root forpylorus, which is pylor/.
Villi are best described as:
fingerlike projections lining the walls of the small intestine; Absorption takes place through the villi, tiny fingerlike projections that line the walls of the small intestine. These villi are the part of the digestive system where nutrients are first absorbed for distribution to the rest of the body.
The expulsion of solid waste from the body takes place through the:
anus; The anus is the sphincter muscle at the end of the digestive tract that expels solid waste (feces) that has been stored in the rectum.
Patient C undergoes an ileostomy, which is the creation of an artificial opening:
into the ileum to allow the passage of stool; An ileostomy is the creation of an artificial opening (-stomy) into the ileum (ile/o) to create a passage for stool. This procedure can be used after total proctocolectomy (removal of the colon and rectum) in cases of Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, or cancer.