Mental, Emotional, And Stress-Related Problems - Mental Health Disorders

5 September 2022
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Compare and contrast conduct disorders with personality disorders.
Conduct disorders are most often specific to kids and teens. This type of disorder leads to aggressive, violent, and destructive behaviors. Those diagnosed with a conduct disorder often have low self-esteem and little guilt or remorse for their behavior. On the other hand, personality disorders can occur in all ages. People with this disorder chronically have a difficult time in their relationships, are usually inflexible, and have difficulty adapting to change.
Major contributing causes of mental health disorders are environmental conditions and situations.
Compare and contrast the roles of a psychologist with a psychiatrist.
Psychiatrists obtain a medical degree and are able to prescribe medications to clients, while psychologists are not. Both a psychologist and a psychiatrist treat clients with mental illnesses. They often work together when treating a patient and focus on providing strategies to make the client's life more manageable.
The most common type of mental disorder is mood disorder.
Describe how moving to a new location and beginning a new job may be difficult for someone diagnosed with a personality disorder.
Someone diagnosed with a personality disorder has difficulty coping with or adapting to situations involving change. They also have difficulty establishing relationships with others. Therefore, someone with a personality disorder would have trouble moving to a new location and beginning a new job because both of these involve dealing with people and changing current circumstances.
According to the lecture, all of the following are examples of environmental factors that influence mental health disorders EXCEPT:
B. brain damage
Explain the three major causes that contribute to mental health disorders.
The exact causes of mental disorders are not fully understood, but the main causes are physical, psychological, and environmental factors. Physical factors are abnormalities in the body that occur due to physical damage. Brain damage, exposure to toxins, prenatal damage, poor nutrition, and genetic factors are just some of the examples of physical damage that can cause mental illness. Psychological issues are feelings or emotional stressers in life such as feelings of anxiety or loneliness. Environmental conditions that influence mental illness are unmanageable changes such as death or divorce, social and cultural expectations, and substance abuse.
Give an example of how a clinical psychologist might treat someone diagnosed with a mood disorder.
A clinical psychologist may suggest that someone with a mood disorder set up an appointment with a psychiatrist to get medication to stabilize or assist with mood swings. The psychologist might also teach the client different strategies for handling stressful situations and/or techniques to stabilize mood issues.
Which of the following statements BEST describes paranoid schizophrenia?
C. includes having illusions and hallucinations