Impact Of The Industrial Age

26 August 2022
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4) Belgium
Which country was the first to industrialize on the continent of Europe? 1) Germany 2) Britain 3) Italy 4) Belgium
1) He gave women a chance to earn a living.
How did Francis Cabot Lowell begin to transform the role of women in the United States? 1) He gave women a chance to earn a living. 2) He raised women's pay in the textile industry. 3) He refused to allow women to work under dangerous conditions. 4) He improved women's work conditions by shortening their hours.
2) British workers secretly brought in textile machinery plans.
How did industrialization spread to the continent of Europe? 1) The United States shared its expertise in exchange for resources. 2) British workers secretly brought in textile machinery plans. 3) Britain shared its secrets to get support from allies. 4) Germany shared its plans for how to build railroads.
4) more leisure time.
Industrialization gave workers shorter working hours and time off on weekends, which allowed for 1) more jobs per person. 2) lower salaries. 3) fewer sick days. 4) more leisure time.
2) Pasteur's discovery that disease is spread by bacteria.
An important development or discovery in science and medicine due to industrialization was 1) Salk's development of a vaccine that could prevent polio. 2) Pasteur's discovery that disease is spread by bacteria. 3) Curie's development of the process of pasteurization. 4) Jenner's discovery of a medium for growing and identifying bacteria
3) popular culture began to grow.
At the end of the 1800s, the direct effect of more leisure time was that 1) boredom enveloped the culture. 2) there was an increase in crime. 3) popular culture began to grow. 4) people took second jobs.
2) romanticism.
The artistic movement that emerged as a result of industrialization was 1) impressionism. 2) romanticism. 3) realism. 4) cubism.
1) massive forests 3) rich mineral resources 4) fertile land
What advantages did the US have that made it ripe for rapid industrialization? Check all that apply. 1) massive forests 2) access to two oceans 3) rich mineral resources 4) fertile land 5) railroads
2) creating the largest, most powerful companies the world had seen
What is Andrew Carnegie most well known for? 1) mechanizing every stage of textile production 2) creating the largest, most powerful companies the world had seen 3) founding one of the world's first modern research laboratories 4) patenting more than one thousand inventions
4) constructed vast networks of railroads.
After Germany's unification in 1871, industrialization accelerated and 1) surpassed the US becoming first in steel production. 2) industrialization continued mainly in the west. 3) workers for industrial jobs were difficult to find. 4) constructed vast networks of railroads.