Hist 101 Ch.10

30 August 2022
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Which of the following statements about Martin Van Buren is true? a. He emphasized sectionalism over party loyalty. b. By 1832, he had established the political machinery of the Whig Party. c. He wanted to see competition between political parties. d. In the 1820s, he wanted politicians to focus more on ending slavery. e. Based on his strong intellectualism, he promoted the idea of a national university.
c. He wanted to see competition between political parties
In regard to foreign policy, what did John Quincy Adams envision for the United States? a. The United States would need to go to war to gain Canada. b. With Mexico, the United States should not be interested in gaining territory this far South. c. The United States should focus only on gaining Caribbean islands. d. The United States would eventually control all of North America. e. The United States would return land to Indian tribes west of the Mississippi River.
d. The United States would eventually control all of North America.
Jackson adhered to what philosophy during the nullification crisis? a. Protective tariffs were not necessary. b. States should have the final say. c. The national government was supreme. d. The Supreme Court knew best about the Native Americans. e. Slavery was morally wrong.
c. The national government was supreme.
Who wrote Exposition and Protest and emerged by the early 1830s as the most prominent spokesman for the right of nullification? a. John C. Calhoun. b. John Quincy Adams. c. Daniel Webster. d. Andrew Jackson. e. Henry Clay.
a. John C. Calhoun.
The party battles of the Jacksonian era reflected the clash between public and private definitions of American freedom and their relationship to government power. (T/F)
Whigs wanted the government involved in the following activity: a. Regulating corporations. b. Promoting a rigid class society. c. Banning prostitution. d. Restricting promotion of alcohol production. e. Subsidizing land for poor farmers.
a. Regulating corporations.
Why was a second Missouri Compromise necessary? Selected Answer: a. Maine's state constitution allowed slavery to continue until 1840. b. Missouri's state constitution prohibited wage labor. c. Henry Clay refused to vote for the first Missouri Compromise. d. Missouri's state constitution barred free blacks from entering the state. e. Texas wished to enter the Union as a slave state at the same time.
d. Missouri's state constitution barred free blacks from entering the state.
How are Andrew Jackson and George Washington most similar? a. Both were popular army generals, which helped them get elected to the presidency. b. Both had similar policies in regard to Native Americans. c. Jackson did not like to use the veto power as much as Washington did. d. Washington favored states' rights more than Jackson. e. Both had a strong mistrust of banks.
a. Both were popular army generals, which helped them get elected to the presidency.
How does the Bank War demonstrate that Andrew Jackson enhanced the power of the presidency? a. He became the first president ever to veto a bill passed by Congress. b. He identified himself as the symbolic representative of all the people with his veto message that appealed directly to the public. c. Because Jackson forced the Bank to issue more paper money to end a depression, Americans increasingly looked to the White House for economic leadership. d. Because Jackson's actions led to an economic decline, he did not enhance the power of the presidency. e. By removing federal funds from the Bank even after Congress overrode his veto, he showed strong leadership.
b. He identified himself as the symbolic representative of all the people with his veto message that appealed directly to the public.
What significant issue did the Missouri Compromise aim to resolve? a. Giving land to Native Americans. b. Slaves being treated as property. c. The extension of slavery. d. The abolition of slavery. e. The protective tariff.
c. The extension of slavery.
The nullification crisis: a. attracted support from Whigs like Daniel Webster, who saw it as an opportunity to embarrass and annoy Jackson. b. involved the fears of some slaveholders that the federal government might take action against slavery. c. was based on southern concerns that tariffs were preventing the South from industrializing as fast as the North. d. brought Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun closer together politically. e. largely concerned the opposition of southwestern planters to federally financed internal improvements.
b. involved the fears of some slaveholders that the federal government might take action against slavery.
In the wake of the War of 1812, younger Republicans like Henry Clay and John Calhoun: a. threw their support to Andrew Jackson because they realized that their plans were too grandiose to win popular support without a hero as their standard-bearer. b. continued to support agrarianism but believed that the nation's economic independence required a manufacturing sector. c. decided that Jeffersonianism was hopelessly out of date when President James Madison opposed their efforts, and they decided to form their own political party. d. believed in the need for national economic development but thought that the federal government should stay out of it and let the states do it. e. demanded that the United States scale back its international involvement and depend exclusively on agriculture for its prosperity.
b. continued to support agrarianism but believed that the nation's economic independence required a manufacturing sector.
Since President Madison believed that a constitutional amendment was necessary for the government to build roads and canals, the Twelfth Amendment was passed by Congress and ratified in 1816 (T/F)
John Tyler's presidency proved very popular with Whigs. (T/F)
The Independent Treasury completely separated the federal government from the nation's banking system. (T/F)
The nullification crisis ended: a. with the Supreme Court's opinion in Hamilton v. Jackson. b. with Daniel Webster's powerful pro-nullification speech to the Senate. c. with a compromise tariff. d. with North Carolina's threat to secede in 1832. e. in the so-called Dorr War.
c. with a compromise tariff.
Women enjoyed an expansion of democracy for themselves during the 1830s and 1840s, as they were welcomed into the public sphere. (T/F)
Who argued in a famous debate with South Carolina's Robert Hayne that the people, not the states, created the Constitution? a. Daniel Webster. b. Henry Clay. c. Martin Van Buren. d. John Quincy Adams. e. John C. Calhoun.
a. Daniel Webster.
A primary reason that both women and blacks were largely excluded from the expansion of democracy was: a. that both groups were largely illiterate, and literacy was a necessary skill for political participation. b. that they were not citizens, so they could not vote. c. the argument that, since they did not have the vote in England, they ought not to have the vote in America. d. that both groups were viewed as being naturally incapable and thus unfit for suffrage. e. that members of neither group had asked to be included in politics.
d. that both groups were viewed as being naturally incapable and thus unfit for suffrage.
Both Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams suggested that the Missouri controversy of 1820-1821: a. should have been solved by adoption of the Tallmadge Amendment. b. was not as dangerous as President Monroe made it out to be. c. resulted from overly ambitious proslavery politicians seeking to score political points. d. demonstrated the wisdom of the founding fathers in adopting the three-fifths clause. e. revealed a sectional divide that potentially threatened the Union.
e. revealed a sectional divide that potentially threatened the Union.
The French writer Alexis de Tocqueville identified democracy as an essential attribute of American freedom. (T/F)
What triggered the Panic of 1837? a. Martin Van Buren's victory in the election of 1836. b. The removal of Native Americans from the Southeast. c. The Seminole War. d. Jackson's war on the national bank. e. The protective tariff.
d. Jackson's war on the national bank.
The Panic of 1837: a. led to a relatively mild economic downturn that resolved itself by 1839. b. can only be blamed on Andrew Jackson's veto of the bill to recharter the Second Bank of the United States. c. helped farmers, because the cost of transporting goods to markets fell. d. inspired a more vigorous labor movement in the decade that followed. e. was caused, in part, by a decline in British demand for American cotton.
e. was caused, in part, by a decline in British demand for American cotton.
"Hard money" in the 1830s referred to: a. gold and silver, also called "specie." b. money backed by government guarantees. c. any money issued by a bank. d. wages paid to manual laborers. e. highly inflated currency after the Panic of 1837.
a. gold and silver, also called "specie."
What was a general belief of the Democrats in the 1830s? a. Restraining individual competition was a good thing. b. Government should exercise its power to try to improve private morality. c. Only government could protect against social inequality. d. New corporate enterprises were suspicious. e. The federal government should be more powerful than state governments.
d. New corporate enterprises were suspicious.
Supporters of nullification claimed that the federal government was overstepping its rights and infringing on states' rights. (T/F)
The term "Era of Good Feelings" refers to the period of American history when: a. Americans united across party lines to declare war on Great Britain in the War of 1812. b. slavery was gradually abolished in all the states. c. there seemed to be political harmony during the Monroe administration. d. Democrats and Whigs cooperated to solve the nation's financial crisis. e. the Federalist Party was at its strongest.
c. there seemed to be political harmony during the Monroe administration.
The practice of giving a political office to someone based on party loyalty is called: a. the spoils system. b. nepotism. c. paternalism. d. a meritocracy. e. the party system.
a. the spoils system.
The controversy over Peggy Eaton: a. led to her divorce from her husband, the secretary of war. b. aided Andrew Jackson in winning the presidency in 1828. c. helped to enhance Martin Van Buren's influence during the Jackson administration. d. began when Andrew Jackson accused her of improper sexual advances. e. ended when Floride Calhoun came to Eaton's defense.
c. helped to enhance Martin Van Buren's influence during the Jackson administration.
Which of the following assessments of Jackson's opposition to the Bank of the United States is true? a. Jackson was motivated by a Hamiltonian philosophy, but acted in a Jeffersonian way. b. Jackson went against his own party's wishes. c. Jackson believed he was doing what George Washington would have done if he had been president in the 1830s. d. Jackson was motivated by a Jeffersonian philosophy but acted in a Hamiltonian way. y.e. Jackson's motivations showed no concern for the American people.
d. Jackson was motivated by a Jeffersonian philosophy but acted in a Hamiltonian way.
In the presidential election of 1824, who received the most votes but failed to win a majority of either the popular or electoral votes (requiring the House of Representatives to select a president)? a. Andrew Jackson. b. Nicholas Biddle. c. John Quincy Adams. d. Henry Clay. e. James Monroe.
a. Andrew Jackson.
In the early to mid-nineteenth century, property qualifications for voting: a. died out entirely, allowing all whites to vote in every state. b. continued in Virginia because large slaveholders dominated the state's politics. c. disappeared because of the Voting Rights Act championed by President Andrew Jackson. d. were more popular in newer states than in the original thirteen. e. survived in all of the slave states but in none of the free states.
b. continued in Virginia because large slaveholders dominated the state's politics.