F-451 Part 3 Discussion Questions

25 July 2022
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What is the significance of title of Part Three?
The significance of the title of part three is that Montag's house is going to be be burned down so the flames will make the house burn brightly. Montag's house is going to be burned down because someone called the firemen and turned him in.
What is Mildred's main concern as she runs out of the house?
Mildred's main concern as she is running out of the house is a "poor family" which is something that she constantly talked about. The only thing she cared about was her wall televisions.
What feelings does Montag have about burning his house?
Montag was happy at the fact that his house was burning down. It made him feel good to watch the house that he had lived in as a lie was now being burnt down.
While Montag was in flight from the scene of Beatty's murder, what thought occurred to him about Beatty?
During the scene of Beatty's murder, Montag realized that Beatty actually wanted to die.
What is the explanation which Montag and Faber arrived at for how so very much could have happened within a week?
Montag stated that everything had been building up and saving up before this week but everything was let out in a week.
What are Montag's impressions of land across the river?
When Montag see the land across the river, he says that it was a place of his world and he saw regulations that represented freedom.
When Montag complained about being unable to remember Mildred, what explanation did Granger give?
He said that human interaction is important and that you should live everyday as if it is your life so you can make an impact on someone's life.
What was Granger's philosophy of life, taught to him by his grandfather, and handed on to Montag?
Granger compares people to Phoneix's. Phoneix's are people who rise up from the ashes again when they are burnt.
Describe the effects of the war as Montag imagined them.
Montag imagines dead bodies falling from the sky. Also, Montag imagines watching Mildred from a window of a hotel struggle to escape when the bomb drops. He believe's that Mildred's "family" will continue to talk as if nothing had happened.
What is the promise at the end of the novel?
The promise at the end of the novel is a new era of mankind. There is a hope that everyone will rise from the ashes.
What happens at the barn and railroad?
Montag runs away and ends up at the barn and he is overwhelmed from everything that has happened. Then he realizes that he is safe now and he calms down. Next he is led by Faber to a railroad where he meets Granger who is a scholar. Granger talks about books with Montag.