Evolve: Endocrine

25 July 2022
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A client newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes is taught to exercise on a regular basis. What is the primary reason for instruction on exercise?
To improve the cellular uptake of glucose Exercise increases the metabolic rate, and glucose is needed for cellular metabolism; therefore, excess glucose is consumed during exercise. Regular vigorous exercise increases cell sensitivity to insulin. Glucagon action raises blood glucose but does not affect cell uptake or use of glucose. Cellular requirements for glucose increase with exercise.
Which drug can cause diabetes insipidus?
Demeclocycline Prolonged administration of demeclocycline may cause diabetes insipidus, as this drug decreases the production of antidiuretic hormone by the kidneys. Cabergoline inhibits the release of growth hormone and prolactin by stimulating dopamine receptors in the brain. Metyrapone and aminoglutethimide decrease cortisol production.
In order to ensure a quality specimen and an accurate test result, which instruction should the nurse give a client who is scheduled to undergo urine endocrine testing?
Store the urine specimen in a cooler with ice The urine specimen that is collected for endocrine testing should be stored in a cooler with ice to prevent bacterial growth in the specimen. The nurse should instruct the client to start the urine collection after emptying the bladder. The client should be instructed not to store the urine specimen in a home refrigerator with other food and drinks as it could lead to cross-contamination. The client should be instructed to refrain from saving the urine specimen that begins the collection because the timing for urine collection starts from after the initial voiding specimen.
Which procedure is preferred to find out the composition of a thyroid nodule and ascertain the need for further surgical intervention in a client?
Needle biopsy Needle biopsy is an ambulatory surgical procedure. A fine needle is used to aspirate the contents of thyroid nodules to study the composition and ascertain the need for further surgical interventions. Mass spectrometry is an assay in which several different hormone concentrations can be simultaneously analyzed. Computed tomography scans are useful for evaluation of ovaries, adrenal glands, and the pancreas. The average blood glucose level over 2 to 3 months is revealed by a glycosylated hemoglobin test.
What other name can the nurse use for vasopressin?
Antidiuretic Hormone Antidiuretic hormone is also called vasopressin. Growth hormone can be called somatotropin. Luteinizing hormone is a gonadotropin. Thyroid-stimulating hormone can be called thyrotropin.
Which hormones are secreted by the posterior pituitary gland? Select all that apply.
Oxytocin Antidiuretic Hormone Oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) [1] [2] are secreted by the posterior pituitary gland. Prolactin, corticotropin, and melanocyte-stimulating hormones are secreted by the anterior pituitary gland.
The laboratory report of a client reveals increased serum cholesterol levels. Which other finding indicates growth hormone deficiency in the client?
Pathological fractures Growth hormone deficiency results in thinning of bones and increases the risk for pathological fractures. Thyrotropin deficiency results in scalp alopecia and intolerance to cold. Marked increase in the volume of urine output is a sign of diabetes insipidus caused by vasopressin deficiency.
Which hormone secretion does the nurse state is an example of a positive feedback mechanism?
Estradiol Estradiol secretion pattern is an example of a positive feedback mechanism. Insulin secretion pattern is an example of a negative feedback mechanism. The relationship between calcium and parathormone is also an example of a negative feedback mechanism. Catecholamines secretion is controlled by the nervous system. It is secreted by the sympathetic nervous system.
A client presents with chief complaints of unexplained weight gain and back pain from a compression fracture of the vertebrae. On assessment, there is truncal obesity with excessively thin extremities, a moon-shaped face, a buffalo hump, thin hair, and adult acne. The symptoms described are suggestive of what disease?
Cushing's Syndrome Common symptoms of Cushing disease are weight gain, truncal obesity, buffalo hump, and moon face because of deposits of adipose tissue. The condition is caused by excess cortisol secretion caused by hypersecretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Other characteristics are diabetes mellitus, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, ecchymosis, and slow healing of wounds. Addison disease is adrenal insufficiency. Symptoms of Addison disease include hypotension, dehydration, hypoglycemia, and hyperpigmentation of the skin. Multiple sclerosis is a progressive disease involving destruction of the myelin sheath, leading to nerve damage. Kaposi sarcoma is a cancer associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
A client has undergone nasal hypophysectomy surgery. During post-operative care, which finding indicates cerebrospinal leakage?
Yellow edge around nasal discharge Nasal hypophysectomy is a surgical procedure performed to treat hyperpituitarism due to pituitary gland tumors. During postoperative care and follow-up, the appearance of light-yellow at the edge of otherwise clear nasal discharge in the dressing indicates leakage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This is called the "halo sign" and is indicative of a CSF leak. Dry mouth after nasal hypophysectomy is normal because the client breathes through the mouth due to the nasal packing. Neck rigidity could be an indication of infection, such as meningitis following the surgery. A fall in blood pressure upon standing is called orthostatic hypotension and is a side effect of bromocriptine.
A client, visiting the health center, reports feeling nervous, irritable, and extremely tired. The client says to the nurse, "Although I eat a lot of food, I have frequent bouts of diarrhea and am losing weight." The nurse observes a fine hand tremor, an exaggerated reaction to external stimuli, and a wide-eyed expression. What laboratory tests may be prescribed to determine the cause of these signs and symptoms?
T3, T4, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) T3, T4, and TSH provide a measure of thyroid hormone production; an increase is associated with the client's signs and symptoms. PT and PTT assess blood coagulation. The VDRL test is for syphilis; the CBC assesses the hematopoietic system. ACTH stimulates the synthesis and secretion of adrenal cortical hormones. ADH increases water reabsorption by the kidney. CRF triggers the release of ACTH.
Which feature in the client indicates hypersecretion of adrenocorticotrophic hormone?
Moon face Hypersecretion of adrenocorticotrophic hormone results in Cushing's disease, which is characterized by "moon face" appearance, an abnormal distribution of fat in the face. Protrusion of the lower jaw is a feature of acromegaly, caused by excess secretion of growth hormone. Heat intolerance is seen in clients with excess secretion of thyrotropin. In acromegaly, the client presents with "barrel-shaped" chest appearance
Which statement does the nurse know is true regarding a grade 2 goiter?
usually asymmetrical In a grade 2 goiter, the mass is usually asymmetrical and is easily palpable. The goiter is invisible or impalpable in grade 0. The goiter mass moves up while swallowing and is palpable in grade 1. The goiter mass is invisible in grade 1 while the neck is in a normal position.
Which drug would be effective for the treatment of pituitary Cushing's syndrome?
Cyproheptadine Cyproheptadine is effective for the treatment of pituitary Cushing's syndrome. Mitotane is prescribed for the treatment of adrenal Cushing's syndrome. Cabergoline and bromocriptine mesylate are effective for the treatment of hyperpituitarism.
Which adverse effect can be seen in a female client with gonadotropin deficiency and undergoing hormone replacement therapy?
Thrombosis A female client with gonadotropin deficiency is treated by replacement therapy of combined hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone. The side effect of this therapy is the increased risk of thrombosis or formation of blood clots in deep veins. Hypertension is a side effect of estrogen-progesterone therapy. Dehydration and increased thirst could indicate vasopressin deficiency. Test-Taking Tip: Make certain that the answer you select is reasonable and obtainable under ordinary circumstances and that the action can be carried out in the given situation.
Which side effect should the nurse monitor for when administering androgen therapy?
Androgen therapy may cause baldness, gynecomastia, and acne. Headaches, gastric irritation, and orthostatic hypotension are associated with bromocriptine, which is used to treat hyperpituitarism.
A nurse is assessing a client with Cushing syndrome. Which signs should the nurse expect the client to exhibit? Select all that apply.
Hirsutism is caused by excess adrenocortical activity associated with Cushing syndrome. A moon face results from an accumulation of adipose tissue associated with hypercortisolism. A buffalo hump results from an accumulation of adipose tissue associated with hypercortisolism. Pitting edema does not occur, except with concurrent severe heart failure. Hypercortisolism increases gluconeogenesis, causing hyperglycemia, not hypoglycemia.
When assessing the laboratory values of a client with type 2 diabetes, what would the nurse expect the results to reveal?
Urine negative for ketones and glucose in the blood The reason for the lack of ketonuria in type 2 diabetes is unknown. One theory is that extremely high hyperglycemia and hyperosmolarity levels block the formation of ketones, stimulating lipogenesis rather than lipolysis. Ketones in the blood but not in the urine do not occur with type 2 diabetes. Glucose in the urine but not in the blood is impossible; if glycosuria is present, there must first be a level of glucose in the blood exceeding the renal threshold of 160 to 180 mg/dL (8.9 to 10 mmol/L). Urine and blood positive for glucose and ketones are expected in type 1 diabetes.
Which hormones does the nurse state are released by the hypothalamus? Select all that apply.
Melanocyte-inhibiting hormone (MIH) Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)
Which hormone is released from the pancreas?
Somatostatin Somatostatin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that inhibits the release of insulin and glucagon. Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the posterior pituitary gland that acts on the uterus and mammary glands. Prolactin is a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland that targets the ovaries and mammary glands in women and testes in men. Calcitonin is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland that interacts with bone tissue.
A client reports their lips feel thicker, as well as joint pain and coarse facial features. What should the nurse suspect as the cause of the anterior pituitary hyperfunction?
excessive secretion of growth hormone Thickened lips, joint pain, and coarse facial features are the symptoms of acromegaly which is caused by pituitary gland hyperfunction leading to excessive secretion of growth hormone. Prolactin hormone hypersecretion can cause hypogonadism, which is loss of sexual characteristics. Thyroid-stimulating hormone hypersecretion can result in increases in both plasma thyroid-stimulating hormone and thyroid hormone levels. Adrenocorticotropic hormone hypersecretion can cause Cushing's disease characterized by increased plasma cortisol levels.
A nurse is caring for a client newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. When the primary healthcare provider tries to regulate this client's insulin regimen, the client experiences episodes of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, and 15 g of a simple sugar is prescribed. What is the reason this is administered when a client experiences hypoglycemia?
Increases blood glucose levels A simple sugar provides glucose to the blood for rapid action. It does not inhibit glycogenesis. It does not stimulate the release of insulin. It does not stimulate the storage of glucose.
What are the primary causes of adrenal insufficiency? Select all that apply.
Hemorrhage Tuberculosis AIDS
Which clinical manifestation is found in a client with a deficiency of adrenocorticotropic hormone?
Malaise and lethargy Malaise is a general feeling of discomfort or illness and lethargy is a lack of energy. A client with deficiency of adrenocorticotropic hormone may experience malaise and lethargy. Adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency is not associated with anovulation, dehydration, and menstrual abnormalities. Anovulation (ovaries do not release an oocyte during the menstrual cycle) occurs due to deficiency of gonadotropins. Dehydration is a result of deficiency of antidiuretic hormone. The deficiency of thyroid-stimulating hormone may result in menstrual abnormalities.
Which hormone does the nurse state binds to the receptor site on the surface of a target cell?
Adrenaline Water-soluble hormones have receptors on the surface of a target cell. Adrenaline is a water-soluble hormone. Lipid-soluble hormones have receptors inside the target cell. Estrogen, aldosterone, and hydrocortisone are lipid-soluble hormones.
Which hormone synthesis does the nurse state is inhibited by hypokalemia?
Aldosterone Hypokalemia inhibits synthesis of aldosterone hormone. Somatostatin inhibits the synthesis of insulin. Norepinephrine also inhibits the synthesis of insulin. Androstenedione secretion may not be inhibited by hypokalemia.
Which gland secretes melatonin?
The pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin, which regulates the circadian rhythm and reproductive system at the onset of puberty. The thyroid gland secretes thyroid hormones. The adrenal gland secretes androgens, corticosteroids, and catecholamines. The thyroid gland secretes the hormone calcitonin.
A nurse is caring for a client who has just returned from the postanesthesia care unit after having a thyroidectomy. Which action has priority during the first 24 hours after surgery when the nurse is concerned about thyroid storm?
Checking vital signs every two hours after they stabilize Checking vital signs helps detect complications such as thyrotoxic crisis, hemorrhage, and respiratory obstruction that may occur early in the postoperative period. Range-of-motion exercises should not begin until two to four days postoperatively because they can disrupt the suture line. A humidifier can contribute to the spread of bacteria and infection and is contraindicated. Hoarseness and voice weakness usually are temporary and not life threatening; the priority is to observe for thyroid storm, hemorrhage, and respiratory obstruction.
Which gland does the nurse state is an exocrine gland?
salivary gland Exocrine glands are glands with ducts that produce enzymes but not hormones. These glands secrete enzymes into ducts. The salivary gland secreting saliva is an example of an exocrine gland. Endocrine glands are ductless glands that produce hormones that are secreted into the blood. Thyroid, pituitary, and parathyroid glands are examples of endocrine glands.
A client is admitted with a head injury. The nurse identifies that the client's urinary catheter is draining large amounts of clear, colorless urine. What does the nurse identify as the most likely cause?
Inadequate antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion Deficient ADH from the posterior pituitary results in diabetes insipidus. This can be caused by head trauma; water is not conserved by the body, and excess amounts of urine are produced. Although increased serum glucose may cause polyuria, it is associated with diabetes mellitus, not diabetes insipidus. Ineffective renal perfusion will cause decreased urine production. While excess amounts of IV fluids may cause dilute urine, it is unlikely that a client with head trauma will be receiving excess fluid because of the danger of increased intracranial pressure.
Which hormone does the nurse state is formed from cholesterol?
Cortisol All lipid-soluble hormones are synthesized from cholesterol. Cortisol, a lipid-soluble hormone, is secreted by the adrenal cortex. All water-soluble hormones are formed from amino acids. Insulin, prolactin, and growth hormone are water-soluble hormones. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas. Prolactin and growth hormone are also secreted by the pituitary gland.
Four hours after surgery, the blood glucose level of a client who has type 1 diabetes is elevated. What intervention should the nurse implement?
Give supplemental doses of regular insulin The blood glucose level needs to be reduced; regular insulin begins to act in 30 to 60 minutes. The client has type 1, not type 2, diabetes, and an oral hypoglycemic will not be effective. Blood glucose levels are far more accurate than urine glucose levels. The rate may be increased because polyuria often accompanies hyperglycemia. STUDY TIP: Enhance your organizational skills by developing a checklist and creating ways to improve your ability to retain information, such as using index cards with essential data, which are easy to carry and review whenever you have a spare moment.
What are the neurologic manifestations of hyperthyroidism? Select all that apply.
blurred vision exophthalmos Blurred vision and exophthalmos are the neurological manifestations of hyperthyroidism. Fatigue is the metabolic manifestation of hyperthyroidism. Diaphoresis, or excessive sweating, is the skin manifestation of hyperthyroidism. Shallow respirations are the cardiopulmonary manifestation of hyperthyroidism.
When preparing a client for discharge after a thyroidectomy, the nurse teaches the signs of hypothyroidism. When teaching when to call the primary healthcare provider, what statement made by the client shows that teaching was effective?
"I should call the primary healthcare provider for dry hair and an intolerance to cold." Dry, sparse hair and cold intolerance are characteristic responses to low serum thyroxine. Muscle cramping is associated with hypocalcemia. Low thyroxine levels reduce the metabolic rate, resulting in fatigue, but do not increase the pulse rate. Low thyroxine levels reduce the metabolic rate, resulting in weight gain and bradycardia, not tachycardia.
A client who has had a subtotal thyroidectomy does not understand how hypothyroidism can develop when the problem was initially hyperthyroidism. On what fact should the nurse base her response?
There may not be enough thyroid tissue to supply adequate thyroid hormone After a subtotal thyroidectomy the thyroxine output may be inadequate to maintain an appropriate metabolic rate. Hypothyroidism is a decrease in thyroid functioning, not a slowing of the entire body's functions. In hypothyroidism the level of TSH from the pituitary usually is increased. Atrophy of the remaining thyroid tissue does not occur.
A nurse is reviewing several charts. Which condition is an autoimmune disorder?
Hashimoto's Disease Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune disorder, wherein the immune system attacks the thyroid gland. Addison's disease is caused by adrenal insufficiency. Cushing's syndrome is caused by increased body levels of cortisol. Sheehan's syndrome is hemorrhage-associated hypopituitarism after delivery of a child.
Which condition is characterized by hemorrhage after a pregnant female delivers?
Sheehan's syndrome A pituitary infarction is caused by postpartum hemorrhaging; this condition is known as Sheehan's syndrome. Cushing's syndrome is manifested by moon face, truncal obesity, and hypertension. Addison's disease is manifested by hyperkalemia, hypotension, and hypoglycemia. Schwartz-Bartter syndrome, also called syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, is manifested by loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.
Which term should the nurse use in a report to describe the absence of menstrual periods in a 35-year-old non-pregnant client?
Amenorrhea The absence of menstrual periods in a non-pregnant client less than 55 years old is called amenorrhea. Rhinorrhea is an allergic state that is manifested by a runny nose. Menopause is cessation of menstruation after 55 years of age. Dyspareunia is pain during sexual intercourse.
What intervention should the nurse implement when caring for a client 24 hours postthyroidectomy?
Check the back and sides of the operative site Bleeding may occur, and blood will pool in the back of the neck because the blood will flow via gravity. ROM exercises will increase pain and put tension on the suture line. Talking should be avoided in the immediate postoperative period, except to assess for a change in pitch or tone, which may indicate laryngeal nerve damage. Activity should be resumed gradually and frequent rest periods encouraged. Test-Taking Tip: On a test day, eat a normal meal before going to school. If the test is late in the morning, take a high-powered snack with you to eat 20 minutes before the examination. The brain works best when it has the glucose necessary for cellular function.
Which condition results in elevated serum adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and urine cortisol levels?
pituitary cushing's syndrome In pituitary Cushing's syndrome, urine cortisol and serum adrenocorticotropic hormone levels are raised. Diabetes insipidus is the result of decreased levels of antidiuretic hormone and is not associated with cortisol and ACTH levels. Adrenal Cushing's syndrome is caused by chronic steroid use, so the client will have increased urine cortisol and decreased ACTH levels. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone is the result of elevated levels of antidiuretic hormone and is not related with the ACTH and cortisol levels. Test-Taking Tip: You have at least a 25% chance of selecting the correct response in multiple-choice items. If you are uncertain about a question, eliminate the choices that you believe are wrong and then call on your knowledge, skills, and abilities to choose from the remaining responses.
The nurse provides a list of appropriate food choices to a client with newly diagnosed diabetes. The client reviews the list and says, "I do not like and refuse to eat asparagus, broccoli, and mushrooms." In response, the nurse teaches the client about the food exchange list. The nurse evaluates that teaching was effective when the client states, "Instead of asparagus, broccoli, and mushrooms, I will eat which foods?"
String beans, beets, or carrots String beans, beets, and carrots are in the vegetable exchange, as are asparagus, broccoli, and mushrooms. Corn, lima beans, dried peas, baked beans, potatoes, or parsnips are starchy vegetables and are listed as bread exchanges. Corn muffins, corn chips, or pretzels are from the bread exchange list.
A client is being discharged after having a total thyroidectomy. Which instruction is most important for the nurse to include?
Take thyroid replacement medications as prescribed. Long-term thyroid replacement is prescribed after surgery to replace the thyroid's natural function. Although teaching signs and symptoms of dehydration is a health promotion strategy, it is not the priority. Clients should not be encouraged to avoid all over-the-counter medications, but they should be instructed to discuss contraindications with their primary healthcare provider or pharmacy. Low blood glucose is not attributed to this procedure.
What assessment is the nurse's main priority during the early postoperative period after a subtotal thyroidectomy?
airway obstruction Maintaining airway patency is always the priority to permit gas exchange necessary to maintain life. Although important, hemorrhage, thyrotoxic crisis, and hypocalcemic tetany do not exceed patency of the airway in priority.
A nurse observes that a client's urine has a sweet fruity odor. Which information is most important to evaluate when performing a further client assessment?
serum glucose level Sweet fruity-smelling urine is an indicator of ketoacidosis, which can result from uncontrolled diabetes. Hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia are assessed by serum glucose monitoring. Vital signs, fluid imbalance, and dietary counts have no relation to sweet fruity-smelling urine.
Which does the nurse state is a secondary cause of adrenal insufficiency?
Pituitary tumors Adrenal insufficiency is also called Addison's disease. Secondary causes of adrenal insufficiency include pituitary tumors. Primary causes, which are responsible for adrenal insufficiency, include hemorrhage, tuberculosis, and metastatic cancer.
A client has a history of hypothyroidism. Which skin condition should the nurse expect when performing a physical assessment?
Dry Dry skin is caused by decreased function of sebaceous glands; a paucity of thyroid hormones T3 and T4, which control the basal metabolic rate, can alter the function of almost every body system. The skin will not be flushed; the client will appear pale. Moist, smooth skin occurs with hyperfunction of the thyroid and an increase in the basal metabolic rate.
The clinical findings of a client with diabetes mellitus show decreased glucose tolerance. Which complication is anticipated in the client?
frequent yeast infections Decreased glucose tolerance may cause frequent yeast infections, but it is not associated with the risk of cystitis, thin and dry skin, and decreased bone density. The risk of cystitis, thin and dry skin, and decreased bone density are due to decreased ovarian production of estrogen. Test-Taking Tip: Identify option components as correct or incorrect. This may help you identify a wrong answer.
A client is admitted with a diagnosis of chronic adrenal insufficiency. Which roommate should be avoided when assigning a room for this client?
a young adult with pneumonia Circulatory collapse can be caused by exposure to an infection, cold, or overexertion of a client with chronic adrenocortical insufficiency (Addison disease). Roommates with a fractured leg, a brain attack, or cholecystitis are appropriate room assignments because they do not have communicable infections.
A nurse teaches a client with type 2 diabetes how to provide self-care to prevent infections of the feet. Which statement made by the client shows that teaching was effective?
"I should control my blood glucose with diet, exercise, and medication." Controlling the diabetes decreases the risk of infection; this is the best prevention. Oil or lotion that is not completely absorbed may provide a warm, moist environment for bacterial growth. Coexisting neuropathy may result in injury from heat application. Protein, carbohydrates, and fats must be in an appropriate balance; high carbohydrate intake can provide too many calories.
While obtaining the client's health history, which factor does the nurse identify that predisposes the client to type 2 diabetes?
Being 20 pounds overweight Excessive body weight is a known predisposing factor to type 2 diabetes; the exact relationship is unknown. Diabetes insipidus is caused by too little antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and has no relationship to type 2 diabetes. High-cholesterol diets and atherosclerotic heart disease are associated with type 2 diabetes. Alcohol intake is not known to predispose a person to type 2 diabetes.
What is the most probable cause for Conn's syndrome in an adult client?
Adrenal adenoma Conn's syndrome is primary hyperaldosteronism. Excessive secretion of aldosterone by the adrenal glands due to an adrenal adenoma results in Conn's syndrome. Certain types of hyperaldosteronism that are diagnosed in childhood have genetic causes. High levels of angiotensin II that are stimulated by high levels of plasma rennin are a cause for secondary hyperaldosteronism.
Which clinical manifestation is seen in a male client due to deficiency of gonadotropin?
Decreased fertility Deficiency of gonadotropin in males results in clinical manifestation of infertility due to impotence. There is loss of muscle mass and bone density due to gonadotropin deficiency. Clients with diabetes insipidus have decreased urine specific gravity, usually less than 1.005.
Which organ has only beta1-receptors?
Heart The heart has only beta1 receptors, which increase heart rate and contractility. The liver has only alpha receptors. The bladder and pancreas have both alpha and beta receptors.
A nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes who has developed diabetic coma. Which element excessively accumulates in the blood to precipitate the signs and symptoms associated with this condition?
Ketones as a result of rapid fat breakdown, causing acidosis Ketones are produced when fat is broken down for energy. Although rarely used, sodium bicarbonate may be administered to correct the acid-base imbalance resulting from ketoacidosis; acidosis is caused by excess acid, not excess base bicarbonate. Diabetes does not interfere with removal of nitrogenous wastes. Carbohydrate metabolism is impaired in the client with diabetes. STUDY TIP: Begin studying by setting goals. Make sure they are realistic. A goal of scoring 100% on all exams is not realistic, but scoring an 85% may be a better goal.
Which hormone regulates blood levels of calcium?
parathormone Parathyroid hormone (PTH), or parathormone, regulates the blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates the production of sex hormones, promotes the growth of reproductive organs, and also stimulates reproductive processes. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates the release of thyroid hormones and the growth and functioning of the thyroid gland. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) promotes the growth of the adrenal cortex and stimulates the release of corticosteroids.