Employment And Education

18 October 2022
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This graph compares consumer expenditures in three American cities from 2007 to 2010. The best inference that can be made based on the graph is that: workers in Houston are more likely to have jobs with high growth rates. workers in New York may face a cost of living that will exceed their salaries. jobs in San Francisco may have higher salaries to offset the cost of living. jobs in Cleveland tend to pay based on an hourly wage instead of a salary.
Jobs in San Francisco may have higher salaries to offset the cost of living.
Work-study is a program that includes: working at an outside job to help pay for school. taking a school job to help pay for an education. agreeing to serve in the military for financial aid. participating in a service program to receive aid.
Taking a school job to help pay for an education.
At an educational institution, the cost of room and board includes: housing and meals. health and dental care. textbooks and supplies. tuition and class fees.
Housing and meals
A ______ is an occupation or profession that requires special training or education.
Which statement best explains a grant? A grant is federal money awarded to a student. A grant is aid given to a student by an institution. A grant is money borrowed by a student to pay for an education. A grant is the price of attending classes at a school.
A grant is federal money awarded to a student.
How is a student loan different from a scholarship? A student loan must be paid back, but a scholarship is not paid back. A scholarship must be paid back, but a student loan is not paid back. A student loan is a form of financial aid, but a scholarship is not. A scholarship is a form of financial aid, but a student loan is not.
A student loan must be paid back, but a scholarship is not paid back.
This graph compares the cost of an education at different institutions in Texas. This graph demonstrates that: private universities can cost three times as much to attend as public universities. public universities can cost three times as much to attend as private universities. community colleges can cost five times as much to attend as technical schools. technical schools can cost five times as much to attend as community colleges.
Private universities can cost three times as much to attend as public universities.
Which statements correctly describe the FAFSA? Check all that apply. It can only be completed in person or through the mail. It requires students to provide their financial information. It gives students access to money from the government. It helps determine whether a student needs financial aid. It helps predict how much a student will make in the future.
It requires students to provide their financial information. It gives students access to money from the government. It helps determine whether a student needs financial aid.
Which statement best defines tuition? Tuition is federal money awarded to a student. Tuition is aid given to a student by an institution. Tuition is money borrowed to pay for an education. Tuition is the price of attending classes at a school.
Tuition is the price of attending classes at a school.
This graph shows student loan debt in the United States from 1994 to 2009. What trend does the graph demonstrate? Student loan debt will most likely decrease in the coming years. Students have taken out higher and higher loans since 1994. Enrollment for higher education will soon begin to decrease. Tuition for higher education has risen steadily since 1994.
Students have taken our higher and higher loans since 1994.