Dos Palabras Questions

25 July 2022
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Isabel Allende
Explanation: itarianismAuthoritarianism is a form of government in which an individual or group exercises control over the lives of others, typically through force or coercion. Authoritarian regimes are often characterized by their rigid adherence to rules and regulations, their lack of transparency, and their intolerance of dissent.While there is no single blueprint for an authoritarian regime, they often share certain features, such as a single leader or party that controls the government, a state-sponsored media that disseminates propaganda, and a secret police force that suppresses dissent. Authoritarianism can take many different forms, from the absolute rule of a dictator to the more subtle control exerted by a ruling party. Authoritarianism is often seen as a reaction to political instability or a perceived threat to the status quo. In times of crisis, people may be more willing to trade their civil liberties for the promise of security. This can lead to the rise of populist leaders who exploit fears and appeal to people's worst instincts.Authoritarianism is not just a political phenomenon; it can also be found in families, workplaces, and other social institutions. An authoritarian parent or boss, for example, may demand unquestioning obedience and punish those who disobey.While authoritarianism can have negative consequences, such as the repression of civil liberties, it can also bring about stability and order. In some cases, it may be the only way to prevent chaos and violence.
Chilena pero nacío en Peru
Explanation: Nationality is the legal relationship between a person and a nation. A person's nationality indicates their country of legal residence. Nationality also gives a person the right to live and work in their country of citizenship, to vote, to hold public office, and to receive government protection.
¿Cuáles dificultades tuvo Belisa Crepusculario cuando era niña?
Vino al mundo y creció en la región más inhóspita
¿Por qué decidió Belisa salir de su pueblo? ¿Cómo era el viaje?
A ver si en el viaje lograba burlar a la muerte después sus hermanos murieron. El viaje fue difícil.
¿Cómo reaccionó Belisa cuando encontró el periódico por primera vez?
La repuesta dejó atónita a la muchacha.
Además de vender palabras, ¿cuáles otras opciones de empleo tenía Belisa?
Prostituirse o emplearse como sirvienta en las cocinas de los ricos
Explanation: Belisa had a few other options for employment besides selling words. She could have worked in a factory, or she could have been a maid. However, she chose to sell words because she felt that it was a more honest way of making a living.
¿Cómo aprendió a leer?
Le pagó viente pesos a un cura para que le enseñara a leer y escribir.
¿Qué quería el Coronel? ¿Por qué lo quería?
Él quería un discurso porque quería ser presidente.
¿Qué reputaciones tenían el coronel y el mulato?
La gente les teme.
¿Por qué tenía miedo el mulato de belisa?
Porque su lengua. Él creyó ella dice hechizos.
¿Cómo se sentía la gente mientras escuchaba al discurso del coronel?
El discurso del coronel hizo que la gente contento.
¿Cómo se sentía el Mulato hacía Belisa?
Él tiene miedo de ella.
Explanation: The Mulato felt very strongly towards Belisa. He was very protective of her and felt very close to her. He always wanted to be near her and to help her in any way he could.
¿Qué quería el Mulato que hiciera el coronel a belisa?
Él quería el coronel devolver sus palabras a Belisa.
Explanation: The Mulato wanted the Colonel to make Belisa his mistress.
¿Cuáles earn las "2 palabras?"
Los dos palabras son "te amo" porque le tomó la mano.
Explanation: There is no one definitive answer to this question. It could depend on the context in which it is asked, and what the person asking is looking for. Some possible interpretations could be:-What are the two most important words in the Spanish language?-What are the two most common words in the Spanish language?-What are the two words that best describe the Spanish language?
¿Cómo cambio el coronel?
Él ya no es malo.
Explanation: The colonel is a high-ranking military officer, typically in charge of a regiment or brigade. Como cambio el coronel?" can be translated to "How does the colonel change?" or "What changes does the colonel make?""