Chapter 5 ( Inquizitve) Civil Rights

14 March 2023
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Imagine two government actions. The first is a Supreme Court ruling that the government cannot prevent someone from sending out pamphlets protesting a war. The second is a government agency that reviews complaints about racial and gender discrimination by employers. The first example deals primarily with_______, while the second is more about______.
civil liberties, civil rights
true or false: A majority of College students today are women
In the 1960s the federal government focused on____ but in the 1970s , after the introduction of affirmative action policies, the government focused on_____
desegregation, integration
Which amendment provides the most substantial grounding for modern civil rights legislation?
What encouraged more legal action regarding the education of women?
The Supreme Court ruled that gender discrimination could result in monetary damages.
At the end of 1800s, the Supreme Court ruled that American-born Chinese children _____. During World War II, the Court ruled that internment of Japanese American was
were entitled to full citizenship, constitutional. In one of the darker moments in American history, the court ruled Japanese internment camps constitutional on the grounds of military necessity.
How did each of the following amendments contribute to the expansion of civil rights?
thirteenth amendment- ended slavery/ abolished slavery fourteenth amendment- extended equal protection under the law to all Americans fifteenth amendment- allowed black men to vote twenty-fourth amendment- eliminated the poll tax
Put these major moments from civil rights history in chronological order. Plessy v. Ferguson The civil rights Act and the Voting rights act Brown v. Board of Education The equal protection clause
The equal protection clause is added to the U.S. Constitution Plessy v. Ferguson is decided by the Supreme Court. Browns v. Board of Education is decided by the Supreme Court. The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act are passed in back-to-back years.
How have affirmative action policies evolved over time?
President Johnson compels the federal civil service to hire minorities. The federal government makes affirmative action a priority. The Supreme Court said affirmative action policies must survive strict scrutinity.
Drag the statement on the left to the group on the right that agrees most with it. Quotas are valid and accepted in several parts of American life The Constitution is color blind Rights are fundamentally individual Discrimination must be attacked at the group level
conservatives- rights are fundamentally individual The Constitution is Color Blind liberals- Discrimination must be attacked at the group level Quotas are valid and accepted in several parts of American life.
What has caused the Supreme Court to weaken affirmative action laws?
The Court decided that affirmative action policies must survive strict scrutiny. Some affirmative action policies violated the Fourteenth Amendment.
The Equal Rights Amendment was added to the Constitution in 1972
False. While it passed Congress in 1972 and quickly gained the support of many states, it failed to be ratified by enough states to be added to the Constitution.
In 2004, the Supreme Court ruled on two different University of Michigan cases related to affirmative action. They ruled that race as one of a number of consideration was -----. They also ruled that giving minority applicants a bonus 10 points on the application scoring system was -----.
constitutional, unconstitutional.
Match the law or court case on the left with the effect that it had on women's civil rights on the right. Title VIII of the 1964 Civil Rights act Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Franklin v. Gwinnet County Public Schools Equal Pay Act 1963
Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act- made it easier for employees to sue in cases of wage discrimination Franklin v. Gwinnett County Public Schools- allowed monetary damages for Title IX violations Equal Pay Act of 1963- made wage discrimination illegal Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights act- established sexual harassment as a form of sex discrimination
Use the following table to complete the statements about the Voting Rights Act. The gap between white and black voting rates was the smallest in - before the Voting Rights Act. The act had the biggest impact in closing the gap in -, where the gap closed by more than 50 percentage points. The act had the smallest impact on black voter registration rates in -.
Virginia, Mississippi, North Carolina
Which of the following statements about Native American civil rights are correct?
Native Americans have successfully used the courts to win reparations from the federal government The Supreme Court ruled that Native Americans are not subject to state laws prohibiting gambling.
Study the graph below regarding the occurrences of demonstrations during the civil rights era. Which of the following statements about the relationship between the timing of an event during this era and its effect on demonstrations does the graph support?
The formation of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in 1960 led to a wave of new protests The Civil Rights Act of 1964 addressed many concerns related to public accommodations.
How did each of the following contribute to the expansion of civil rights in the United States? Fair Housing Act Tittle VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Brown v. Board of Education Fourteenth Amendment
Brown v. Board of Education- Ended the era of "separate but equal" schools Fair Housing Act- allowed the government to initiate legal actions in cases of housing discrimination Fourteenth Amendment- guaranteed equal protection under the law Tittle VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - outlawed job discrimination based on gender.
How have the following Supreme Court decisions influenced how affirmative action policies are evaluated? Lawrence v. Texas (2003) Grutter v. Bollinger (2003) Adarand Constructors v. Peña (1995) Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978)
The Court ruled that all affirmative action policies were unconstitutional.- none Adarand Constructors V. Pena -The Court ruled that affirmative action policies must survive strict scrutiny.- Regents of the University of California v. Bakke- The Court ruled that quotas for minority students were unconstitutional. Grutter v. Bollinger -The Court ruled that in this case, affirmative action policies served a compelling state interest.
Place these legal standards in order from the toughest to the most permissive.
Strict scrutiny, intermediate scrutiny, rational basis
What contributed to the expansion of civil rights for African Americans after World War II?
Congress made it illegal for southern states to force African Americans to use separate public facilities. NAACP lawyers won several important court cases. The President's Commission on Civil Rights suggested that Congress try to pass civil rights legislation.
What services and protections does the United States allow for unauthorized immigrants?
Access to education Access to medical care
Which of the following helped black Americans secure voting rights?
Fifteenth Amendment Voting Rights Act of 1965 Twenty-Fourth Amendment
Name the group of policies and programs that seek to redress past injustices against specific groups by making special efforts to provide those groups with educational and employment opportunities
Affirmative Action
Drag the description on the left to the term that it describes on the right. personal freedoms protects you from discrimination restricts what the government can do to you rooted in the equal protection clause
Civil liberties- Personal freedoms restricts what the government can do to you Civil rights- Protects you from discrimination rooted in the equal protection clause
What challenges did African Americans face after Brown v. Board of Education?
De facto school segregation continued in the North and South. Housing remained racially segregated. African Americans still could not vote in many southern states.
How did Dred Scott v. Sanford influence civil rights in the United States
The decision did not expand civil rights
Which level of scrutiny must affirmative action policies now meet?
Strict Scrutinity
Which decade saw an explosion in the number of social movements fighting for their rights? For the 1820's enter 1820, for the 1940's enter 1940, etc.
Americans' civil rights are grounded in which clause in the Constitution?
Equal Protection Clause
Choose all of the moments that relate to gay and lesbian civil rights.
The repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" The Supreme Court strikes down DOMA Lawrence v. Texas
The Supreme Court considers diversity in education a "compelling state interest."
True This was first voiced by Justice Powell in Bakke and then reaffirmed by five justices in Grutter.
Put the following events from the history of Latino civil rights in chronological order, from earliest to most recent. Mendez v. Westminster Cesar Chavez hunger strikes League of United Latin American Citizens founded
League of United Latin American Citizens founded Mendez v. Westminster Cesar Chavez hunger strikes
In which of the following areas women have made the greatest gains in equality with men over the past fifty years.
higher education
When did most civil rights social movements start?
Which of the following tactics did the NAACP use most frequently in the first half of the twentieth century?