Chapter 26 Homework

6 September 2022
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A) intracellular fluid (ICF) compartment The intracellular fluid (ICF) compartment holds 40% of the body's water, making it the largest of the three compartments.
In which compartment of the body is the majority of water stored? A) intracellular fluid (ICF) compartment B) plasma C) interstitial fluid (IF) D) extracellular fluid (ECF) compartment
A) Na+
What is the most common cation found in the interstitial fluid? A) Na+ B) HPO42- C) K+ D) Cl-
A) K+
What is the most abundant intracellular cation? A) K+ B) HPO42- C) Cl- D) Na+
A) intracellular fluid Intracellular fluid makes up about 40% of the body weight and comprises over half of the fluid in the body.
The majority of the fluid in the body is the __________. A) intracellular fluid B) interstitial fluid C) plasma D) electrolytic fluid
C) plasma
The fluid link between the external and internal environment is ________. A) intracellular fluid B) interstitial fluid C) plasma D) cerebrospinal fluid
D) is regulated by osmotic and hydrostatic forces
The movement of water between body fluid compartments ________. A) requires active transport B) requires ATP for the transport to take place C) always involves filtration D) is regulated by osmotic and hydrostatic forces
D) 2250 milliliters
In a typical day, what amount of water is taken by mouth? A) 250 milliliters B) 750 milliliters C) 1500 milliliters D) 2250 milliliters
D) An increase in fluid taken by mouth would reduce the amount produced by metabolism. The water produced by metabolism is a by-product of energy processing. This amount is not dependent on the amount of water taken by mouth.
Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding water intake and output by the body? A) An irritation to the colon that leads to diarrhea would increase the proportion of water lost through feces. B) The proportion of fluid lost by the body as sweat would increase during exercise. C) An increase in the amount of beverages taken by mouth would increase the urine output. D) An increase in fluid taken by mouth would reduce the amount produced by metabolism.
D) detection of increased osmolality by osmoreceptors An increase in blood pressure would lead to a drop in the hormones and responses that would in turn trigger the thirst mechanism.
Which of the following is NOT involved in triggering the thirst mechanism? A) dry mouth B) decrease in blood volume C) increase in blood pressure D) detection of increased osmolality by osmoreceptors
C) urine Urine typically accounts for 60% of water lost. This amount is regulated in the nephrons of the kidney.
What accounts for the route through which most fluid is lost in a day? A) insensible loss through skin and lungs B) sweat C) urine D) feces
B) in the hypothalamus
Where are signs of change in osmolality, stomach stretch, and thirst monitored? A) in the stomach and intestines B) in the hypothalamus C) in the adrenal glands D) in the kidneys
D) antidiuretic hormone (ADH) High osmolality in extracellular tissue causes ADH to be released. This allows the kidneys to reabsorb more water, which brings the osmolality down to normal values.
What hormone helps to maintain correct extracellular fluid (ECF) osmolality when concentrations become too high? A) parathyroid hormone (PTH) B) angiotensin II C) aldosterone D) antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
D) hypoproteinemia Low protein levels in the blood, which can be caused by conditions such as liver failure, will lower its osmolality, resulting in fluid loss from the plasma to the extracellular fluid.
Which of the following conditions promotes edema? A) diabetes mellitus B) hyponatremia C) hemorrhage D) hypoproteinemia
D) edema
Which of the following would NOT be expected to occur as a result of dehydration? A) reduced urine flow B) hypovolemic shock C) shrinkage of body cells D) edema
D) increase water reabsorption
The role of ADH is to __________. A) lower blood pressure B) decrease water reabsorption C) produce dilute urine D) increase water reabsorption
D) sodium ions
The body's water volume is closely tied to the level of which of the following ions? A) potassium ions B) calcium ions C) hydrogen ions D) sodium ions
B) a rise in plasma osmolality
One of the major physiological factors that triggers thirst is ________. A) becoming overly agitated B) a rise in plasma osmolality C) a dry mouth from high temperatures D) drinking caffeinated beverages
A) thirst
What is the driving force for water intake? A) thirst B) aldosterone C) glucose concentration D) ADH
C) aldosterone
Which of the following hormones is important in the regulation of sodium ion concentrations in the extracellular fluid? A) erythropoietin B) antidiuretic hormone C) aldosterone D) renin
C) reduce blood pressure and blood volume by inhibiting sodium and water retention
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a hormone that is made in the atria of the heart. The influence of this hormone is to ________. A) enhance atrial contractions B) activate the renin-angiotensin mechanism C) reduce blood pressure and blood volume by inhibiting sodium and water retention D) prevent pH changes caused by organic acids
C) bicarbonate buffer system
Which chemical buffer system resists pH changes in the extracellular fluid (ECF)? A) phosphate buffer system B) physiological buffering systems C) bicarbonate buffer system D) protein buffer system
C) bicarbonate buffer system Bicarbonate is the form that CO2 is transported in the blood stream. Using carbonic anhydrase to shift between bicarbonate and carbonic acid, the pH of the blood stream can be quickly regulated.
What is the primary buffer in the plasma? A) phosphate buffer system B) sodium-potassium buffer system C) bicarbonate buffer system D) protein buffer system
C) a drop in blood pH An increase in CO2 results in the formation of more carbonic acid, which leads to an increase in acidity, or a drop in pH.
An increase in blood CO2 levels leads to __________. A) a decrease in carbonic acid B) a decreased respiratory rate C) a drop in blood pH D) an increase in blood pH
B) diet
Which of the following is NOT a method for regulating the hydrogen ion concentration in blood? A) respiratory changes B) diet C) renal mechanisms D) chemical buffers
A) the control of respiratory ventilation
The maintenance of the proper pH of the body fluids may be the result of ________. A) the control of respiratory ventilation B) control of the acids produced in the stomach C) the operation of the various buffer systems in the stomach D) the active secretion of OH- into the filtrate by the kidney tubule cells
C) pH: 7.33; PCO2: 30 mmHg; HCO3-: 20 mEq/L The pH indicates acidosis, but the PCO2 is low. The cause is not likely to be respiratory acidosis. The HCO3- concentration indicates that the cause here would be metabolic acidosis.
Which of the following blood workups would most likely demonstrate metabolic acidosis? A) pH: 7.50; PCO2: 50 mmHg; HCO3-: 30 mEq/L B) pH: 7.33; PCO2: 50 mmHg; HCO3-: 30 mEq/L C) pH: 7.33; PCO2: 30 mmHg; HCO3-: 20 mEq/L D) pH: 7.55; PCO2: 30 mmHg; HCO3-: 20 mEq/L
E) The pH and bicarbonate levels and the history of alcoholism indicate metabolic acidosis. The patient will go into a coma and death soon follows.
A patient is admitted to the hospital in complete collapse. His blood pH is 6.8, and his HCO3- is 20 mEq/L. A medical history reveals that this patient is a chronic alcoholic. What diagnosis would you give, and what prognosis? A) The pH and bicarbonate levels and the history of alcoholism indicate respiratory alkalosis. The patient will require dialysis to remove the bicarbonate ions. B) The pH and bicarbonate levels and the history of alcoholism indicate respiratory acidosis. The patient will require dialysis to remove the bicarbonate ions. C) The pH and bicarbonate levels and the history of alcoholism indicate respiratory acidosis. The patient will go into a coma and death soon follows. D) The pH and bicarbonate levels and the history of alcoholism indicate metabolic alkalosis. The patient will require dialysis to remove the bicarbonate ions. E) The pH and bicarbonate levels and the history of alcoholism indicate metabolic acidosis. The patient will go into a coma and death soon follows.
B) The nurse instructed the patient to breathe slower and deeper, and to breathe into a paper bag. This will increase the patient's blood level of carbon dioxide by eliminating less carbon dioxide from the lungs, and by breathing in the expired air which has a higher concentration of carbon dioxide. As a result, the blood pH will decrease.
A patient's anxiety caused her to develop respiratory alkalosis. What breathing technique did the nurse recommend, and why? A) The nurse instructed the patient to breathe faster and deeper. This will increase the patient's blood levels of carbon dioxide by eliminating less carbon dioxide from the lungs, resulting in a decrease in the blood pH. B) The nurse instructed the patient to breathe slower and deeper, and to breathe into a paper bag. This will increase the patient's blood level of carbon dioxide by eliminating less carbon dioxide from the lungs, and by breathing in the expired air which has a higher concentration of carbon dioxide. As a result, the blood pH will decrease. C) The nurse instructed the patient to breathe faster and deeper. This will decrease the patient's blood levels of carbon dioxide by eliminating more carbon dioxide from the lungs, resulting in a decrease in the blood pH. D) The nurse instructed the patient to breathe more shallowly. This will decrease the patient's blood levels of carbon dioxide by eliminating more carbon dioxide from the lungs, resulting in a decrease in the blood pH.
B) a person's breathing is shallow due to obstruction
Respiratory acidosis can occur when ________. A) a runner has completed a very long marathon B) a person's breathing is shallow due to obstruction C) a person consumes excessive amounts of antacids D) the kidneys secrete hydrogen ions
A) kidneys retain bicarbonate ions
In a car accident, Jane suffered a chest injury that resulted in impaired breathing and respiratory acidosis. How will her body compensate for this imbalance? A) kidneys retain bicarbonate ions B) kidneys eliminate bicarbonate ions C) kidneys eliminate carbon dioxide D) kidneys retain hydrogen ions
C) respiratory acidosis
A falling blood pH and a rising partial pressure of carbon dioxide due to pneumonia or emphysema indicates ________. A) metabolic acidosis B) metabolic alkalosis C) respiratory acidosis D) respiratory alkalosis
A) metabolic acidosis
Blood analysis indicates a low pH, and the patient is breathing rapidly. Given your knowledge of acid-base balance, which of the following is most likely? A) metabolic acidosis B) respiratory acidosis C) respiratory alkalosis D) metabolic alkalosis
C) metabolic alkalosis
A patient is breathing slowly and blood pH analysis indicates an abnormally high value. What is the likely diagnosis? A) metabolic acidosis B) respiratory acidosis C) metabolic alkalosis D) respiratory alkalosis
C) respiratory alkalosis
Nancy is experiencing an acute panic attack. While hyperventilating, she remembers to open a paper bag and breathe into it. What is Nancy trying to prevent? A) respiratory acidosis B) metabolic alkalosis C) respiratory alkalosis D) metabolic acidosis
A) increased respiratory rate and depth
An illness causes Doug to experience severe diarrhea and an accompanying loss of bicarbonate-rich secretions. How can this metabolic acidosis be compensated? A) increased respiratory rate and depth B) enhanced sodium ion loss in urine C) increased renin secretion D) hypoventilation
A) respiratory acidosis Respiratory acidosis occurs during periods of hypoventilation. This allows CO2 to build up in the lungs, lowering blood pH and increasing PCO2.
Which acid-base imbalance would be caused by overaccumulation of CO2 in the blood? A) respiratory acidosis B) respiratory alkalosis C) metabolic alkalosis D) metabolic acidosis
B) There will be a temporary increase in blood volume.
Annie has just eaten a large order of heavily salted french fries, some pickled eggs, and some cheese. How will consuming this much salt affect her physiology? A) There will be a shift in the pH of her body fluids to the higher side of the pH scale B) There will be a temporary increase in blood volume. C) She will experience hypotension. D) It will cause a prolonged increase in the osmolality of the blood.
B) increased extracellular fluid water levels
Which of the following is NOT a trigger for juxtaglomerular granular cells to release renin? A) decreased stretch of the granular cells of the afferent arterioles B) increased extracellular fluid water levels C) sympathetic stimulation D) decreased filtrate NaCl concentration