Chapter 21

25 July 2022
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1. Water balance and electrolyte balance are interdependent because A. water dissolves in electrolytes. B. water and electrolytes are both in an ionic state in the blood. C. both form ions in blood. D. electrolytes are dissolved in water. E. none of the above.
D. electrolytes are dissolved in water.
2. Transcellular fluid includes the water and electrolytes in the A. cerebrospinal fluid. B. aqueous and vitreous humors of the eyes. C. synovial fluid of the joints. D. serous fluid in body cavities. E. all of the above.
E. all of the above.
3. Compared to the average adult male, the average adult female has A. more water and more adipose tissue. B. more water and less adipose tissue. C. less water and more adipose tissue. D. less water and less adipose tissue. E. the same amount of water and adipose tissue.
C. less water and more adipose tissue.
4. Extracellular fluids have relatively A. high sodium and low potassium concentrations. B. high sodium and high potassium concentrations. C. low sodium and low potassium concentrations. D. low sodium and high potassium concentrations. E. higher concentrations of potassium, magnesium, phosphate, and sulfate ions.
A. high sodium and low potassium concentrations.
5. Intracellular fluids have high concentrations of A. chloride and potassium. B. sodium and phosphate. C. potassium and phosphate. D. sodium and chloride. E. bicarbonate.
C. potassium and phosphate.
6. The movement of water and electrolytes between fluid compartments is regulated primarily by A. diffusion and osmosis. B. hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure. C. pinocytosis and phagocytosis. D. active and passive transport. E. diet and weather.
B. hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure.
7. Which of the following most closely represents the percentage of water by weight in an adult male? A. 35% B. 45% C. 55% D. 65% E. It depends on how much he has recently drunk.
D. 65%
8. Which is the largest compartment of extracellular water? A. Plasma B. Lymph C. Interstitial fluid D. Transcellular fluid E. Cell membrane fluid
C. Interstitial fluid
9. The ratio of intracellular to extracellular fluids in the body of an average male is A. 1:2 B. 2:1 C. 1:1 D. 3:2 E. 2:3
B. 2:1
10. Which of the following body compartments is correctly matched with its location in the body? A. intracellular-all fluids outside cells B. extracellular-fluid in tissue spaces, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels C. extracellular-fluid in cells D. transcellular-between the lipid layers of cell membranes E. none of the above
B. extracellular-fluid in tissue spaces, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels
11. The thirst center is located in the A. thalamus. B. hypothalamus. C. midbrain. D. medulla oblongata. E. kidneys.
B. hypothalamus.
12. Marielle is very thirsty following her tennis game. She drinks for a few minutes, then stops. The stimulus to stop drinking comes from A. distension of her stomach. B. hormones secreted by stomach cells. C. changes in intracellular fluid concentration. D. changes in extracellular fluid concentration. E. a signal from her brainstem.
A. distension of her stomach
13. A person usually drinks about ____ milliliters a day. A. 500 B. 1,000 C. 1,500 D. 2,000 E. 2,500
C. 1,500
14. Water of metabolism is A. water that a person drinks after exercising. B. water that is in food. C. a by-product of the oxidative metabolism of nutrients. D. only present in adults. E. from eating moist foods.
C. a by-product of the oxidative metabolism of nutrients.
15. The thirst center in the hypothalamus is stimulated by _____ of the extracellular fluid, and is inhibited by _____. A. an increase in the osmotic pressure; distension of the stomach by water B. a decrease in the osmotic pressure; stimulation of osmoreceptors C. a decrease in sodium ions; an increase in sodium ions D. nerve impulses from the cerebrum; nerve impulses from the thalamus E. none of the above.
A. an increase in the osmotic pressure; distension of the stomach by water
16. ADH level in nephrons regulates water output by causing the _____. A. glomerulus and proximal convoluted tubule to filter less or more water B. glomerular capsule and nephron loop to absorb more or less water C. distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct to reabsorb more or less water D. distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct to reabsorb more or less sodium ions E. peritubular capillaries to carry more or less blood.
C. distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct to reabsorb more or less water
17. Thirst is triggered when total body water decreases by as little as A. 1%. B. 10%. C. 25%. D. 58% E. 75%.
A. 1%.
18. A person in a moderate environment would lose the greatest volume of water in A. sweat. B. mucus. C. feces. D. urine. E. blood.
D. urine.
19. If excess water enters the body, A. ADH release increases. B. more water is reabsorbed from the renal tubules. C. osmoreceptors in the brain swell. D. the collecting duct becomes more permeable to water. E. the person becomes intensely thirsty.
C. osmoreceptors in the brain swell.
20. The hormone aldosterone promotes the A. reabsorption of sodium. B. secretion of sodium. C. reabsorption of potassium. D. secretion of calcium. E. excretion of sodium.
A. reabsorption of sodium.
21. The primary stimulus for the secretion of aldosterone is A. rising potassium concentration. B. falling potassium concentration. C. rising sodium concentration. D. falling sodium concentration. E. taking in too much water
A. rising potassium concentration.
22. When sodium ions are reabsorbed in response to the action of aldosterone, potassium ions are A. actively reabsorbed. B. passively reabsorbed. C. secreted. D. resorbed. E. destroyed.
C. secreted.
23. Which of the following would be most helpful in treating hypocalcemia? A. Removing the parathyroid glands B. Administering high doses of vitamin D and calcium salts C. Stimulating calcium excretion by the kidneys D. Avoiding foods that are high in calcium E. Not using tanning booths
B. Administering high doses of vitamin D and calcium salts
24. Which of the following metabolic processes releases hydrogen ions to body fluids? A. Anaerobic respiration of glucose B. Aerobic respiration of glucose C. Incomplete oxidation of fatty acids D. Oxidation of sulfur-containing amino acids E. All of the above
E. All of the above
25. Acid-base buffer systems minimize pH changes by A. converting weak acids to strong acids. B. converting strong acids to weak acids. C. increasing breathing rate. D. promoting the excretion of hydrogen ions. E. ensuring that the number of acid molecules equals the number of base molecules.
B. converting strong acids to weak acids.
26. Maxwell has just finished a brutal 10 kilometer run. His body has A. an increased production of carbonic acid and increased pH of body fluids. B. an increased production of carbonic acid and decreased pH of body fluids. C. a decreased production of carbonic acid, and increased pH of body fluids. D. a decreased production of carbonic acid and decreased pH of body fluids. E. no change in production of carbonic acid or pH.
B. an increased production of carbonic acid and decreased pH of body fluids.
27. Which of the following is a physiological buffer? A. Bicarbonate buffer B. Phosphate buffer C. Protein buffer D. Renal mechanism E. Alka seltzer
D. Renal mechanism
28. The part of an amino acid that is important in the protein buffer system is the A. amino and R groups. B. the amino and carboxyl groups. C. the bicarbonate group. D. the phosphate buffer group. E. the R group
B. the amino and carboxyl groups.
29. The phosphate buffer system consists of A. monohydrogen phosphate and dihydrogen phosphate. B. hydrochloric acid and monohydrogen phosphate. C. sodium chloride and monohydrogen phosphate. D. dihydrogen phosphate and bicarbonate. E. amino acids.
A. monohydrogen phosphate and dihydrogen phosphate.
30. The respiratory center is most likely to increase the breathing rate if the A. concentration of carbonic acid is decreasing. B. pH of body fluids is decreasing. C. pH of body fluids is increasing. D. concentration of sodium bicarbonate is increasing. E. none of the above.
B. pH of body fluids is decreasing.
31. Acid-base buffers are the first line of defense against shifts in pH because A. they occur closest to the skin. B. they are slow and prolonged. C. they occur in everyone. D. they are fast. E. they control the other mechanisms.
D. they are fast.
32. Symptoms of respiratory alkalosis include A. light headedness. B. agitation. C. tingling. D. titanic muscle contractions. E. all of the above.
E. all of the above.
33. Acidosis is a pH of arterial blood A. below 4.5 B. above 4.5 C. below 7.35 D. above 7.35 E. above 10.
C. below 7.35
34. Alkalosis is a pH of arterial blood A. below 7.35 B. above 7.35 C. below 7.45 D. above 7.45 E. above 10.
D. above 7.45
35. A strong acid is one that _____ and an example is _____.
D. ionizes more completely, HC1
36. Metabolic alkalosis may be caused by
E. all of the above.
37. Hyperventilation leads to A. respiratory acidosis. B. respiratory alkalosis. C. metabolic acidosis. D. metabolic alkalosis. E. emphysema.
B. respiratory alkalosis.
38. Prolonged vomiting, in which only the stomach contents are lost, leads to A. respiratory acidosis. B. respiratory alkalosis. C. metabolic acidosis. D. metabolic alkalosis. E. any of the above.
D. metabolic alkalosis.
39. Diabetes mellitus, in which fatty acids react to produce ketone bodies, leads to A. respiratory acidosis. B. respiratory alkalosis. C. metabolic acidosis. D. metabolic alkalosis. E. none of the above.
C. metabolic acidosis.
40. Ingestion of too much sodium bicarbonate to relieve indigestion may lead to A. respiratory acidosis. B. respiratory alkalosis. C. metabolic acidosis. D. metabolic alkalosis. E. endocrine acidosis.
D. metabolic alkalosis.
41. Obstruction of the airways leads to A. respiratory acidosis. B. respiratory alkalosis. C. metabolic acidosis. D. metabolic alkalosis. E. high pH alkalosis.
A. respiratory acidosis.
42. Metabolic acidosis can be A. caused by a decreased breathing rate. B. caused by a decreased gas exchange surface area. C. compensated for by the retention of large numbers of H+ in the kidneys. D. compensated for by an increased breathing rate and depth. E. inherited.
D. compensated for by an increased breathing rate and depth.
43. The buffer system in blood is formed by A. the chloride shift through the cell membranes. B. deoxyhemoglobin generated in white blood cells. C. phosphate buffer in the renal system. D. hemoglobin binding hydrogen ions in red blood cells. E. none of the above.
D. hemoglobin binding hydrogen ions in red blood cells.
44. Respiratory alkalosis can be A. caused by anything that decreases breathing rate. B. compensated for by a decreased secretion of bases in the kidneys. C. compensated for by a decreased respiratory rate. D. characterized by muscle paralysis. E. inherited.
C. compensated for by a decreased respiratory rate.
45. The sequence of symptoms of heatstroke is A. neurological symptoms, dizziness, skin reddening, and then headache and racing heart. B. headache, dizziness, exhaustion, then sweating, which stops as the skin becomes red, hot, and dry. Then breathing rate increases, pulse races, and neurological symptoms begin. Kidney failure and/or heart arrhythmia can be fatal. C. intense itching, profuse sweating, kidney failure, racing pulse, headache. D. fever, itching, redness, headache, numb extremities, vomiting. E. heart palpitations, rash, panic attack, profuse sweating.
B. headache, dizziness, exhaustion, then sweating, which stops as the skin becomes red, hot, and dry. Then breathing rate increases, pulse races, and neurological symptoms begin. Kidney failure and/or heart arrhythmia can be fatal.
46. People who are at high risk for heatstroke include A. people prone to fevers and infants. B. people who have mice for pets. C. mountain climbers and elderly marathoners D. athletes who exercise in high heat, soldiers in the desert, the very young and the very old. E. none of the above
D. athletes who exercise in high heat, soldiers in the desert, the very young and the very old.
47. Dehydration is caused by A. excessive sweating. B. prolonged water deprivation. C. prolonged vomiting. D. prolonged diarrhea. E. all of the above.
E. all of the above.
48. The technical term for water intoxication is A. hypoglycemia. B. hyperarrhythmia. C. hyponatremia. D. hypoxia. E. dihydrogen oxide alcoholism.
C. hyponatremia.
49. Water intoxication causes A. low blood sodium. B. high blood sodium. C. no blood sodium. D. vomiting from drinking too much beer. E. abnormal accumulation of extracellular fluid.
A. low blood sodium.
50. Edema is A. always hereditary. B. caused by hyperproteinemia. C. abnormal accumulation of extracellular fluid. D. caused by depressed venous pressure. E. a response to dehydration.
C. abnormal accumulation of extracellular fluid.
51. Hyponatremia is A. skeletal muscle paralysis. B. caused by elevated levels of aldosterone. C. high blood sodium. D. more likely in runners who are in a long race, have an extreme body mass index, and drink a great deal during the event. E. another term for dehydration.
D. more likely in runners who are in a long race, have an extreme body mass index, and drink a great deal during the event.
52. Hypernatremia A. can be caused by high fever. B. can be caused by low levels of ADH. C. causes confusion, stupor, and coma. D. is high sodium concentration. E. all of the above
E. all of the above
53. Effects of hypokalemia include A. muscle weakness. B. acne. C. sweating. D. diabetes. E. all of the above
A. muscle weakness.
54. Hyperkalemia can be caused by A. renal disease, which reduces potassium excretion. B. drugs that promote renal conservation of potassium. C. insufficient secretion of aldosterone. D. a shift of potassium from the intracellular fluid to the extracellular fluid. E. all of the above
E. all of the above
55. Addisons disease is characterized by A. aldosterone deficiency and loss of extracellular sodium. B. aldosterone deficiency and gain of extracellular sodium. C. aldosterone excess and loss of extracellular sodium. D. aldosterone excess and gain of extracellular sodium. E. a mutant gene.
A. aldosterone deficiency and loss of extracellular sodium.