Chapter 12 Shock Management

22 March 2023
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In order to recognize and treat early shock, the EMT must ___________. A. wait until the patient's blood pressure falls B. request ALS assistance for all trauma patients C. contact medical direction D. understand the pathophysiology of shock
D. understand the pathophysiology of shock
Capillary sphincters are: A. under complete control of the voluntary portion of the nervous system. B. capable of dilating in order to increase perfusion to crucial body organs. C. responsible for constricting to compensate for decreased cell perfusion. D. circular muscular walls that regulate blood flow through the capillaries.
D. circular muscular walls that regulate blood flow through the capillaries.
Which of the following will assume control of involuntary functions during shock? A. Somatic nervous system B. Parasympathetic nervous system C. Sympathetic nervous system D. Digestive system
C. Sympathetic nervous system
Temporary, widespread vasodilation and syncope caused by a sudden nervous system reaction MOST accurately describes: A. vasovagal shock. B. neurogenic shock. C. psychogenic shock. D. neurologic shock.
B. neurogenic shock.
Cardiogenic shock may result from all of the following, EXCEPT: A. heart attack. B. increased afterload. C. increased preload. D. poor contractility.
C. increased preload.
All of the following conditions should make you suspect shock, EXCEPT: A. anaphylaxis. B. spinal injury. C. severe infection. D. ischemic stroke.
D. ischemic stroke.
Which of the following would MOST likely result in hemorrhagic shock? A. Severe vomiting B. Liver laceration C. Excessive sweating D. Repeated diarrhea
B. Liver laceration
A 27-year-old male was stabbed in the chest during a disagreement at a poker game. As you approach him, you see that a knife is impaled in his chest. Before you make physical contact with the patient, it is MOST important to: A. form a general impression. B. call for an ALS ambulance. C. follow standard precautions. D. ask bystanders what happened.
C. follow standard precautions.
Why is it most important to frequently reassess vital signs for a patient with possible shock? A. For billing purposes B. For documentation purposes C. To observe trends in the patient's condition D. To maintain skills proficiency
C. To observe trends in the patient's condition
You are on the scene of an unresponsive patient struck by a vehicle. You have completed the primary assessment. What should you do next? A. Begin the secondary assessment. B. Transport the patient. C. Manage secondary injuries. D. Complete the reassessment.
B. Transport the patient.
One of the primary waste products of normal cellular metabolism that must be removed from the body by the lungs is: A. lactic acid. B. carbon dioxide. C. pyruvic acid. D. carbon monoxide.
B. carbon dioxide.
Which of the following is a nonhemorrhagic cause of hypovolemic shock? A. Multi-system trauma B. Internal bleeding C. Arterial laceration D. Diarrhea
D. Diarrhea
The body's attempt to maintain balance of all systems of the body is called ________. A. homeostasis B. equilibrium C. perfusion D. automaticity
A. homeostasis
Patients develop septic shock secondary to: A. poor vessel function and severe volume loss. B. an infection that weakens cardiac contractions. C. failure of the blood vessels to adequately dilate. D. weak vessel tone caused by nervous system damage.
A. poor vessel function and severe volume loss.
Hypotension in a child with blunt or penetrating trauma is particularly significant because: A. it typically develops earlier in children than it does in adults. B. the most likely cause of the hypotension is respiratory failure. C. it often indicates the loss of half of his or her blood volume. D. most children with hypotension die in the prehospital setting.
C. it often indicates the loss of half of his or her blood volume.
Which of the following patients is in decompensated shock? A. A 20-year-old female with absent radial pulses and dilated pupils B. A 23-year-old restless male with cool, clammy skin and tachycardia C. A 28-year-old female with pale skin and rapid, shallow respirations D. A 32-year-old male with anxiety and a systolic blood pressure of 110 mm Hg
A. A 20-year-old female with absent radial pulses and dilated pupils
A construction worker fell approximately 30 feet. He is semiconscious with rapid, shallow respirations. Further assessment reveals deformity to the thoracic region of his spine. His blood pressure is 70/50 mm Hg, his pulse is 66 beats/min and weak, and his skin is warm and dry. In addition to spinal immobilization and rapid transport, the MOST appropriate treatment for this patient includes: A. oxygen via nonrebreathing mask, blankets for warmth, and elevation of his head. B. assisted ventilation, thermal management, and elevation of the lower extremities. C. oxygen via nonrebreathing mask, thermal management, and elevation of his legs. D. assisted ventilation, preventing hyperthermia, and elevating his lower extremities.
C. oxygen via nonrebreathing mask, thermal management, and elevation of his legs.
Widespread vasodilation, increased capillary permeability, and bronchoconstriction are the result of ___________. A. anaphylactic shock B. massive myocardial infarction C. cervical spine injury D. tension pneumothorax
A. anaphylactic shock
A 59-year-old male presents with severe vomiting and diarrhea of 3 days' duration. He is confused and diaphoretic, and his radial pulses are absent. His blood pressure is 78/50 mm Hg. After applying supplemental oxygen, you should: A. perform a head-to-toe exam. B. allow him to drink plain water. C. obtain a repeat blood pressure in 5 minutes. D. prepare for immediate transport.
D. prepare for immediate transport.
Shock is the result of: A. hypoperfusion to the cells of the body. B. the body's maintenance of homeostasis. C. temporary dysfunction of a major organ. D. widespread constriction of the blood vessels.
A. hypoperfusion to the cells of the body.