Ch.12 Hwk Questions

3 September 2022
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What is the key difference between yeast and mold?
Yeast is unicellular, while mold is multicellular.
You are given an unknown, pure sample of a eukaryotic organism. Which of the following tests would allow you to determine if the sample contains algae?
Place the sample in a clear container filled with media containing no sugars, and leave it in a sunny window. After a few weeks, look for growth of the organism.
Which of the following new chemicals would NOT be effective against Giardia? a.a chemical that inhibits formation of the membrane around the nucleus b.a chemical that inhibits the Krebs cycle c. a chemical that inhibits the formation of cell walls d. a chemical that inhibits cell division
a chemical that inhibits the formation of cell walls
Which phylum of protozoa contains organisms that are nonmotile obligate intracellular parasites? (Hint: They cause a well-known tropical disease.
Apicomplexa.Apicomplexa contains many species that cause disease, including the Plasmodium species that cause Malaria.
Dengue fever is transmitted by
Which of the following statements about fungi is true? a. Fungi are usually identified using biochemical tests. b.Most fungi reproduce only asexually. c. Conidiospores are spores that are enclosed in a specialized sac-like structure. d. Karyogamy refers to a part of the sexual reproduction cycle in which two haploid nuclei fuse to form a diploid zygote.
Karyogamy refers to a part of the sexual reproduction cycle in which two haploid nuclei fuse to form a diploid zygote.
Dinoflagellates are a type of unicellular __________. One genus of dinoflagellates is responsible for a foodborne disease called __________.
algae; paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP)
Which of the following statements about protozoa is true? a.Some protozoa reproduce by schizogony, a process that is virtually identical to the budding process that happens in some yeast. b. When conditions become harsh, some protozoa can form a protective capsule, which is called a cyst. c. Most protozoa are photosynthetic. d. All protozoa can undergo sexual reproduction.
When conditions become harsh, some protozoa can form a protective capsule, which is called a cyst.
Which statement regarding helminths is true? a. They are always dioecious, which means that one individual has both male and female reproductive organs. b. The life cycle of helminths is always very simple, and they usually infect only one host. c. They are unicellular. d. Helminths usually possess specialized organ systems, including circulatory, nervous, and reproductive systems.
d. Helminths usually possess specialized organ systems, including circulatory, nervous, and reproductive systems.
Trichomonas vaginalis can be distinguished from other parasitic protozoa by which of the characteristics listed below? a. It is usually found in drinking water and is associated with fecal contamination. b.It is a photosynthetic organism that lives in fresh water. c.It has an undulating membrane, infects the vagina, and is frequently transmitted by sexual contact. d.It infects Anopheles mosquitoes and can be transmitted by a bite.
It has an undulating membrane, infects the vagina, and is frequently transmitted by sexual contact.
Humans are the definitive host for __________, which is a type of __________.
Taenia saginata; tapeworm
Which of the following organisms requires an additional nonhuman host to complete its life cycle? a. Plasmodium species b. Necator americanus c. Ascaris lumbricoides d. Enterobius vermicularis
Plasmodium species. The life cycle of Plasmodium species requires two hosts, one of which is a mosquito.
m dermatophyte is typically used for fungi that cause which of the following? a.subcutaneous mycoses b.cutaneous mycoses c.opportunistic infections d.systemic mycoses
cutaneous mycoses