Biology Exam

25 July 2022
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Which of the following must be true of a population in genetic equilibrium? Migration between populations Small population size Random mating Sexual selection
Random mating
In studying the gene pool of a population, you find that 15% of the population is homozygous recessive (tt) for a trait. How would you use this information to solve for the frequency of the dominant T allele?
1-Square root of 0.15
What biblical event is supported by the evidence to have caused mass extinction in the past?
Noah's Flood
In a population of grasshoppers, the color green (G) is completely dominant over the color brown (g). If 23% of the population is brown, calculate the percentage of the population that is expected to be heterozygous (Gg).
50 percent
6. A small population of prairie dogs lives in a habitat that does not undergo any changes for a long period of time. How is genetic drift likely to affect this population?
It will reduce genetic diversity by decreasing the frequency of some alleles and increasing the frequency of others.
Why do new species evolve more rapidly after a mass extinction?
Ecological niches become available for organisms to evolve into by adaptive radiation.
Which type of fossil evidence is used by evolutionists to point to the relationship between two hominid species?
Skull size of each species
Which of the following correctly describes the evolutionistic view of the trend in the evolution of the hominid jaw that took place over millions of years, from early ancestors to modern humans? The jaw became less rectangular and more arched. It also grew smaller and projected less. The jaw became generally larger as hominid forms increased in height. With time, the jaw became less oval-shaped and more rectangular. With fewer teeth, the hominid jaw became smaller over time. It changed little in its shape.
The jaw became less rectangular and more arched. It also grew smaller and projected less.
West Indian manatees are large aquatic mammals that live in rivers and near shore estuaries, especially in Florida. They have two flexible front flippers with three or four toenails, similar to elephant toenails. Though they lack hind limbs, manatees have vestigial pelvic bones, as shown in the diagram. Manatee and elephant skeletons are shown side-by-side. The manatee, an aquatic animal, has a skeleton that has two large front limbs and two very tiny hind limb bones that do not form actual limbs. The elephant has four large limbs. Which of the following answer choices best describes how evolutionary scientists use this evidence of the manatee toenails and pelvic bones to support their theory of the evolution of these animals? (1 point) The fact that manatees and elephants have toenails and pelvic bones suggests that their limbs evolved for similar use in similar environments. The fact that manatees lack hind legs, unlike elephants, suggests that manatees and elephants evolved toenails in parallel without any common ancestry. The existence of pelvic bones and toenails in manatees and elephants suggests that manatees and elephants evolved from the same land animal. The existence of pelvic bones and toenails in manatees and elephants suggests that these animals are evolving into similar animals.
The existence of pelvic bones and toenails in manatees and elephants suggests that manatees and elephants evolved from the same land animal.
Which observation supports the evolutionary inference that humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor? Chimpanzees and humans have nearly identical DNA. Chimpanzees and humans live in the same time period. Chimpanzees and humans eat fruit, meat, and vegetation. Chimpanzees and humans have five-toed feet and backbones.
Chimpanzees and humans have nearly identical DNA.
Both Gregor Mendel and Alfred Wegener proposed ideas that were not accepted completely by the scientific community during their lifetimes. What did their ideas have in common?
They required supporting evidence which could not be provided with the existing technology.
The observation that the front limbs of birds and reptiles have similar homologous structures is used by evolutionists to support which of the following? Birds and reptiles use these structures for the same motion. Birds and reptiles developed in parallel without relation. Birds and reptiles evolved from a common ancestor. Birds and reptiles were influenced by the same environmental factors.
Birds and reptiles evolved from a common ancestor.
While on a dig, a paleontologist finds two fossils. The more deeply buried one is an animal that appeared to have a few spiky projections resembling feathers. The second is an imprint of an animal that had fully formed feathers like those of modern birds. The paleontologist suspects the first animal was an ancestor of the second one. What would be the best thing for him to do next to test this evolutionistic hypothesis?
Look for other fossils of transitional forms in the rock layers between the two fossils.
Which of the following correctly explains why evolutionary scientists believe that great apes like chimpanzees and gorillas are more closely related to humans than monkeys on an evolutionary timeline? Apes are larger than monkeys and have long legs and no tails. Apes have smaller brains than monkeys and are less social than monkeys. Monkeys have larger brains than apes and are smaller in size. Monkeys are larger than apes and have prehensile tails.
Apes are larger than monkeys and have long legs and no tails.
Read through the following observations. 1. Some snakes have pelvic bones that sometimes sprout protrusions called "pelvic spurs" which serve little purpose. 2. Paleontologists have found the remains of an extinct, aquatic, snake-like lizard with miniature vestigial forelimbs. 3. Whales and some dolphins are marine mammals with hip bones that serve no purpose. 4. A dolphin was found that developed small hind flippers. Based on these observations, what generalization can you make about the microevolution of these animals?
Whales and snakes must have evolved from four-legged animals.
A scientist uses radioactive dating to determine the age of a fossil and discovers that a hominid species may have existed much earlier in history than he thought. Which of the following would they most likely point to in order to increase the reliability of this finding? (1 point) Using radioactive dating to determine the age of similarly shaped fossils Repeated analyses of the fossil finding it to be the same age each time Using radioactive dating to find the age of fossils found in the same geographic location Publication of his findings in different paleontology magazines
Repeated analyses of the fossil finding it to be the same age each time
Explain why vestigial organs are not "left-overs" of evolution.
Vestigial organs are not "left-overs" of evolution because there we don't actually know that those organs are useless. Those organs have never been actually proven to not have any function and we need to be careful saying that they don't.
List the reasons why molecular clocks actually disprove evolution, even though evolutionists claim it as a proof for their theory.
Molecular clocks disprove evolution because there is no trace of transitional evidence. If these species changed into each other like evolutionists claimed then there would be a transitional fossil. Also, there is no direct line from prokaryote cells to the seemingly more advanced eukaryote cells. This makes what evolutionists are saying more in line with an intelligent designer than evolution.
Explain how molecular clocks work.
A molecular clock is used to see the changes in two different species' DNA. The different DNA are compared and the fewer the mutations, the closer the relationship to each other. The more mutations, the further back they had an ancestor.
Which of the following is not a negative effect that evolution has had on society? (2 points) Moral decline. The development of pandemics. It was the philosophy behind many of recent history's mass murderers. Many people are convinced by it that there is no God.
The development of pandemics.
Based on fossilized evidence, there are scientific claims made about the evolution of certain species. If a scientist studying the fossils of a specific species had a hypothesis other than what was currently accepted, what steps should be taken to have the alternative hypothesis considered? Since the original hypothesis is untestable given the circumstances, another one is more likely to be correct.
It is useful to test alternative hypotheses and know that they are incorrect.
Two species that depend on each other for survival are evolving in a process called coevolution, in which evolutionary changes in one species result in evolutionary changes in the other species. How might coevolution present a problem to the species involved if the environment in which they lived changed?
Since they depend upon each other, a change that was damaging to one would also be damaging to the other.
Which of the following is not a reason why the 'missing links' of human evolution are still missing? (2 points) Many of the so-called 'missing links' that have been found are in fact only fragments of fossils that cannot provide any substantive information. Many of these found 'missing links' have been shown to be either human or non-human. Evolutionists have not found anything that they even tried to claim as a missing link. The supposed human ancestors do not form a direct evolutionary line.
Evolutionists have not found anything that they even tried to claim as a missing link.
A team of evolutionary scientists is researching the relationship between the two subspecies of A. africanus and concludes that the subspecies were actually different species. Which of the following would increase the reliability of this conclusion? A second group of scientists finding significant differences in the DNA of the two different subspecies Providing a description of the methods used in their experiments that led to the conclusion Finding the two different subspecies of the species in different geographic locations Publishing their research in order to make their findings available to the public
A second group of scientists finding significant differences in the DNA of the two different subspecies
Mass extinctions have occurred repeatedly during the course of Earth's history. One of these events occurred at the end of the Cretaceous Period, during which the dinosaurs became extinct. Mammals flourished after the dinosaurs were gone. This led to a variety of generically diverse species. Why did the mammals suddenly start diverging into different species after the dinosaurs were gone? (2 points)
Most of the predators were gone and suddenly niches were available so almost all the offspring were likely to survive and reproduce.
Which of the following conditions below is not based on the Hardy-Weinberg principle? (2 points) Large population size No mutations Randomly mating populations Selective breeding
Selective breeding
Which of the following correctly explains why scientists believe that great apes like chimpanzees and gorillas are more closely related to humans than monkeys on an evolutionary timeline? (2 points) Apes have smaller brains than monkeys and are less social than monkeys. Monkeys have larger brains than apes and are smaller in size. Monkeys are larger than apes and have prehensile tails. Apes are larger than monkeys and have long legs and no tails.
Apes are larger than monkeys and have long legs and no tails.
What best describes the concept of a worldview? A satellite image that shows the whole earth An idea of how the world looks A pair of "glasses" through which you see everything through, and that helps you answer life's most important questions. Evidence for believing in God
āœ“ A pair of "glasses" through which you see everything through, and that helps you answer life's most important questions.
Woolly mammoths were grass-eating mammals that resembled elephants but with heavy coats, large tusks, and small ears that made them suited for extremely cold weather of the ice age. In addition to hunting by humans, which other conditions may have caused woolly mammoths to become less reproductively successful and eventually become extinct at the end of the last ice age?
Decreased grassland habitat size caused by a warmer climate
What is the evolutionary explanation for the evolution of humankind?
Human beings branched from a common ancestors along with primates, but fall into a different group called the hominids, and homo sapiens (modern man) is the only specie of this group to have survived to our time.
Guppies living in a stream have a variety of spot patterns, some of which provide good camouflage against the stones in the streambed and others of which make them stand out against the background, allowing potential mates to see them more easily. If a predator that hunted by sight were introduced to the stream, what would be the most likely long-term consequence for the guppy population? The number of guppies in the population would decline, although most of the remaining ones would be uncamouflaged. The guppy population would devise a mutation that allowed the camouflaged guppies to find mates by scent or sound. The guppy population would die out since none of the guppies would be able to find mates. The number of camouflaged guppies in the population would increase while the number of successful matings decreased.
The number of camouflaged guppies in the population would increase while the number of successful matings decreased.
A scientist has kept records of the color variations in a field of phlox for several generations. Phlox is an annual plant that produces flowers in a variety of shades ranging from white to red. Initially the field contained equal proportions of white, pink, and red flowers. By the end of the study the proportions of flowers in the field were 80% red, 15% pink, and 5% white. Which of the following inferences best explains the change in flower color proportions? Bees visiting the field are more likely to see the white flowers and gather pollen from them. The red flowers produce fewer seeds than the white flowers. A predator has been introduced that prefers to eat red flowers. Some environmental change has happened that favors the red flowers.
Some environmental change has happened that favors the red flowers.
In what way does the punctuated equilibrium model created more problems than it solves for evolutionists?
The way that punctuated equilibrium created more problems than it solves for evolution is that if it happened, there would be a large supply of transitional fossils but there is not.
An anthropologist compares the remains of Homo neaderthalensis to earlier hominid species, like Homo habilis, and to the contemporary and later species Homo sapiens. He believes that Homo neanderthalensis were the first hominids to bury their dead. What would make this evolutionary conclusion incorrect?
Finding burial sites of Homo habilis on different continents
In the early 1900s, an astronomer named A. E. Douglass founded the science of dendrochronology. Dendrochronology involves examining the rings in a tree's trunk to determine its age. Which of the following best describes another way in which dendrochronology can be applied? It provides information on the organisms that depended on the tree for food and shelter. It provides information on how trees in the area were used during the tree's life. It provides information on environmental conditions. It provides information on the age of the rocks and soil surrounding the tree.
It provides information on environmental conditions.
List the reasons why molecular clocks actually disprove evolution, even though evolutionists claim it as a proof for their theory.
Molecular clocks disprove evolution because there is no trace of transitional fossils. If there was evolution then there would need to be transitional fossils. Also, there is no trace of linear evolution from prokaryotic cells to more "evolved" eukaryote cells. This shows that what evolutionists are trying to prove is false and more in line with an intelligent designer.
What continent do evolutionists suppose that hominids (human ancestors) evolved on and from where they spread over the world?
Which observation supports the inference that humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor? (2 points) Chimpanzees and humans have nearly identical DNA. Chimpanzees and humans live in the same time period. Chimpanzees and humans eat fruit, meat, and vegetation. Chimpanzees and humans have five-toed feet and backbones
Chimpanzees and humans have nearly identical DNA.
Some animals that are scavengers can eat bacteria-laden meat that would harm humans. Which of the following best explains why these bacteria would harm a human, but not a scavenger? The scavenger's immune system is strong enough to fight off bacterial infections before it produces toxins and damages tissues. Only human cells have the complementary receptors that bind to surface molecules found on the bacteria. Antibodies found in the blood of the scavenger destroy the bacteria as soon as they enter the bloodstream. The pH and temperature environment in the human encourages more bacterial growth and colonization.
Only human cells have the complementary receptors that bind to surface molecules found on the bacteria.
Which of the following best describes a characteristic of Fungi that differentiates them from plants? Fungi are chemoautotrophs, while plants are photoautotrophs. Fungi contain chitin in their cell walls, while plant cell walls contain cellulose. Fungi are unicellular, while plants are multicellular. Fungi reproduce sexually or asexually, while plants reproduce sexually.
Fungi contain chitin in their cell walls, while plant cell walls contain cellulose.
Which of the following best compares gymnosperms and angiosperms? Both reproduce sexually, but gymnosperms contain only xylem and angiosperms contain xylem and phloem. Both reproduce sexually, but gymnosperms produce pollen cones and seed cones and angiosperms produce flowers or fruit. Both contain xylem and phloem, but gymnosperms reproduce asexually and angiosperms reproduce sexually. Both contain xylem and phloem, but gymnosperms produce spores and angiosperms produce either cones or flowers and fruit.
Both reproduce sexually, but gymnosperms produce pollen cones and seed cones and angiosperms produce flowers or fruit.
In the early 1700s Linnaeus came up with a new system of classification of living things that eventually replaced the one that had been used since Aristotle developed it in ancient Greece about 2000 years earlier. Why was a change necessary? (1 point)
So many new species were being discovered, it was impossible to arrange them all in a hierarchy based on relative complexity of species.
Where does the biblical "kind" fit into the Linnaean Classification system?
Family or Genus
How are Protista different from Bacteria?
Protista have nuclei and Bacteria do not.
Which of the following best describes the relationship between the stolon and gametangia in Fungi? (1 point) The stolon and the gametangia exchange water and nutrients through a network of hyphae. When the gametangia of two Fungi fuse, a diploid stolon is formed and grows into a large stalk. When the stolons of two Fungi connect, gametangia form where they meet. The gametangia form spores, which are then sent to the stolon to be either stored or released.
When the stolons of two Fungi connect, gametangia form where they meet.
Which of the following explains one way so-called "good" bacteria can protect the body from harmful bacteria? (1 point) They bind to complementary receptors embedded in the cell walls of harmful bacteria. They prevent harmful bacteria from undergoing nucleic acid production. They initiate an immune response when they come into contact with harmful bacteria. They compete with harmful bacteria for the same food sources and nutrients.
They compete with harmful bacteria for the same food sources and nutrients.
Which of the following best describes the function of the pistil in plant reproduction? (1 point) It grows into the endosperm, which provides energy for the growing embryo. It grows into the pollen tube, which connects the stamen to the ovule. It is the male part of the plant and contains the anthers, which produce pollen. It is the female part of the plant and contains the ovules, which house the main egg.
It is the female part of the plant and contains the ovules, which house the main egg.
If a pollen tube does not grow from the pollen grain during gymnosperm reproduction, which of the following would be the most likely outcome? (1 point) The pollen would only be able to fertilize eggs inside the same cone. The pollen would not be able to reach the eggs inside the female cones. The pollen would then require a moist environment to swim to the egg. The pollen would instead be dispersed to female cones by wind.
The pollen would not be able to reach the eggs inside the female cones.
A new species of single-celled organism is found and needs to be classified into the most appropriate domain. Which characteristic would most likely predict its domain? If it has DNA as its genetic material it must be a member of the domain Eukaryota. If it has a cell wall it must be a member of the domain Bacteria. If it has a nucleus it must be a member of the domain Eukaryota. If it has membrane-bound organelles it must be a member of the domain Bacteria.
If it has a nucleus it must be a member of the domain Eukaryota.
The main difference between the orchard model and phylogeny is
The orchard model is supported by scientific findings, while phylogeny is not.
In order to be considered part of the phylum Chordata, an animal must have a backbone. What other characteristics does this phylum share?
Complete body cavity, segmentation, and bilateral symmetry
In what way are slime molds similar to kelp?
They are both colonial protists.
Which of the following best describes similarities that exist between birds and mammals?
They are both endothermic and have four-chambered hearts.
A gymnosperm is in the sporophyte phase of its life cycle. Which of the following most likely happens next in the gymnosperm's life cycle? (1 point) Male pollen cones and female seed cones are produced on separate branches of the same tree. Pollen fertilizes an egg and a fleshy fruit grows around the resulting embryo. Spores are released into the environment and grow into male and female gametophytes. Flagellated sperm swim to the egg and fertilize it to form a zygote.
Male pollen cones and female seed cones are produced on separate branches of the same tree.
If two individuals are both named Felis concolor, what does that mean?
The two individuals are members of the same species if they have the same name.
Which of the following best describes a feature of the Kingdom Animalia that differentiates it from Fungi? (1 point) Animalia have cell walls and Fungi do not. Animalia are heterotrophs and Fungi are not. Animalia are eukaryotes and Fungi are not. Animalia have complex organ systems and Fungi do not.
Animalia have complex organ systems and Fungi do not.
All organisms in the Kingdom Plantae are
Which organelle is most likely to be found in both Archaea and Bacteria and why?
Both use ribosomes to synthesize proteins.
Which of the following provides the strongest justification for the evolutionary scientists' decision to separate the Archaea and Bacteria into two different domains? Archaea have very ancient forms of DNA while those found in Bacteria are more recently evolved. Archaea keep their DNA in a nucleoid while Bacteria allow their DNA to float in the center of the cell. Archaea form endospores for protection from harsh environments while Bacteria produce flagella instead. Archaea do not form their cell wall from peptidoglycan while Bacteria do.
Archaea do not form their cell wall from peptidoglycan while Bacteria do.
Which of the following best explains how the stamens are important to plant reproduction? (1 point) They contain nectar and proteins that attract insect pollinators. They grow into the pollen tube, which allows pollen to travel to the egg. They are the female part of the plant and hold ovules and the embryo. They are the male part of the plant and hold the pollen in their anthers.
They are the male part of the plant and hold the pollen in their anthers.
In which of the following ways do the cell membranes of Archaea differ from the cell membranes found in Bacteria? The Archaea have cell membranes made of ether-linked hydrocarbons which branch, while Bacterial membranes are made of ester-linked fatty acids. The Archaea have cell membranes which contain cellulose as well as fatty acids, while Bacterial cell membranes contain only fatty acids. The Archaea cell membranes have ester-linked fatty acids, while bacterial cell membranes have branching, ether-linked hydrocarbons. The Archaea cell membranes have peptidoglycan embedded in them, while Bacterial cell membranes have chitin embedded in them.
The Archaea have cell membranes made of ether-linked hydrocarbons which branch, while Bacterial membranes are made of ester-linked fatty acids.
Some scientists have suggested that the Protista kingdom should be split into several groups instead of remaining as one group. Which of the following provides the best argument for dividing up the Protista? (1 point) Sporozoan Protista are more similar to the Fungi than they are to any of the other groups of Protista. Colonial Protista have much more in common with other multicellular organisms than they do with unicellular Protista. The Protista that have nuclei are significantly different from the rest of the Protista that lack a nucleus. The Protista have very little in common with each other besides being unicellular and Eukaryota.
The Protista have very little in common with each other besides being unicellular and Eukaryota.
Explain two ways helpful bacteria work to keep you healthy.
Two ways that bacteria work to keep you healthy is that they aid in digestion, and they help to protect you against harmful bacteria.
Explain the cellular functions that occur when antibiotics attack a bacteria cell.
The cellular functions that occur when antibiotics attack a bacteria cell is that they target the cell walls, cell membranes, disrupt protein and the nucleic acid production.
Misusing antibiotics is a problem that can be harmful to the individual and to society. Explain why the proper use of antibiotics is so important.
The proper use of antibiotics is so important because if there is overuse, under use, or an kind of misuse, the bacteria may build an immunity to the antibiotic. If this happens then the antibiotic could begin to stop working in anyone because the bacteria will reproduce with the immunity to the antibiotic.
Swelled and inflamed mucous membranes are usually indicators of what causative agent?
Bacteria colonization
Which molecules are distinctively different in Bacteria and Archaea?
RNA polymerases
Which traits make fungi more related to animals than to plants?
heterotrophic, chitin in cell walls
Do you think a Fungus is more like a plant, or more like an animal? Explain two characteristics of fungi that would support your answer.
I think fungus is more like a plant because of how they produce both asexually and sexually, and they both produce spores.
If there was a sudden decrease of fungus in a specific area, explain the impact this would have on the plant populations within this environment.
If there was a sudden decrease of fungus in a specific area, the plant populations would most likely start to die off because of how much plants need fungus to clear out bad things.
Which scenario describes a mutually beneficial relationship with fungi in an ecosystem?
Fungus growing inside an anthill
The survival of some plants depends on their ability to have seeds transported to a favorable environment. Describe three different ways seeds can be transported from one location to another?
Three ways seeds can be transported from one location to another is by wind, when fruit falls and is taken away or the seeds are scattered, and by animals.
What could happen to the reproductive process of mosses during a drought?
The flagellated sperm would not be able to swim to the eggs for fertilization.
Which plant structure is the dominant sporophyte of angiosperms?
Explain the process that occurs when a flowering plant reproduces.
The process that occurs when a flowering plant reproduces is that the male and female gametes are produced, then the male gametes go into the female ovules(pollination), and after this happens they are fertilized and the ovules grow into seeds.
A spore stalk grows from the gametophyte of a moss. What is the next step in its life cycle?
Oranges have hundreds of seeds. What does this tell us about their pollination?
Hundreds of pollen grains pollinated the ovules.
Which of the following is true of conifers?
The gametophytes grow directly from the sporophyte
Which of the following best compares the male and female reproductive structures of a gymnosperm? Gymnosperms produce flowers, and the male stamens produce pollen that fertilizes the egg inside the female ovule. Gymnosperms produce male cones and female cones, and the pollen from a male cone fertilizes the egg inside a female cone. Gymnosperms have male sporangia and female archegonia, and spores fertilize eggs contained inside the embryo sac to form zygotes. Gymnosperms exist as male and female gametophytes, and the male plant produces spores that fertilize eggs inside the female archegonia.
Gymnosperms produce male cones and female cones, and the pollen from a male cone fertilizes the egg inside a female cone.
When the Linnaean system of classification was first developed in the early 1700s, it had three kingdoms. By the mid-1900s, it had five kingdoms. Which of the following best explains why the number of kingdoms increased? (2 points) The original three kingdoms soon filled up with newly discovered species which created a need for additional kingdoms. New kingdoms were needed that reflected our growing knowledge of the differences between living organisms. Many new animal species were discovered during that time which meant the animal kingdom needed to be divided. More kingdoms were needed once non-living things, such as viruses, were included in the classification system
New kingdoms were needed that reflected our growing knowledge of the differences between living organisms.
Which of the following best describes similarities that exist between reptiles and amphibians? (2 points) They are both ectothermic and have two-chambered hearts. They both have streamlined bodies and three-chambered hearts. They are both vertebrates that lay eggs to reproduce. They both have gills at some stage in their lives and are endothermic.
They are both vertebrates that lay eggs to reproduce.
Why might it be more useful to classify Bacteria and Archaea based on their morphology rather than solely on their phylogeny?
Both domains are capable of sharing segments of DNA with unrelated organisms which makes genetic classification difficult.
A small child managed to eat a bit of dirt while playing outside. What would prevent the child from getting sick from the bacteria ingested?
If there were not a pathogenic bacteria in the dirt
A plant that does not have veins in its leaves or stems has rhizoids that help absorb water, and it also has a spongy appearance. Which of the following is the most logical conclusion about the classification of this plant? It is a fern, and belongs to the phylum Pterophyta. It is a moss, and belongs to the phylum Bryophyta. It is a hornwort, and belongs to the phylum Anthocerophyta. It is a liverwort, and belongs to the phylum Hepatophyta.
It is a moss, and belongs to the phylum Bryophyta.
While snorkeling in the ocean you find large, leafy organisms that are brownish in color growing in large masses. You are unsure whether they are protists since they look quite plant-like. If they are actually protists, what characteristic will the organism's cells exhibit?
The cells will form a colony without differentiating into separate tissues.
Which of the following best compares bryophytes and pteridophytes?
Bryophytes are nonvascular plants, and pteridophytes are seedless vascular plants.
Which division of plants in the plant kingdom has species that reproduce sexually by producing cones?
Nonflowering vascular plants
If two organisms belong to the same phylum, they both must also belong to which of the following? Genus Class Kingdom Order
How are viruses different from bacteria?
Bacteria are living organisms; viruses are not.
What is the concept that the orchard model of classification system based on?
Different kinds of creatures being created and then speciating within each kind.
How are the autotrophic protists different from the heterotrophic protists?
The autotrophic protists can photosynthesize, while the heterotrophic protists cannot.
Which of the following best describes a characteristic that distinguishes animals from protists? Most animals are eukaryotes, and most protists are prokaryotes. Most animals have bilateral symmetry, and most protists have radial symmetry. Most animals have cell walls containing proteins, and most protist cell walls contain chitin. Most animals are multicellular, and most protists are unicellular.
Most animals are multicellular, and most protists are unicellular.
In which of the following ways have scientists been able to improve the classification system first devised by Linnaeus in the early 1700s? Developing genetic engineering techniques has allowed us to add entire kingdoms to the original classification system. Knowing the complete sequence of an organism's DNA allows us to name it more accurately. Improved tracking and mapping technology has provided better information on the geographical ranges of individual species. Advances in gene and protein sequencing have led to a better understanding of the evolutionary relationships between species.
Advances in gene and protein sequencing have led to a better understanding of the evolutionary relationships between species.
Which of the following statements correctly compares the functions of a plant's roots and stem? The stem contains a high percentage of cells that provide structural support, unlike the roots. The stem is the first part of the plant to emerge from a seed, followed by the roots. The roots contain ground tissue that stores water and glucose, unlike the stem. The roots contain stomata that allow for gas exchange, while stems do not.
The stem contains a high percentage of cells that provide structural support, unlike the roots.
A single-celled organism is found living in a deep sea vent at the bottom of the ocean in extremely hot water. If it is examined further, which of the following is most likely to be found within it? It will have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles since it is likely a member of the domain Eukaryota. It will have a cell membrane since it is likely a member of the domain Archaea and the Kingdom Protista. It will have DNA and RNA, as well as a cell wall, since it is likely a member of the domain Bacteria. It will have DNA that is not contained in a nucleus since it is likely a member of the domain Archaea.
It will have DNA that is not contained in a nucleus since it is likely a member of the domain Archaea.
The gametophytes of an unknown plant are contained within the sporophyte, and the plant produces separate male and female gametophytes. Which OF the following is the best conclusion about the life cycle of this plant? The plant is a moss, and the sporophyte is its dominant phase. The plant is a gymnosperm, and the sporophyte is its dominant phase. The plant is a fern, and the gametophyte is its dominant phase. The plant is an angiosperm, and the gametophyte is its dominant phase.
The plant is a gymnosperm, and the sporophyte is its dominant phase.
Which of the following organisms is a vertebrate?
What are the following an example of: Abscisic acid, Auxins, Cytokinins, Ethylene, Gibberellins?
Plant hormones
Which of the following best explains a characteristic that differentiates fungi from animals? Fungi can reproduce asexually, while animals cannot. Fungi are heterotrophs, while animals are not. Fungal cells are prokaryotic, while animal cells are eukaryotic. Fungal cells have cell walls, while animal cells do not.
Fungal cells have cell walls, while animal cells do not.
Which of the following plant organs contains the highest concentration of chloroplasts responsible for photosynthesis? (2 points) Flowers Roots Stems Leaves
Which of the following best compares hyphae and gametangia in fungi? Hyphae transport water and nutrients, while gametangia store spores. Hyphae produce spores, while gametangia develop into gametes. Hyphae release enzymes to break down food, while gametangia produce gametes. Hyphae provide structure and support, while gametangia release spores.
Hyphae release enzymes to break down food, while gametangia produce gametes.
Two colleagues that share the same office are exposed to the flu virus one week in January. Janet just recovered from the same flu virus two weeks earlier, while Mark has not been sick yet this winter. Which person do you expect would be more likely to become sick with this flu virus and why?
Mark: he has not acquired any active immunity to the flu, and Janet has.
Which of the following best describes an example of a nonspecific external response to harmful bacteria? Phagocytes engulf and destroy invading bacteria. Histamine causes areas invaded by bacteria to swell. Antibodies recognize bacteria and attack them. Enzymes in saliva break down bacterial cell walls.
Enzymes in saliva break down bacterial cell walls.
Which of the following must have thick flexible walls to withstand the strong blood pressure produced as the heart pumps out blood?
An elderly woman visits her doctor complaining of persistent diarrhea. Which of the following possibilities would be best for her doctor to investigate further? (1 point) Her pancreas may not be producing enough insulin. Her stomach may be producing too much acid. The villi in her small intestine may be absorbing too little water. She may have an infection in her large intestine.
She may have an infection in her large intestine.
In which of the following ways might the effects of a mutation in a skin cell be different from those of a mutation in a sperm cell? (1 point) Sperm cell mutations are more likely to get corrected since meiosis has two phases, while skin cell mutations have only the single phase of mitosis in which to be corrected. A mutated sperm cell will always be destroyed during meiosis before it leaves the testes, while skin mutations remain within the skin. There is little chance that a sperm mutation will affect the testes, while skin mutations almost always develop into cancer. The mutation in the sperm cell could be passed on to offspring, while the skin cell mutation could only affect the individual.
The mutation in the sperm cell could be passed on to offspring, while the skin cell mutation could only affect the individual.
Which characteristics of capillaries cause restriction of blood flow?
small diameters
Which of the following best describes the difference between the functions of the ovaries and the fallopian tubes? (1 point) Eggs are fertilized in the ovaries and form zygotes in the fallopian tubes. Eggs are produced in the ovaries and fertilized in the fallopian tubes. Eggs are produced in the ovaries and travel through the fallopian tubes to be fertilized in the uterus. Eggs are fertilized in the ovaries and travel through the fallopian tubes to implant in the uterus.
Eggs are produced in the ovaries and fertilized in the fallopian tubes.
What would happen if the valves separating the chambers in a person's heart did not close?
The volume of blood pumped from the ventricles to the body would be reduced because blood would backflow into the atria.
Which of the following describes how the septum in the heart affects blood flow? (1 point) It pumps blood out of the heart to the rest of the cardiovascular system when heart muscles contract. It separates the heart's left and right sides to keep oxygenated and deoxygenated blood from mixing. It separates the heart's upper and lower chambers to keep incoming and outgoing blood from mixing. It accepts blood into the heart from the rest of the cardiovascular system when heart muscles relax.
It separates the heart's left and right sides to keep oxygenated and deoxygenated blood from mixing.
During a humoral immune response, which of the following happens when a pathogen is recognized? Memory B cells divide to form plasma cells that surround the pathogen. The antibodies on B cells bind to the antigens on the pathogen's surface. Memory T cells produce helper T cells that search for the pathogen and destroy it. Helper T cells signal cytotoxic T cells to attack cells infected by the pathogen.
The antibodies on B cells bind to the antigens on the pathogen's surface.
Which of the following correctly compares the roles of the urethra and the vas deferens? (1 point) Sperm stored in the epididymis travel through the vas deferens to the urethra. Sperm are produced in the vas deferens and travel through the urethra to the penis. Sperm are stored in the vas deferens and travel through the urethra to the epididymis. Sperm travel through the vas deferens to the urethra, where they mature.
Sperm stored in the epididymis travel through the vas deferens to the urethra.
Which of the following best explains the impact that pathogens in the environment might have on one's body? (1 point) They enter the body and make it unable to form antibodies. They trigger internal nonspecific responses by activating lymphocytes. They invade the body and can cause a humoral immune response. They reproduce and destroy body cells using phagocytes.
They invade the body and can cause a humoral immune response.
Which of the following best describes an example of a nonspecific internal response to pathogens? (1 point) Fever increases metabolism, speeding up the body's reaction to the pathogens. Mucus traps the pathogens and prevents them from invading the body. Lymphocytes recognize the pathogens and destroy them. Dead skin cells provide a barrier between the pathogens and the body.
Fever increases metabolism, speeding up the body's reaction to the pathogens.
Which of the following would be the latest in the development of a human fetus? (1 point) Bone starts to replace cartilage to form the beginnings of a skeleton. The fetus grows to reach approximately eight centimeters in length. Cells divide into the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. The nervous system begins to develop and can control basic body functions.
Bone starts to replace cartilage to form the beginnings of a skeleton.
Which of the following best describes the impact that infectious agents in one's surroundings can have on the health of an individual? (1 point) They can bind with T cells and cause swelling and inflammation. They can attack within cells and elicit a cell-mediated immune response. They can destroy the body's ability to fight infection after repeated exposure. They can produce histamine and prevent body cells from reproducing.
They can attack within cells and elicit a cell-mediated immune response.
A medical student is studying how the volume of blood in the circulatory system affects blood pressure. He measures the blood volume and pressure of two classmates, a man and a woman. He finds that the man has a higher blood volume but a lower blood pressure than the woman. He concludes that a person with low blood volume would tend to have high blood pressure. What additional factors should the student consider that would most likely affect blood pressure?
Differences in size and gender
What component of the nervous system regulates voluntary muscle responses to external stimuli?
Parietal lobe
Which of the following systems or structures is correctly paired with its function? Neurons - brain cells that control thoughts, calculations, and memory Cerebral cortex - portion of the brain that controls involuntary body movement Peripheral nervous system - carries impulses to and from the central nervous system Central nervous system - carries information from the nerves to the muscles and glands
Peripheral nervous system - carries impulses to and from the central nervous system
Which of the following best describes a human egg cell? (2 points) A haploid cell formed in the female uterus A diploid cell formed in the female uterus A diploid cell formed in the female ovary A haploid cell formed in the female ovary
A haploid cell formed in the female ovary
The structure that stores maturing sperm until they are released by the male reproductive system is the
What is the path of sperm cells through the male reproductive system?
testes ā†’ epididymis ā†’ vas deferens ā†’ urethra
After several cycles of cell division, a fertilized cell develops into a hollow ball of cells called a(n) (2 points)
What sequence correctly describes the route that an egg takes through the female reproductive system? (2 points)
Ovary, fallopian tube, uterus
Fertilization usually occurs in the (2 points)
fallopian tubes.