Women's Rights Movement - Online US History

21 August 2022
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The National Organization for Women (NOW) is primarily a cultural society. labor union. political advocacy group. government agency.
political advocacy group.
Which statement best explains the outcome of Roe v. Wade? Women gained the right to end pregnancies, while states lost the right to restrict abortions. Women lost the right to end pregnancies, while states gained the right to outlaw abortions. Women gained the right to end pregnancies, while states gained the right to restrict abortions. Women gained the right to end pregnancies, while federal laws replaced state restrictions on abortions.
Women gained the right to end pregnancies, while states gained the right to restrict abortions.
Before the National Organization for Women was founded, efforts to gain equal rights for women resulted in the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. fairer educational funding for men and women. few changes by either the government or employers. a surprising reduction of women in the workforce.
few changes by either the government or employers.
The Supreme Court decisions in Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade were based on the principle of the right to free speech. health care. religious freedom. privacy.
Some women opposed the Equal Rights Amendment because they said it did not go far enough. they believed it was an unfair law. they feared it would force them to find jobs. they thought it undermined traditional values.
they thought it undermined traditional values.
What do womens' rights groups today focus on in regard to abortion? expanding existing abortion laws fighting to keep abortions legal getting Roe v. Wade overturned eliminating the need for abortions
fighting to keep abortions legal
Which statement best describes the long-term impact of Roe v. Wade on US society? The decision gave women a limited right to choose and remains very controversial. The decision was controversial at first but has since gained acceptance. The decision gained popular at first but has grown more controversial. The decision was welcomed by most people as a good compromise.
The decision gave women a limited right to choose and remains very controversial.
A woman who entered the workforce in the 1960s could expect to gain regular promotions for hard work. be protected from sexual harassment. work for male supervisors and managers. receive paid maternity leave without losing her job.
work for male supervisors and managers.
Which statement best expresses the dilemma women faced in the 1950s and 1960s? They wanted to stay home with their families, but society urged them to work. They had opportunities to work, but their life expectancies were decreasing. They wanted to find outside jobs but found that housework took all their time. They had time and opportunity to reinvent themselves but still faced barriers.
They had time and opportunity to reinvent themselves but still faced barriers.
In the 1950s and 1960s, many women were attracted by new jobs in the developing agricultural industry. manufacturing industry. service industry. technology industry.
service industry.
In the 1970s, the National Organization for Women expanded its goals by backing a female candidate for the US presidency. hiring Phyllis Schlafly to promote cultural equality. supporting the Equal Rights Amendment. calling for required government childcare centers.
supporting the Equal Rights Amendment.
How was Phyllis Schlafly connected to the women's rights movement? She led a campaign to ban The Feminine Mystique. She founded the National Organization for Women. She campaigned for the Equal Rights Amendment. She helped to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment.
She helped to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment.
In The Feminine Mystique, the author argued that society would be more stable if women chose to remain at home. women feel worthless when they deny themselves freedom of expression. women feel unfulfilled when they think about themselves too much. the drive for equality should not eliminate the right to be a wife and mother.
women feel worthless when they deny themselves freedom of expression.
Which statement best describes the focus of abortion opponents today? They focus on restricting when abortions can occur. They focus on outlawing all abortions. They work both to restrict and to outlaw abortions. They use persuasion instead of legal battles.
They work both to restrict and to outlaw abortions.
The Feminine Mystique was written by Susan B. Anthony. Betty Friedan. Phyllis Schlafly. Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
Betty Friedan.