4 September 2022
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Which is an effective thesis? There are many bees in the world, such as the ones in your garden. Bees are a crucial part of any thriving ecosystem, including your garden. While bees have some benefits, the buzzing around the garden gets annoying. Generally speaking, bees are okay so long as they stay outside in the garden.
Bees are a crucial part of any thriving ecosystem, including your garden.
Read the excerpt from Thoughts and Sentiments. But the whole business of slavery is an evil of the first magnitude, and a most horrible iniquity to traffic with slaves and souls of men; and an evil, sorry I am, that it still subsists, and more astonishing to think, that it is an iniquity committed amongst Christians, and contrary to all the genuine principles of Christianity, and yet carried on by men denominated thereby. Read the excerpt from Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, An African. That subject, handled in your striking manner, would ease the yoke (perhaps) of many—but if only of one—Gracious God!—what a feast to a benevolent heart!—and, sure I am, you are an epicurean in acts of charity. In these excerpts, how do both men use God and religion to achieve their purpose? Both men claim that good Christians and enlightened individuals will support the abolishment of slavery. Both men invoke God and use their Christian faith to establish a common ground with their intended audiences. Both men claim that slavery is the utmost of un-Christian practices and that slaveholders are immoral. Both men call on the grace of God to help them make their arguments and to be heard.
Both men invoke God and use their Christian faith to establish a common ground with their intended audiences.
Read the statement about Swift's "A Modest Proposal." Swift artfully uses language to convey the undeniable fact that landlords have consistently mistreated the impoverished and "already devoured most of the parents" who would serve as "breeders." Which correctly revises this statement so that it maintains an objective tone? Swift skillfully uses language to convey his belief that landlords have mistreated the impoverished and "already devoured most of the parents" who would serve as "breeders." Swift vividly describes how landlords have consistently mistreated the impoverished and "already devoured most of the parents" who would serve as "breeders." Swift claims that landlords have consistently mistreated the impoverished and "already devoured most of the parents" who would serve as the country's "breeders." Swift states the undeniable fact that landlords have cruelly mistreated the impoverished and "already devoured most of the parents" who would serve as "breeders." Submitted
Swift claims that landlords have consistently mistreated the impoverished and "already devoured most of the parents" who would serve as the country's "breeders."
Read the statement about Swift's "A Modest Proposal." Swift's skillful and abundant use of false premises to develop his argument was the most effective way to signal that he was writing a satire. This statement is objective because it is influenced by feelings or opinions. objective because it is not influenced by feelings or opinions. subjective because it is influenced by feelings or opinions. subjective because it is not influenced by feelings or opinions.
subjective because it is influenced by feelings or opinions.
Read the excerpt from "A Modest Proposal." I have already computed the charge of nursing a beggar's child (in which list I reckon all cottagers, labourers, and four-fifths of the farmers) to be about two shillings per annum, rags included; and I believe no gentleman would repine to give ten shillings for the carcass of a good fat child, which, as I have said, will make four dishes of excellent nutritive meat, when he hath only some particular friend, or his own family to dine with him. One aspect of satire evident in this excerpt is understatement, because the author truly believes that his plan is worthwhile. verbal irony, because the author does not truly believe his own words. verbal irony, because the author wants others to see his point of view. understatement, because the author does not think others will agree with him.
verbal irony, because the author does not truly believe his own words.
Read the thesis. Foley artists are essential to the success of a film, since they create the sound effects that make the film's setting believable to the audience. Which is the most accurate evaluation of the thesis? The thesis is effective because it covers a broad topic while maintaining an objective viewpoint. The thesis is ineffective because it lacks clear transitions between the thoughts of the writer. The thesis is effective because it contains a topic that is focused and a viewpoint that is clear. The thesis is ineffective because it lacks proper citations and does not grab the reader's attention.
The thesis is effective because it contains a topic that is focused and a viewpoint that is clear.
Read the excerpt from "A Modest Proposal." But, as to my self, having been wearied out for many years with offering vain, idle, visionary thoughts, and at length utterly despairing of success, I fortunately fell upon this proposal, which, as it is wholly new, so it hath something solid and real, of no expence and little trouble, full in our own power, and whereby we can incur no danger in disobliging England. Which statement effectively paraphrases this excerpt using a quotation? Swift states that he has "been wearied out for many years with offering vain, idle, visionary thoughts" and almost gave up any hope of ever achieving success of any kind. Swift writes that after much time and effort, he has finally come up with a solution that is "solid and real, of no expence and little trouble" to address the problem of poverty. "I fortunately fell upon this proposal, which, as it is wholly new, so it hath something solid and real, of no expence and little trouble, full in our own power," claims Swift. Since we can incur no danger in disobliging England, Swift believes he has come up with a proposal that will finally solve the issue of overwhelming poverty in England.
Swift writes that after much time and effort, he has finally come up with a solution that is "solid and real, of no expence and little trouble" to address the problem of poverty.
Read the excerpt from "A Modest Proposal." Then as to the females, it would, I think, with humble submission, be a loss to the publick, because they soon would become breeders themselves: And besides, it is not improbable that some scrupulous people might be apt to censure such a practice, (although indeed very unjustly) as a little bordering upon cruelty, which, I confess, hath always been with me the strongest objection against any project, how well soever intended. Which phrase from the excerpt is an example of verbal irony? a loss to the publick some scrupulous people indeed very unjustly strongest objection against
indeed very unjustly
Read the excerpt from A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Let there be then no coercion established in society, and the common law of gravity prevailing, the sexes will fall into their proper places. And, now that more equitable laws are forming your citizens, marriage may become more sacred: your young men may choose wives from motives of affection, and your maidens allow love to root out vanity. The father of a family will not then weaken his constitution and debase his sentiments, by visiting the harlot, nor forget, in obeying the call of appetite, the purpose for which it was implanted. And, the mother will not neglect her children to practise the arts of coquetry, when sense and modesty secure her the friendship of her husband. Which statement best summarizes the author's ideas? As women achieve a more equal status, they will begin to question their husbands' immoral behavior. As women acquire more equal rights, husbands and wives will behave with respect for one another. As marriage laws become more reformed, men and women will establish friendships with other couples. As laws begin to change, the roles of men and women in marriage will become less clear.
As women acquire more equal rights, husbands and wives will behave with respect for one another.
Read the excerpts from Samuel Johnson's preface to A Dictionary of the English Language. Which statement best describes the use of the underlined word in the excerpts? Excerpt 1 recognizes the importance of word origins, but excerpt 2 suggests that studying word origins could be a waste of time. Excerpt 1 recognizes the importance of word origins, and excerpt 2 suggests that etymology is more important than syntax. Excerpt 1 questions the study of word origins, but excerpt 2 asserts the need to include etymology in dictionaries. Excerpt 1 questions the study of word origins, and excerpt 2 insists that etymology is best studied over the course of one's lifetime.
Excerpt 1 recognizes the importance of word origins, but excerpt 2 suggests that studying word origins could be a waste of time.
Read the sentence from Samuel Johnson's preface to A Dictionary of the English Language. To have attempted much is always laudable, even when the enterprize is above the strength that undertakes it. What is the best definition of the underlined word as it is used in the sentence? foolish or unwise; rash displaying intellect; academic humorous or comical; droll deserving praise; admirable
deserving praise; admirable
Read the excerpt from the Declaration of Sentiments. Having deprived her of this first right of a citizen, the elective franchise, thereby leaving her without representation in the halls of legislation, he has oppressed her on all sides. Which words in the excerpt have negative connotations? Check all that apply. deprived elective representation oppressed sides
deprived oppressed
When conducting research online for an essay, which tips should the researcher follow? Check all that apply. use broad keyword searches think about the smaller picture look for reliable sources keep track of sources specify relationships between keywords
look for reliable sources keep track of sources specify relationships between keywords
Which is one way that Swift criticizes society in "A Modest Proposal"? by suggesting that people care so little about children they would be willing to sell and eat them by suggesting that people would be appalled by the idea of selling and eating children by highlighting the ways in which the plan could help people support people's families by highlighting all the practical ways in which people have tried to remedy poverty
by suggesting that people care so little about children they would be willing to sell and eat them
Read the excerpt from Woman in the Nineteenth Century by Margaret Fuller. A house is no home unless it contain food and fire for the mind as well as for the body. The female Greek, of our day, is as much in the street as the male to cry, "What news?" We doubt not it was the same in Athens of old. The women, shut out from the market-place, made up for it at the religious festivals. For human beings are not so constituted that they can live without expansion. If they do not get it in one way, they must in another, or perish. How does Fuller develop an argument for women's rights and education? by describing women's religious roles by insisting that every human mind needs fuel by explaining the significance of trading at Greek markets by suggesting that women can learn without leaving their homes
by insisting that every human mind needs fuel