Topic Test English 10

24 August 2022
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What is the role of syntax in writing?
to guide the structure of sentences
Based on the narration and dialogue, which statement describes the narrator's mother best?
She's confident that her daughter's attitude is the only reason she's not a genius.
In the short story "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell, the main character begins to empathize with the animals he once hunted without pity. He is an example of a(n) __________ character.
Which statement describes Eeyore's character based on the characterization in the excerpt?
Eeyore is sad and doesn't know why.
Using the excerpt above, write your own paragraph describing Eeyore's character using direct characterization.
The Old Grey Donkey, Eeyore, was a mopey and depressed loner. He thought too many negative thoughts, and sometimes he didn't even know where those thoughts came from. Eeyore needed friends to stop him from thinking too much, so it was good that Winnie-the-Pooh happened to run into him. Although Eeyore was glad to have an interruption, his gloomy nature prevented
Using indirect characterization, describe a character who is experiencing a moral dilemma.
the writer reveals information about a character and his personality through that character's thoughts, words, and actions, along with how other characters respond to that character, including what they think and say about him.
Describe how Jing-mei's character traits change or stay the same throughout the story. What are her motivations? What conflicts lead to her character traits?
Jing-mei starts out being excited and confident about her mother's plans for her. She believes that if she and her mother found the right kind of prodigy for Jing-mei, then Jing-mei would one day become a perfect child. As she begins losing hope, however, Jing-mei's character starts to change. Tired of constantly failing her mother's high expectations, she decides to set her own expectations, and she becomes willful, disobedient, and vocal. Ironically, her motivation throughout the story stays the same; she wants her mother to love and accept her. She knows she'll never be the type of girl her mother wants, so she resists her mother's wishes. Yet by doing the opposite of what her mother wants, Jing-mei still cannot feel that acceptance that she really wants
What was the effect of voice, tone, and imagery in "Diary 33" and "Diary 24" from The Freedom Writers Diary by Erin Gruwell and the Freedom Writers? Use examples from the text to support your response.
"Diary 33" has a confident and righteous tone. This tone helps the reader understand the personality or the voice of the author: she knows exactly what she's going to do and nothing is going to stop her. When she sees the little girl and the mother, her certainty is shaken. The tone also changes, becoming more unsure and less confident, which makes the reader aware of her moral dilemma. The imagery of the little girl and the crying mother helps the reader see how emotional the moral dilemma is for the author. In "Diary 24," the voice is informal and honest, which encourages the reader to trust the author. The tone ranges from sarcastic to frustrated, and the author addresses the audience as his equal.
"Heart, we will forget him" by Emily Dickinson Heart, we will forget him! You and I, to-night! You may forget the warmth he gave, I will forget the light. When you have done, pray tell me, That I my thoughts may dim; Haste! lest while you're lagging, I may remember him! Source: Dickinson, Emily. "Heart, we will forget him.", n.d. Web. 15 July 2011. Which of the following best describes the conflict expressed in this poem?
internal conflict: character vs. self
Although Jing-mei has the last word in the fight over piano lessons, she is still unhappy. Why is she unhappy? What is her greatest worry? What does this reveal about her character?
Jing-mei asserts her will in the last fight over the piano lessons, which causes her mother to become angry because Suyuan thinks she has only good motivations. The way that Jing-mei "wins" is also bittersweet. She only wins the disagreement by bringing up her mother's lost children, which hurts her mother. This victory is hollow because Jing-mei doesn't get what she really wants: acceptance and love from her mother. That is why, nearly twenty years later, Jing-mei is still not over the piano incident. Her greatest fear is that her mother had given up on her. Although she is glad not to take piano lessons, Jing-mei's anguish is not due to her dislike of the piano. She is upset because she feels like her mom had set her up for failure.
The conversation between Auntie Lindo and Suyuan Woo is an example of which of the following characteristics of Chinese culture?
Information is expressed indirectly.
A. A. Milne reveals a lot about Eeyore's character through __________ characterization.
Which scenario shows an internal conflict best?
A soldier must confront her fears in order to help her comrades conquer the enemy.
Characters who do not change during the course of a story are __________.
Which type of narration is used in this excerpt?
first person
When examining a text for its value, it is important to __________.
judge the text based on syntax and diction
What is the difference between an internal conflict and an external conflict?
An internal conflict takes place within a character, but an external conflict takes place between a character and a group, a force of nature, or another character.
Which character trait fits best the character Suyuan Woo from the story "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan?
How is literary nonfiction unique from other types of nonfiction?
It uses elements and devices more common in fictional stories.
What is conflict?
the problem or problems characters face in a story ( dramatic struggle or clash between two or more forces in a story)