
5 September 2022
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What type of punctuation is necessary to set apart nonessential appositive phrases?
The comma is necessary to set apart nonessential appositive phrases
What questions do adjective clauses answer for the reader?
The adjective clause is also called an adjectival or relative clause. It contains a subject and verb and begins with a relative pronoun [who, whom, whose, that, or which] or a relative adverb. This type of word provides description. Adjective clauses answer questions like "which one" or "what kind" for the reader. Adjective clauses tells you if an adjective it essential or nonessential
When is an adjective clause essential?
When the reader must know "which one" or "what kind."
Which type of subordinate clause modifies a noun?
An adjective clause (also called a relative clause), just like anadjective, modifies the noun or pronoun preceding it (also called the antecedent).
In which paragraph does the writer address the counterargument?
In the third paragraph
Does the writer support or reject the use of technology in the classroom?
Technology is beneficial to education, he supports the use of technology in the classroom.
Into what genre does the excerpt from Section I fit?
I believe that the genre that excerpt from section I fits in is would be real fiction or historical fiction. This means that it is a believable story that could have happened in real life but did not.
What does the doctor do that upsets Francie?
The doctor sees her dirty arm and stares at her arm and he tells the nurse that at least they should take a shower because the water is free. And the nurse had the same reaction. The doctor did not understand that her mom was working and did not have time to wash her.
What are the components of a lesson?
The components of a lesson are: Objective: Students will be able to define and identify moral dilemma. Introduction: Describe what you will be teaching. Review any concepts that the students will have to know prior to the lesson (e.g., conflict). Explain why the lesson is important and worth learning. Instruction: Give the information that students need to reach the objective. Use visual aids to encourage students to participate and pay attention. Practice: Prepare an activity that gives the students an opportunity to define and identify moral dilemmas. For example, students could read a short story (examples: "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell or "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl), identify the moral dilemma they see in the story, and explain why it is a moral dilemma. Help the students complete the activity and ensure that they understand the concept. Conclusion: Review the lesson. Ensure that areas of confusion are resolved. Remind students why the concept of moral dilemma was important to learn.
How does Old Chong react to Jing-mei`s performance at the talent show?
The Old Chong react to Jing-mei`s performance at the talent show is when Mr. Chong screams 'Bravo!' at jing-mei's performance, no one else did this, it is contrary to everyone else in attendance. Jing-mei's mother is somewhat disapointed and unhappy right after her perfomance as he missed several notes.
What are the two kinds of daughters?
Those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind!
What does Suyuan give Jing-mei?
Her mother offer to give her a piano for her birthday.
Rewrite the following sentence, including the word that best fits the following sentence. (There, Their, They`re) mother drives them to the park every day during the summer.
Their mother drives them to the park every day during the summer.
Where are the speaker`s parents taking the family?
To America, to New York.
What does the speaker see in the Macy`s window display?
A family outfitted for the beach, the handsome father, slim and sure of himself.
Why is the author sleeping on the floor?
Because he doesn't have a bed.
What makes the author feel better about his situation?
Ms. Gruwell, his crazy English teacher from last year, is really the only person who made him think of hope for his future. Talking with his friends about their English class and the adventures they had the year before.
When the author enters the courtroom, what is she certain she will do?
I think that she is going to protect a friend or family of what they did.
What does the author tell the court at the end of the diary entry?
"Paco did it. Paco shot the guy!" She tells the truth.
According to Plato, how does one judge the value of a piece of art? (Site 1)
Art should be instructive and moral. Moral criticism is the foundation for movements to censor books, movies, and visual art that some see as harmful.
Where does the main character hide the body? (Site 2)
The night waned, and he worked hastily, but in silence. First of all I dismembered the corpse. He cut off the head and the arms and the legs. He then took up three planks from the flooring of the chamber, and deposited all between the scantlings. He then replaced the boards so cleverly, so cunningly, that no human eye—not even his—could have detected any thing wrong.