The Great Gatsby: Study Questions Ch2

5 September 2022
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1. What is symbolic about the "valley of ashes"? Who is Dr. T.J. Eckleburg? How are the 'eyes' symbolic?
The 'valley of ashes' symbolizes the outcomes from the inhabited quest for the riches, as the rich entertain themselves with respect for little more than their own pleasure. The valley of ashes also symbolize the situation of poor people. Dr. TJ Eckleburg is an optometrist whose practice has long ended. His eyes represent the death of the American Dream or the dream being an illusion.
2. Who are George and Myrtle Wilson? Do they seem to fit in t setting?
Myrtle and George Wilson are a married couple. Myrtle is and earthy and vital woman, who's desperate to improve her life. George Wilson runs a shabby garage, he a listless, impoverished man who's only passion is his love for his wife, Myrtle. They do fit into the setting, they represent the American Dream.
4. How does Myrtle's demeanor change once she arrives at the apartment?
She starts to change her dresses, 4x.
5. Evaluate Myrtle's talk of her marriage. Is she happy or unhappy? What evidence does she provide to support this?
She's unhappy byt she's just trying to prove that she married George in thefirst place.
6. How did Tom and Myrtle meet?
Tom and Myrtle met on a train to New York one day. Myrtle was going to visit her sister; they kept looking at each other.
7. Does Nick enjoy the afternoon at the New York apartment? Why or why not?
No, He doesn't like how wild Myrtle has become, and how much she has changed with Tom.
8. What more have you learned about Nick in this chapter? Is he similar or different than the people he spends time with?
I learned that very rarely he gets drunk, He's different from the people at the apartment. He is more quiet and reserved.
9. Describe the violent act Tom committed against Myrtle. What does this reveal about him?
Tom slapped Myrtle's face, breaking er nose. This reveal the 'hulking' side of him that Daisy talks about. If he doesn't like something, he uses violence to fix it.
10. Explain the significance of the following quote: "Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening streets, and I was him too, looking up and wondering. I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the the inexhaustible variety of life." (37)
Its saying that behind closed doors, there are a lot of secrets that the rest of the world doesn't about.