Sociology Chapter 6

25 July 2022
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the cultural relativity of deviance
Napoleon Chagnon's visit to the Yanomamö tribe, where he observed tribe members appearing naked in public, using hallucinogenic drugs, and letting mucus hang from their noses, is a good example of ________. A) nonconforming behavior B) the need for social sanctions C) the cultural relativity of deviance D) the need for absolute standards in defining deviance
It is not the act itself, but the reaction of others to the act that makes it deviant.
The concept of the relativity of deviance is best illustrated by which of the following statements? A) It is not the act itself, but the reaction of others to the act that makes it deviant. B) The nature of one's behavior is the most important aspect in determining deviance. C) Deviance is most related to functionalism because it creates a dysfunction for society. D) Deviance is analogous to mental illness.
symbolic interactionism
The relativity of deviance is most aligned with which sociological perspective? A) structural functionalism B) symbolic interactionism C) the conflict perspective D) the neo-conflict perspective
Erving Goffman used the term ________ to refer to characteristics that discredit people. A) master status B) role C) stigma D) sanction
social order
A group's usual and customary social arrangements, on which its members depend and on which they base their lives, is called ________. A) social control B) sanction C) social order D) social guideline
social control
What is a group's formal and informal means of enforcing norms called? A) social solidarity B) the social imperative C) social control D) social bond
positive sanction
Suicide bombers in Iraq are accorded high praise by those who oppose an American presence in the Middle East and are considered heroic warriors. Such honor and praise is an example of a ________. A) positive sanction B) negative sanction C) degradation ceremony D) shaming
Explanations for deviance that focus on genetic predispositions to explain why individuals commit deviant acts are most aligned with which discipline? A) sociobiology B) sociology C) psychology D) anthropology
social learning theory: we learn deviance from our peers
Which of the following theories of deviance is LEAST associated with sociobiology? A) intelligence theory: low intelligence leads to deviant and criminal behavior B) social learning theory: we learn deviance from our peers C) XYY" theory: the extra Y chromosome in males causes criminal behavior D) body type theory: people with muscular bodies are prone to be criminals
sociobiology; psychology
The two disciplines that would be most concerned with addressing qualities within the individual to explain deviant behavior are ________ and ________. A) anthropology; sociology B) sociology, psychology C) sociobiology; psychology D) criminology; political science
differential association theory
The theory of behavior in which people who associate with some groups learn an "excess of definitions" of deviance, increasing the likelihood that they will become deviant is ________. A) conflict theory B) social control theory C) strain theory D) differential association theory
Edwin Sutherland
Differential association theory was developed by sociologist ________. A) Robert K. Merton B) Frank Tannenbaum C) Walter Reckless D) Edwin Sutherland
symbolic interactionist
Sociologists who believe we help to produce our own orientations to life by joining specific groups is most aligned with which sociological perspective? A) functional B) conflict C) symbolic interactionist D) neo-conflict
control theory
Inner and outer controls that work against our tendencies to deviate is known as what theory? A) rationalization theory B) judgment theory C) self-control theory D) control theory
Walter Reckless
The sociologist responsible for developing one of the first control theories that addressed the inner controls of the individual and outer controls of society was ________. A) Travis Hirschi B) Jackson Toby C) Walter Reckless D) F. Ivan Nye
In the presence of strong attachments, commitments, and involvement with other members of society.
According to control theory, when are inner controls most effective in deterring deviant behavior? A) When we fear punishment from authorities such as parents or the court system. B) In the presence of strong attachments, commitments, and involvement with other members of society. C) When they are applied to members of the middle or upper classes. D) In situations where there is a strong police presence.
inner control
Susie is a first-year college student. Although she wants to be popular, she has refused invitations to attend underage drinking parties. Susie has a strong respect for authority, even when it conflicts with a simple matter such as attending a college party. Susie's decision in this situation demonstrates a quality of control theory called ________. A) pushes B) inner control C) formal control D) pulls
Harold Garfinkel
The term degradation ceremony was coined by sociologist ________. A) Harold Garfinkel B) Erving Goffman C) Talcott Parsons D) Herbert Spencer
The significance of names or reputations given to people when they engage in certain types of behavior is the focus of ________ theory. A) strain B) control C) labeling D) differential association
techniques of neutralization
In an effort to resist the label of "deviant," most people will develop rationales to justify their deviant acts. Sykes and Matza refer to these rationales as ________. A) ideologies B) techniques of neutralization C) strategies of justification D) labeling
denial of a victim
Matthew and Ryan are devout Christian Fundamentalists and believe that homosexuality is against God's will and that homosexuals deserve to be punished. They spend a couple evenings each week in gay bashing activities that include physical violence and verbal assaults. Based on their rationalization, which technique of neutralization is most applicable for Matthew and Ryan to maintain positive self-images? A) denial of a victim B) denial of injury C) denial of responsibility D) condemn the condemner
appeal to higher loyalties
When Anthony worked as a prison counselor he would often ask property offenders why they committed the crime. The overwhelming response was, "I had to feed my family." How would Sykes and Matza classify this response? A) denial of responsibility B) appeal to higher loyalties C) condemnation of the condemners D) denial of injury
Emile Durkheim
The early sociologist who argued that deviance might be functional for society was ________. A) Max Weber B) Henri Saint Simon C) Emile Durkheim D) Karl Marx
Which type of sociologists would consider deviance to be a natural part of society? A) functionalists B) symbolic interactionists C) conflict theorists D) neo-conflict theorists
strain theory
All of the following theories follow the principles of symbolic interactionism EXCEPT for which one? A) differential association theory B) control theory C) labeling theory D) strain theory
The ________ theory developed by Robert Merton is based on the idea that most people want to attain cultural goals, but not everyone has the legitimate means of achieving them. A) illegitimate opportunity B) strain C) labeling D) control
According to strain theory, the underlying cause of deviance is that people experience a sense of normlessness. This sense of normlessness is referred to as ________. A) anomie B) latent dysfunction C) mass hysteria D) retreatism
an innovator
John desires the best things in life - a fast car, designer clothes, and membership in exclusive clubs. But rather than work his way through the system, he has discovered he can have all these things by selling crack cocaine in the inner city. How would Merton classify John? A) a ritualist B) a anarchist C) a rebel D) an innovator
illegitimate opportunity structures
According to Cloward and Ohlin, what is the underlying cause of deviance and delinquency in unstable slums of a city? A) illegitimate opportunity structures B) the racial composition of the city C) a rival struggle for power D) unethical police behavior
illegitimate opportunity structure
Cloward and Ohlin addressed the street hustler as a role model for youth and the methods used to earn easy money through a life of crime. What did they call this career path of delinquency? A) containment theory B) social bond theory C) the theory of differential association D) illegitimate opportunity structure
Edwin Sutherland
The term white collar crime was coined by sociologist ________ to refer to crimes that people of respectable social status commit in the course of their occupation. A) Robert Merton B) Frank Tannenbaum C) Erving Goffman D) Edwin Sutherland
a bank teller robbing the First National bank
All of the following acts qualify as a white collar crime EXCEPT for which one? A) a bank teller robbing the First National bank B) a police officer taking $100 to refrain from writing a speeding ticket C) an executive writing off the corporation's million-dollar fine as investment capital D) a businessperson classifying parking tickets as job hunting expenses on an income tax return
to escape broken homes
According to sociologist Martín Sánchez-Jankowski, boys in urban areas are motivated to join gangs for a number of reasons. Which of the following reasons LEAST qualifies as one of the reasons Jankowski discovered why urban youth join gangs? A) to escape broken homes B) access to money C) to help the community D) recreational opportunity
the conflict perspective
Sociologists who view law as an instrument of oppression used to control workers are aligned most with which sociological perspective? A) the functionalist perspective B) the conflict perspective C) the symbolic interactionist perspective D) the structuralist perspective
marriage and education
What are the two most significant "anchoring devices" that insulate a person from a life of crime and imprisonment? A) a good lawyer and big expense account B) neighborhood and income C) race and ethnicity D) marriage and education
car theft
Of the following, the crime with the highest recidivism rate within three years of release from prison is ________. A) murder B) rape C) drug violations D) car theft