Mgt Chapter 13 Questions

3 September 2022
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There are fie basic behaviors that enable you to work on
disagreements and keep them from flaring into out-of-control personality conflicts: openness, equality, empathy, supportiveness, and positiveness
The benefit of compromise is that
it is a democratic process that seems to have no losers. However, since so many people approach compromise situations with a win-lose attitude, they may be disappointed and feel cheated.
In ______ teams, the traditional clear-cut distinction between manager and managed is blurred as nonmanagerial employees are delegated greater authority and granted increased autonomy. a. problem-solving b. collaborative c. self-managed d. virtual e. action
self-managed Self-managed teams are defined as groups of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains. The traditional clear-cut distinction between manager and managed is being blurred as nonmanagerial employees are delegated greater authority and granted increased autonomy.
Programmed conflict is designed to
elicit different opinions without inciting people's personal feelings. The method for getting people to engage in this debate of ideas is to do disciplined role playing, for which two proven methods are available: devil's advocacy and the dialectic method.
A committee investigating the impacts of health care reform on the organization is an example of a(n) _____. a. official group b. informal team c. organized group d. informal group e. formal group
formal group A formal group is a group established to do something productive for the organization and is headed by a leader. A formal group may be a division, a department, a work group, or a committee. It may be permanent or temporary.
Which of the following is most important for the team leader to encourage during the storming stage of group and team development? a. voicing of disagreements b. empowerment among members c. celebration of accomplishments d. socializing among members e. completing the task
voicing of disagreements In the storming stage, the leader should encourage members to suggest ideas, voice disagreements, and work through their conflicts about tasks and goals.
The final stage of group and team development is known as _____. a. measuring b. adjourning c. avoidance d. assessing e. performing
adjourning In the final stage, adjourning, members prepare for disbandment. Having worked so hard to get along and get something done, many members feel a compelling sense of loss. For the individual, the question now is "What's next?" For the team, the issue is "Can we help members transition out?"
Social loafing is the
tendency of people to exert less effort when working in groups than when working alone.
A collection of five employees who are studying industry pay scales, with the goal of making recommendations for adjusting pay grades within their company, is known as a(n) _____. a. informal union b. association c. group d. team e. informal organization
Team A team is defined as a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.
Stereotyping is
the opposition, rationalization, and peer pressure are symptoms of groupthink.
Marcie frequently requests meetings between her team and counterparts in Portland. She often spots issues that will affect both groups and wants to work openly on coordination so there are no surprises for anyone. Marci plays a ______ role for her team. a. maintenance b. relationship c. task d. cohesiveness e. leadership
task A task role, or task-oriented role, consists of behavior that concentrates on getting the team's tasks done. All of the following are playing task roles: coordinators, who pull together ideas and suggestions; orienteers, who keep teams headed toward their stated goals; initiators, who suggest new goals or ideas; and energizers, who prod people to move along or accomplish more.
The Abilene paradox is the
tendency of people to go along with others for the sake of avoiding conflict.
Personality conflict is defined as
interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike, disagreement, or differing styles.
The workers on the night shift at a manufacturing plant would be considered a(n) ______ team. a. action b. production c. continuous improvement d. cross-functional e. project
production Production teams are responsible for performing day-to-day operations. Examples are mining teams, flight-attendant crews, maintenance crews, assembly teams, data processing groups, and manufacturing crews.
Personality conflicts often begin with
instances of workplace incivility, or employees' lack of regard for each other which, if not curtailed, can diminish job satisfaction and organizational loyalty.
For a manager, building an effective team requires work, but the payoff is _____. a. good relationships with others in the company, especially your superiors b. employees who will work overtime, often without expecting to be paid for it c. a stronger, better-performing work unit d. more responsibilities for you and other managers e. employees who will do as you say without questioning you
a stronger, better-performing work unit As a manager, building a high-performance team requires some work, but the payoff will be a stronger, better-performing work unit.
Conflict is
a perfectly normal state of affairs
Although ______ are typically unwritten and seldom discussed openly, they have a powerful influence on group and organizational behavior. a. personality conflicts b. norms c. quality standards d. task roles e. work rules
norms Norms are general guidelines or rules of behavior that most group or team members follow. Norms point up the boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Although norms are typically unwritten and seldom discussed openly, they have a powerful influence on group and organizational behavior
Teams with nine or fewer members have
better interaction and morale, yet they also have fewer resources, are possibly less innovative, and may have work unevenly distributed among members. Teams of 10 to 16 members have more resources and can take advantage of division of labor, yet less interaction, lower morale, and social loafing may characterize them.
Which of the following is not a consideration in building a group into an effective team? a. roles b. size c. seniority d. motivation through accountability e. performance goals and feedback
seniority The considerations in building a group into an effective team are (1) cooperation, (2) trust, and (3) cohesiveness. These are followed by (4) performance goals and feedback, (5) motivation through mutual accountability, (6) size, (7) roles, (8) norms, and (9) awareness of groupthink.
A group may evolve into a team through five stages
1) Forming is the process of getting oriented and getting acquainted. (2) Storming is characterized by the emergence of individual personalities and roles and conflicts within the group. (3) In norming, conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge. (4) In performing, members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned task. (5) In adjourning, members prepare for disbandment.
In the final stage, adjourning,
members prepare for disbandment. For the individual, the question now is "What's next?" For the team, the issue is "Can we help members transition out?"
Peer pressure, which leads group members to question the loyalty of other members who express dissent, is a symptom of _____. a.norming b. devil's advocacy c. storming d. groupthink e. social loafing
groupthink Among the symptoms of groupthink is the illusion of unanimity and peer pressure. The illusion of unanimity is another way of saying that silence by a member is interpreted as consent. But if people do disagree, peer pressure leads other members to question the loyalty of the dissenters.
Workplace performance is maximized when _____. a. conflict is at a moderate level b. conflict is at a very low level c. conflict is absent d. conflict occurs only at nonmanagerial levels e. conflict is at a high level
conflict is at a moderate level A moderate level of conflict can induce creativity and initiative, thereby raising performance. Too much or too little conflict has been shown to reduce performance.
When using a self-managed team, a manager should _____. a. delegate administrative oversight of activities such as planning and scheduling b. offer lucrative individual bonuses c. allow members to fire their team members d. provide elaborate retreats for team discussions e. control the team's staffing and scheduling
delegate administrative oversight of activities such as planning and scheduling Self-managed teams are defined as groups of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains. Administrative oversight involves delegated activities such as planning, scheduling, monitoring, and staffing.
In all but the worst weather, Beth and three coworkers met each day at 12:15 to walk the wilderness trail behind their office building. This is an example of a(n) _____. a. formal group b. virtual team c. continuous improvement team d. self-managed team e. informal group
informal group An informal group is a group formed by people seeking friendship and has no officially appointed leader, although a leader may emerge from the membership. An informal group may be a collection of friends who hang out with one another, such as those who take coffee breaks together.
A(n) ______ role is behavior that concentrates on getting the team's work done. a. production b. administrative c. performance d. task e. maintenance
task A task role, or task-oriented role, consists of behavior that concentrates on getting the team's tasks done.
Molly organized several teachers to discuss the school's interior painting scheduled for summer. They looked at several brands, and heard a presentation by a designer who then helped them choose a color palette to recommend to school administrators. In this instance, the teachers make up a(n) _____. a. formal group b. informal group c. self-managed team d. cross-functional team e. virtual team
formal group A formal group is a group established to do something productive for the organization and is headed by a leader.
Trust is based on _______, which can be enhanced by showing professionalism, technical ability, and good business sense. a. cohesiveness b. unity c. cooperation d. honesty e. credibility
credibility Trust is based on credibility, or how believable you are based on your past acts of integrity and follow-through on your promises. You can enhance your credibility by showing professionalism, technical ability, and good business sense.
Terry was part of an 18-person grounds beautification committee, and among its responsibilities were monthly parking lot cleanup and weekly patio sweeping. He was a part of the committee at his boss's request, but had never actually helped with anything. This is likely an example of _____. a. procrastinating b. storming c. social loafing d. devil's advocacy e. adjourning
social loafing The larger the size of the team, the more likely performance is to drop, owing to the phenomenon known as social loafing, the tendency of people to exert less effort when working in groups than when working alone.
______ is a "we feeling" that binds group members together. a. Social loafing b. Groupthink c. Maintenance d. Group cohesiveness e. Norming
group cohesiveness Group cohesiveness, a "we feeling" binding group members together, is the principal by-product of stage 3, norming.
Which of the following is a characteristic of a continuous improvement team? a. requires assigned membership b. encourages high empowerment c. functions as a built-in part of any effective organizational group d. emerges from self-managed team concept e. serves as an advice team
serves as an advice team Continuous improvement teams are a type of advice team that consists of small groups of volunteers or workers and supervisors who meet intermittently to discuss workplace- and quality-related problems.
The question the group is asking during the forming stage of group development is _____ a. "Can we agree on roles and work as a team?" b. "Why are we fighting about who does what?" c. "What's next?" d. "Why are we here?" e. "Can we do the job properly?"
"why are we here?"
At Allen and Thomas Architects, a group of designers are developing the first drawings for a proposed multiuse office development in an older section of a large city that is being revitalized. What type of work team is this group? a. virtual team b. project team c. advice team d. product team e. production team
project group Project teams work to do creative problem solving, often by applying the specialized knowledge of members. Examples are task forces, research groups, and architect teams.
Which of the following is an advantage of larger groups? a. ability to take advantage of division of labor and more resources b. higher morale c. less social loafing d. more effective interaction e. greater boldness
ability to take advantage of division of labor and more resources Teams with 10 to 16 members (large) have different advantages over small teams: more resources and the ability to take advantage of division of labor.
Two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms, share collective goals, and have a common identity are called a _____. a. collaborative unit b. group c. self-managing work team d. cluster e. quality circle
group A group is defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms, share collective goals, and have a common identity.
Which of the following is the best way to manage virtual teams? a. Require each team member to keep his or her own personal record of the work that's been done as a team. b. When beginning with a virtual team, set the final deadline and reprimand any virtual team members who don't make the deadline. c. Utilize employees on a global team around the clock. d. Focus on what is accomplished, not hours or locations. e. Because you don't have face-to-face contact, relay instructions via phone.
Focus on what is accomplished, not hours or locations. Of the choices given, the best way to manage virtual teams is to focus on what's accomplished, not whether an employee is working from her patio or at 10 p.m.
Tension was apparent as the management team discussed changes to promotion requirements. But then Chris made a joke about Jake's white-knuckled grip on his pen, and the laughter seemed to lighten the mood. Chris was acting in a ______ role. a. production b. task c. maintenance d. social e. relational
maintenance A maintenance role is behavior that fosters constructive relationships among team members. Examples include harmonizers, those who mediate conflict through reconciliation or humor.
______ is the conflict-handling style that both parties give up something to gain something. a. Avoiding b. Accommodating c. Collaborating d. Forcing e. Compromising
compromising Compromising is the conflict handling style in which both parties give up something to gain something.
In the performing stage of group development, members _____. a. hold back to see what will happen b. test the leader's policies c. prepare for disbandment d. develop close relationships e. concentrate on solving problems and completing tasks
concentrate on solving problems and completing tasks In performing, members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned task.
The group development stage in which individuals test the leader's policies and assumptions as they try to determine how they fit into the power structure is the ______ stage. a. forming b. norming c. performing d. storming e. adjourning
storming The storming stage is a time of testing. Individuals test the leader's policies and assumptions as they try to determine how they fit into the power structure.
Luis, Grayson, and Tom met once a week for three months to redesign department work spaces, to be implemented when the organization moved to a new building in January. This is an example of a _____. a. problem-solving team b. virtual team c. cross-functional team d. continuous improvement team e. top management team
problem-solving team On a problem-solving team, knowledgeable workers meet as a temporary team to solve a specific problem and then disband.
_________, the second stage of team development, is characterized by the emergence of individual personalities and roles and conflicts within the group. a. Forming b. Storming c. Performing d. Adjourning e. Norming
During the ______ stage of team development, close relationships develop and unity and harmony emerge. a. performing b. norming c. storming d. forming e. adjourning
norming In the third stage, norming, conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge
The stage during which a group sets guidelines about issues like attendance and punctuality is the ______ stage. a.norming b. performing c. storming d. adjourning e. forming
When issues causing conflict are trivial, or when emotions are high and cooling off would be helpful, which conflict-handling style is preferable? a. forcing b. collaborating c. accommodating d. avoiding e. compromising
avoiding Avoiding involves ignoring or suppressing a conflict. Avoidance is appropriate for trivial issues, when emotions are high and a cooling-off period is needed, or when the cost of confrontation outweighs the benefits of resolving the conflict.
Self-managed teams are groups of workers who have been given ______ for their task domains. a. administrative oversight b. no technology c. complete freedom d. individual incentives e. reduced responsibility
administrative oversight A self-managed team is defined as a group of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains.