Marketing Ch 10 Warm-up (Exam 2)

12 December 2022
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Which of the following statements is true regarding marketing channels and channel​ intermediaries? A. Very few producers use marketing channel intermediaries. B. Using marketing channel intermediaries means producers give up some control over how and to whom they sell their products. C. Distribution channel decisions involve only​ short-term commitments to other firms. D. Distribution systems cannot be used to give a company a competitive advantage. E. Marketing channel decisions have no effect on other marketing decisions.
B. Using marketing channel intermediaries means producers give up some control over how and to whom they sell their products.
When assigning functions to channel​ members, it is important for producers to​ ________. A. assign functions to the channel members that can add the most value for the cost B. assign functions to channel members who do not take risks C. assign functions to channel members not used by competitors D. assign functions to channel members who guarantee to lower the​ producers' costs E. assign functions to firms they have worked with in the past
A. assign functions to the channel members that can add the most value for the cost
A​ ________ consists of​ producers, wholesalers, and retailers acting as a unified system. A. horizontal marketing system B. closed marketing system C. conventional marketing system D. multichannel marketing system E. vertical marketing system
E. vertical marketing system
Which of the following statements is true regarding channel​ organization? A. Channel organization is always based on formal interactions guided by strong organizational structures. B. In a​ well-organized channel, conflicts rarely occur. C. Channel members should act alone in their own​ short-run best interests before considering the interests of other channel members. D. Once a channel is organized and​ set, it rarely changes. E.Channel members are dependent on each other for the overall success of the channel.
E.Channel members are dependent on each other for the overall success of the channel.
What are the four steps to designing marketing channels in their correct​ order? A. Identifying the design of​ competitors' channels, analyzing consumer​ needs, setting channel​ objectives, and evaluating channel alternatives B. Analyzing consumer​ needs, setting channel​ objectives, identifying the design of​ competitors' channels, and evaluating the alternatives C. Analyzing consumer​ needs, setting channel​ objectives, identifying major channel​ alternatives, and evaluating the alternatives. D. Identifying the design of​ competitors' channels, setting channel​ objectives, analyzing consumer​ needs, and evaluating channel alternatives E. Setting channel​ objectives, analyzing consumer​ needs, identifying major channel​ alternatives, and evaluating the alternatives
C. Analyzing consumer​ needs, setting channel​ objectives, identifying major channel​ alternatives, and evaluating the alternatives.
When designing marketing​ channels, companies must determine the number of channel members to use at each level. The three strategies that are available to do this are​ ________ distribution. A. ​intensive, selective, and exclusive B. ​open, closed, and franchise C. ​targeted, segmented, and global D. ​intensive, selective, and targeted E. intensive, exclusive, and global
A. ​intensive, selective, and exclusive
Which of the following statements is true regarding the selection of qualified channel​ members? A. Selecting qualified channel members is largely controlled by government regulation. B. To find and select qualified channel​ members, firms simply refer to a national online database. C. Established brands have no trouble finding and keeping qualified channel members. D. Firms select only qualified channel members in their immediate geographical area. E. Producers vary in their ability to attract qualified marketing intermediaries.
E. Producers vary in their ability to attract qualified marketing intermediaries.
Most companies today see their intermediaries as​ first-line customers and focus on​ ________ to forge​ long-term relationships with channel members. A. government assistance B. partner relationship management C. promotional incentives D. legal contracts E. discounted prices
B. partner relationship management
What are the four major functions of marketing​ logistics? A. ​Warehousing, inventory​ management, transportation, and logistics information management B. ​Forecasting, order​ processing, transportation, and inventory management C. ​Warehousing, inventory​ management, shipping, and receiving D. ​Warehousing, transportation,​ wholesaling, and retailing E. Warehousing, inventory​ management, transportation, and retailing
A. ​Warehousing, inventory​ management, transportation, and logistics information management
Which of the following statements regarding marketing logistics is​ true? A. Marketing logistics involve outbound movement of products. B. Marketing logistics have no effect on the environment and a​ firm's environmental sustainability efforts. C. Marketing logistics involve inbound​ logistics, outbound​ logistics, and reverse logistics. D. Marketing logistics are not involved with the physical distribution of goods. E. Companies today are placing less emphasis on marketing logistics.
C. Marketing logistics involve inbound​ logistics, outbound​ logistics, and reverse logistics.