History Final

31 August 2022
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English Government (Medieval)
During the 5th century the Anglo-Saxons from Germany invaded England and laid the foundation for the English Government. Around the 11th century Norman-French took over. During the 12th century King Henry II started the modern jury trials and the petit jury. After King Henry II came King John during the 13th century. During this time the structure of English consisted of feudalism. Feudalism consisted of 4 different levels. At the top was the King. Under the King came the Lords. The Lords have their loyalty and served as a military service to the King. Under the Lords came the Knights. The knights gave the Lords homage and military service in return for food, protection, shelter from the Lords. Under the Knights were the serfs. The paid rent over the land they are given to farm for the Knights. In exchange the Knights gave the serfs food, protection, and shelter. The people were not happy with this kind of leadership and it resulted with King John signing the Magna Carta giving them rights to a fair trial and reduced the power of the King. It also allowed the formation of parliament. In 1258, seven barons led by Simon de Montfort forced King Henry III to agree the Provisions of Oxford which abolished the Anglo-Norman monarchy and gave power to the council of 15 barons to govern England and a parliament. These structures were known as the House of Lords and House of Commons.
Jury Trial (Henry II)
Henry II was king from 1154 to 1189. Within in reign he created the grand jury system, petit jury, and starts the trail system. The jury of 12 free men were assigned to arbitrate disputes. However instead of hearing arguments in court they had to look up the facts by themselves and come to a decision. The Grand jury was also established where a jury a free men were charged with uncovering with reporting any crimes that they knew of. Any person charged by this jury were sentenced to a trial by ordeal.
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was created in 1215 at Runnymede by King John. The Magna Carta was the first major written document that limited the power of the monarchy. It was the 1st step to an anglo government. Under the Magna Carta everyone was subject to the law, even the king. It also stated that all free men had the right to a fair trail. The church possess England as a fief with King John as the acting Ruler. Barons can elect 25 archbishops to meet with the king. A jury system is developed and there is protection over foreign trade. This makes London a major trade center and increases English Pride.
English Bill of Rights
After the Glorious Revolution in 1688, Mary II and William II were forced to sign the English Bill of Rights before being crowned. The English Bill of Rights laid out basic civil rights, created the separation of powers, limits the power of Kings and Queen, enhanced the democratic election, and boosted the freedom of speech. It was passed in 1689 by the Parliament of England. The most important articles of the English Bill of Rights is a frequently summoned parliament and free elections, members should have freedom of speech in parliament, no armies should be raised in peacetime, no taxes could levied without consent of parliament, laws should not be suspended without the consent of parliament, and no excessive fines should be imposed. The English Bill of Rights also established a constitutional monarchy in England. This is where a monarch acts as head of state but their powers are defined and limited by law. The monarchy could not rule without the consent of Parliament. The English Bill of Rights, along with the Magna Carta helped set the basis of law in America.
Puritan Pilgrims
The puritans main goal was to purify the church of England from all of the remains of Roman Catholic church. The Puritans emerged during the 16th and 17th century. The puritans tried countless times to reform the church and to try and convince the Kings to accept a reformation. However, they were refused the reformation time and time over. Even though the idea was carried out the american colony in Virginia, they got the greatest opportunity to live out their ideas in the New England area, Massachusetts Bay Colony. There were many positive aspects that came from the Puritanism. For one they had a form of democracy where the people would gather for town meetings in order to discuss the creation of the rules. They also favored free enterprise. Acquiring money was a way to show personal salvation. However it was personal and was not to be publicized by wearing fancy items. To the puritans, the more literacy a person had the greater the chances to be saved and sent to heaven, this is way parents were responsible to educate their children. Being literate also meant that you would able to read and preach the bible, which was very important. The puritans also created Harvard in order to produce educated clergy and gave the people a first real opportunity to become teachers, ministers, and merchants since the universities in England were only for the rich.
Mayflower Compact
The Mayflower Compact was signed on November 11, 1620 by 41 English colonists on the Mayflower. It was the first written framework of government established in the United States. The main reason for the compact was to prevent dissent between the Puritans and non-separist pilgrims. Since they only had permission to be in the Virginia area, the pilgrims had to wait to get authorization from England. During that time they used the Mayflower compact as the temporary acting body of laws and decision making. The Mayflower compact was only signed by all of the male passengers on the ship. The original document did not survive.
Roger Williams
Roger Williams was born around 1603 in London. He became an assistant to Sir Edward Coke, the greatest jurist during the english renaissance. In 1628 Roger Williams helped to the creation of the Petition of Right. Roger Williams studied and graduated from Cambridge University. He then became chaplain to Sir William Masham. Roger William was a puritan and went on the voyage in 1631 to the plymouth colony but ended up in Massachusetts with the rest of the pilgrims. In 1636 Roger Williams was banished because of arguments with MA authorities. He said that the MA colony was not legitimate, he refused to give oaths and take off his hats to betters, swear allegiance, or salute the english flag. He also said that the colony was cheating the Indians of their land. After he was banished from the colony he found the town of providence in the Rhode Island colony. Providence became safe haven for outsiders such as baptists, quakers, anglicans, jews, indians, africans, and turks. From 1640-1676 serves as the great peace maker and negotiator. He also wrote the Language of America finally gets a charter for the providence plantations in 1644. In 1676 there was the King Philip was which destroyed providence. Roger Williams died in providence in 1683. There were 20 basic rights that Roger Williams installed in Rhode Island. He separated church and state. The church cannot be involved in the government and the state could not govern church affairs. He made sure everyone had individual rights that were laid out in the Magna Carta. There was religious tolerance that respects the beliefs of all religions. There was liberty to think what you wants and follow your own ethics. The people had to agree on the laws before voting on laws. People had the right to dissent and it would not be counted as a criminal act. All citizens have an equal opportunity to vote. All disputes must be settled by peaceful means and with a negotiator. Rhode Island had a relaxed scope of government in public welfare and morality. Rhode Island was tolerant of all races. Roger Williams had installed respect of non-whites such as the indians. All of the towns had legitimacy through democracy. Rhode Island had a legitimate colony through contract with the indian owners and the parliament of England. In Rhode Island there was a demand for democracy in churches and a demand for the right for churches to communicate with one another. The people in Rhode Island were not forced to give oaths, wear allegiance, or bowing in civil matters. The colony was also against the anglican church and that of the church in MA. Rhode Island held that there were many ways people could speak to God because of all of the different religions. And finally the people living in Rhode Island had the right to start new religious groups no matter the religion.
Town Meetings (what did you learn)
town meetings like those for the puritans
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights
The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the country. The constitution was ratified in June 21, 1788. The Constitution is composed of 7 Articles and 27 Amendments (the first 10 are known as the Bill of Rights). The Constitution was inspired by many documents that came before it. These documents include the British Constitutional System, colonial attempts at unity, the declaration of independence, the articles of confederation, colonial governments (charters), political philosophy of 18th century, and the state constitutions after 1776. The Constitution is what gives the basic structure of government. It sets the three major branches of Legislative (makes the laws), Executive (carries out the laws) and the Judicial (explains the laws). Under the legislative there is Congress. Congress is compromised of the Senate and the House of representatives. The Senate has 100 members, two from each state. The House of Representatives has 435 members and the members are elected from each state according to the population of the state. The head of the executive branch is the President. The head of judicial branch is the supreme court. The Supreme court is also in charge of all of the lower federal courts. The constitution differs from the articles of the confederation. Power was now granted on taxed and armed forces, the source of power was stored through federalism between states and the national, there was now a bicameral legislature with equal representation of the states, and in order to amend the constitution there needed to be just 3/4 consent from the states. In the original constitution there was no protection of individual liberties however in the new constitution the Bill of Rights was added in 1791. There was also an indirect election of senators but now they changed into a direct election. The new constitution also abolished slavery in the 13th amendment. Also within the new constitution it gives citizenship rights for all of the states and created the electoral college.
History of Graphic Design: first form comes from pictographs, industrial revolution helped progress graphic design, typography became first big moment creating logos, graphic design started to become revolutionized for media and marketing, the different eras, straight lines and geometrical, then very abstract, then back to reminze on the straight lines. Slavery in Rhode Island was very prominent. Newport and bristol were the major salve markets. The dewolf family. leading slave trade in the history of the US. continued to salve trade even when it was prohibited. the auction places still in the town.