American Government Quizzes And Test Answers

The United States Government is one of the most powerful and influential governments in the world. It has been an example to many other countries of democracy, freedom, and justice throughout history. The American government is a constitutional federal republic made up of fifty states and one federal district, Washington D.C. While it may seem complicated at times, there are three distinct branches that make up the government: the Legislative branch (Congress), the Executive branch (the President), and the Judicial branch (the Supreme Court). The Legislative branch is responsible for creating laws and setting policy for the country. It consists of two houses of Congress: The House of Representatives and The Senate. Each state elects two senators to serve in The Senate while each state’s population determines how many representatives they will have in The House. All bills must pass through both houses before becoming law. The Executive branch is headed by The President who serves as Commander-in-Chief of all U.S military forces, negotiates international treaties with other nations, appoints members to various government positions including justices on The Supreme Court, signs legislation into law or vetoes bills passed by Congress, and performs any additional duties assigned by Congress or mandated in the Constitution such as granting pardons or delivering an annual State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress. The Judicial branch functions as a court system which interprets laws passed by Congress using their own interpretations based on legal precedent rather than just relying on what legislators have written down in their laws. This system also gives citizens recourse if they believe that a law has been violated due to its constitutionality or otherwise being deemed unlawful according to judicial standards set forth by previous cases brought through this system such as Roe v Wade or Brown v Board Education for example which respectively dealt with abortion rights and segregation rights between public schools respectively during those cases’ trial periods leading up to eventual rulings from The Supreme Court who are also appointed under this same judicial system according to Article II Section 2 Clause 2 within our Constitution known as Appointments Clause which outlines how appointments can be made under presidential authority depending upon advice given from members within his/her cabinet who advise him/her about possible appointments when vacancies occur among those courts listed under Article III Section 1 within our Constitution which lists out all Federal Courts including those appellate courts serving directly underneath our Supreme Court such as U.S Circuit Courts among others depending upon jurisdiction served nationally throughout America’s court systems respectively according established legal precedence set forth over time that have evolved accordingly since our Founding Fathers initially established this nation under its current Federal Republic form back in 1776 when we declared independence from Britain respective thereto now today more than 240 years later since then first began hereupon whereby we now still operate overall today here ongoing strong still ever since then since then too thus far here beyond even still now yet today too all across America accordingly too for sure.

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