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29 August 2022
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Wait, HOW much of the world's cotton came from the US South?
Explanation: The US South was responsible for the majority of the world's cotton production during the 18th and 19th centuries. This was due to the region's climate and soil, which were well suited for growing cotton. The US South also had a large population of enslaved Africans who were forced to work on cotton plantations.
Provide at least three ways in which Northerners were complicit in, and therefore at least partially morally responsible for, Southern slavery.
1- turning cotton into cloth to sell worldwide 2- selling cotton back to the south 3- insurance companies ensured slaves
Explanation: Northerners were complicit in Southern slavery in a number of ways. First, many Northern businesses were directly involved in the slave trade, profiting from the buying and selling of human beings. Second, Northern banks and other financial institutions provided the capital that allowed the slave trade and Southern plantation economy to flourish. Finally, Northern consumers benefited from the cheap goods produced by slave labor. While the vast majority of Northerners did not own slaves themselves, they were still complicit in the system of slavery and benefited from the exploitation of enslaved people.
Cite at least two ways in which slavery was actually economically harmful.
1- Due to slavery there was a lack of industry 2- siphoned over economic endeavors
Explanation: Slavery was actually economically harmful in a number of ways. First, it created a large class of people who were effectively denied the opportunity to improve their economic condition. This meant that there was a large pool of potential workers who were not able to contribute to the economy in a meaningful way. Second, slavery also created a great deal of economic inequality. This was because slave owners were able to amass large amounts of wealth while their slaves were left in poverty. This inequality meant that there was less overall economic activity, as the wealthy had less incentive to spend their money.
Why was slavery accepted by even those whites who were least likely to benefit from the institution, and who may indeed have been harmed by the lowering of wages
This is because racism was so imbedded in southern culture that even the poorest whites had legal and social status. Also because they aspired to be one of the rich slave owners one day
The treatment of slaves was beyond gross, but it was very much deliberate. There were two major goals for this abominable treatment: What were they?
1- To dehumanize slaves enough to make them believe that they were not human 2-hoped to reduce slaves to the animal property
Explanation: The two major goals for the abominable treatment of slaves were to break their spirit and to make them completely dependent on their owners.
Religion plays a complicated role in American slavery. Describe the contradictory ways it was used and by whom.
Religion had previously been used by slaveowners in order to justify what they were doing to these slaves so the fact that some slaves actually became preachers and used religion to disprove slavery is very contradictory
Explanation: Religion played a complicated role in American slavery. It was used by both slaveholders and abolitionists as a justification for their respective positions, and it was also used by slaves themselves as a source of hope and strength.On the one hand, slaveholders often invoked religious arguments to support their practice of slavery. They pointed to the Bible's references to slavery, such as the story of Abraham and Sarah's slave, Hagar, or the Paul's admonition to slaves to obey their masters. They also argued that slavery was a necessary evil, a necessary part of the social order that kept blacks in their place and prevented them from becoming a threat to white society.On the other hand, abolitionists also used religious arguments to support their cause. They pointed to the Golden Rule, which they said required Christians to treat others as they would want to be treated, and they argued that slavery was a sin that violated the basic principles of Christianity. They also said that all humans, regardless of race, were equal in the eyes of God and that slavery was therefore an unjust and immoral institution.Slaves themselves also turned to religion for comfort and hope. They found solace in the Bible's promises of freedom and justice, and they used their faith to sustain them through the hardships of slavery. Many slaves also became involved in the Underground Railroad, a network of people who helped slaves escape to freedom. Religion played a vital role in the Underground Railroad, providing both motivation and practical help to those who risked their lives to end slavery.
ame at least three ways slaves managed to maintain resistance ad dignity.
family faith resisting their oppressions
Explanation: The first way slaves maintained resistance and dignity was by continuing to practice their African religions. This allowed them to maintain their cultural identity and keep their spirits strong. Additionally, slaves often formed their own communities and support systems within the plantations. This helped them to stay connected to their culture and to each other, and made it easier to resist the dehumanizing treatment they received. Finally, many slaves simply refused to give up. They refused to be broken by the system, and fought for their freedom and dignity every day.