CIS 103 Final Exam (Ch. 7 And 9)

25 July 2022
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Write a statement that associates d with an empty dictionary.
d = { }
Explanation: There is no empty dictionary associated with d.
Write a statement that associates d with a one-entry dictionary that maps the str 'answer' to the int value 42.
d = {'answer':42}
Given that d refers to a dictionary, write an expression that is the value to which the dictionary maps the key 'answer'.
Explanation: Assuming that the key 'answer' exists in the dictionary, the expression would be: d['answer']
Given that d refers to a dictionary, change the value mapped to by the key 'Monty' to 'Python'.
d['Monty'] = 'Python'
Explanation: To change the value mapped to by the key 'Monty' in a dictionary, you would first need to locate the key 'Monty' in the dictionary. Then, you would need to reassign the value mapped to by the key 'Monty' to 'Python'.
Given that d refers to a dictionary and that x has been defined, delete the dictionary entry whose key is equal to the value associated with
del d[x]
Explanation: x.The statement delete the dictionary entry whose key is equal to the value associated with x" can be interpreted in two ways. One interpretation is to delete the key-value pair from the dictionary where the key is equal to the value of x. Another interpretation is to delete the key-value pair from the dictionary where the value is equal to the key of x.Assuming the first interpretation, the code would look like this:if x in d: del d[x]This code checks to see if the value of x is a key in the dictionary, and if so, deletes the key-value pair from the dictionary.Assuming the second interpretation, the code would look like this:for k, v in d.items(): if v == x: del d[k]This code iterates through the key-value pairs in the dictionary, and if the value is equal to the key of x, deletes the key-value pair from the dictionary."
Assume there is a variable, nobel_peace_prizes, that is associated with a dictionary that maps years to winners of the Nobel Peace Prize for that year and assume it is up-to-date through the year 2005. Write a statement that adds an entry that maps the key 2006 to "Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank".
nobel_peace_prizes[2006] = "Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank"
Explanation: The statement that would add an entry that maps the key 2006 to Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank" would be as follows:nobel_peace_prizes[2006] = "Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank""
Assume there is a variable, album_artists, that is associated with a dictionary that maps albums to performing artists. Write a statement that inserts the key/value pair: "Live It Out"/"Metric".
album_artists["Live It Out"]="Metric"
Explanation: The statement would be as follows:album_artists[Live It Out"] = "Metric""
Given a variable, us_cabinet, that is associated with a dictionary that maps department names to department heads, replace the value "Gonzalez" with "Mukasey" for the key "Justice Department".
us_cabinet["Justice Department"] = "Mukasey"
Explanation: The dictionary us_cabinet is being modified so that the key Justice Department" now points to the value "Mukasey" instead of "Gonzalez"."
Write a statement that associates s with the empty set.
s = set()
Given that s has been defined, and that the_set that refers to a set, write an expression that whose value is True if and only if the value to which s refers is in the_set.
s in the_set
Explanation: Given that s has been defined, and that the_set refers to a set, the expression (s in the_set) returns True if and only if the value to which s refers is in the_set.
Write a statement that defines plist to be the empty list.
plist = [ ]
Explanation:Given that s has been defined, and that the_set refers to a set, the expression (s in the_set) returns True if and only if the value to which s refers is in the_set.
Write a statement that defines plist as the list containing exactly these elements (in order): "spam", "eggs", "vikings" .
plist = ["spam", "eggs", "vikings"]
Explanation: A plist is a list containing exactly the elements spam", "eggs", "vikings", in that order."
Create a list named tax_rates, consisting of the following five elements: 0.10, 0.15, 0.21, 0.28, 0.31, in that order.
tax_rates = [0.10, 0.15, 0.21, 0.28, 0.31]
Explanation: The tax_rates list consists of the five elements 0.10, 0.15, 0.21, 0.28, and 0.31, in that order. These elements represent the tax rates for the five tax brackets in the United States, which are 10%, 15%, 21%, 28%, and 31%, respectively.
Given that plist has been defined to be a list of 30 elements, add 5 to its last element.
plist[-1] += 5
Explanation: The last element of plist is the element at index 29. To add 5 to it, we can set the value at index 29 to be the value at index 29 plus 5.
Assume that a list of integers named salary_steps that contains exactly five elements has been defined. Write a statement that changes the value of the last element in the list to 160000.
salary_steps[-1] = 160000
Explanation: The last element in the list can be changed to 160000 with the following statement:salary_steps[4] = 160000
Given that plist has been defined to be a list, write an expression that evaluates to True if 3 is an element of plist.
3 in plist
Explanation: The expression 3 in plist" will evaluate to True if 3 is an element of plist."
Given a list named play_list, write an expression whose value is the length of play_list.
Explanation: The expression would be len(play_list)". This would give the number of items in the list named "play_list"."
Given that a variable named plist has been defined and refers to a non-empty list, write a statement that associates its first element with 3.
plist[0] = 3
Explanation: The first element of the list is at index 0, so the statement would be plist[0] = 3"."
Write a statement that associates t with the empty tuple.
t = ()
Explanation: A tuple is a data structure that is used to store a collection of data. The empty tuple is a tuple that does not contain any data.
Write a statement that associates t with a tuple that contains the following elements: 42, 56, 7 .
t = (42, 56, 7)
Explanation: The statement t = (42, 56, 7) associates the tuple containing the elements 42, 56, and 7 with the variable t.