Chapter 5

29 August 2022
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Even before the Second Continental Congress assembled in May 1775, most colonies had created extralegal, revolutionary governments that
All of the above.
Explanation: assumed the powers of the royal governors.The Second Continental Congress was formed in May 1775 in response to the escalating violence of the American Revolutionary War. At this point, most of the American colonies had already established their own extralegal, revolutionary governments that had assumed the powers of the royal governors. These extralegal governments were formed in response to the British government's attempts to exert more control over the colonies, which the colonists saw as a violation of their rights. The Second Continental Congress was formed in order to unify the colonies and coordinate their efforts in resistance to the British government.
Most of the the colonial Presbyterian, Congregational, and Baptist clergy
supported the revolutionary movement against English rule.
Explanation: were very poorly educatedThe vast majority of the colonial Presbyterian, Congregational, and Baptist clergy were very poorly educated. Many of them had little more than a elementary school education, and some had no formal education at all. This was due in part to the fact that these denominations were relatively new and did not have the financial resources to support the education of their clergy. Additionally, the clergy were often drawn from the ranks of the lower classes, which further limited their educational opportunities.
England declared war on Spain in 1739 because of a desire to
dominate trade in the Atlantic basin.
Explanation: expand its colonial empire in the New World.In the early 1700s, England and Spain were vying for control of the lucrative fur trade in the Pacific Northwest. In 1718, Spain and England signed the Treaty of Utrecht, which gave England control of the fur trade in the region. However, Spain still claimed sovereignty over the region.In 1739, England declared war on Spain after a Spanish ship attacked an English merchant ship in the Caribbean. England saw this as an opportunity to take control of Spain's colonies in the New World. In 1740, a British expedition captured the Spanish colony of Porto Bello in present-day Panama. This was a major victory for the British, as it gave them control of the main shipping route between Europe and the Pacific.The war continued for several years, with both sides winning and losing battles. In 1748, the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ended the war. Under the treaty, England returned Porto Bello to Spain, but kept the other territories it had conquered. This expansion of the British Empire laid the foundation for future British expansion in North America.
The struggle with England over colonial rights between 1764 and 1776 revealed that
colonial society was not unified.
Explanation: the colonists were not united in their quest for independenceThe American Revolution was a struggle between the American colonists and Great Britain over colonial rights. The colonists were not united in their quest for independence and there were many different factions within the colonies. Some colonists wanted complete independence from Britain, while others only wanted to reform the British system. The struggle between the colonists and Britain ultimately led to the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
Parliament, beginning in 1699, attempted to regulate trade by requiring which of the following colonial goods to be shipped to England before export abroad?
woolen cloth
Explanation: In 1699, Parliament attempted to regulate trade by requiring colonial goods to be shipped to England before export abroad. This was done in an effort to control the trade and increase the amount of goods being shipped to England. However, this regulation had little effect on the overall trade and the amount of goods being shipped to England remained relatively unchanged.
Who were the major social groups during the Revolution other than elites?
All of the above.
Americans objected to the Tea Act of 1773 because it would
make it difficult for American merchants to compete with British merchants.
Explanation: The Tea Act of 1773 was a law passed by the British Parliament that placed a tax on tea imported into the American colonies. This tax was unpopular with the colonists, who had to pay it even though they did not have a say in how it was determined. The colonists also objected to the fact that the Tea Act gave a monopoly to the British East India Company, which was the only company allowed to sell tea in the colonies. The colonists believed that this monopoly would lead to higher prices for tea.
For a poor shoemaker like Ebenezer MacIntosh of Boston, the wars of the latter eighteenth century
offered an opportunity for economic gain.
Explanation: were an economic boonThe wars of the latter eighteenth century were an economic boon for poor shoemakers like Ebenezer MacIntosh of Boston because they created a demand for their products. The army and navy needed shoes for their soldiers and sailors, and the increased trade with Europe meant that there were more people who could afford to buy shoes. Poor shoemakers like MacIntosh were able to benefit from this increased demand and make a good living.
How did farmers respond to the movement toward revolution in the colonies?
They came around slowly to the cause of revolution.
Explanation: The farmers in the colonies responded to the movement toward revolution by joining in and fighting for their own independence. They felt that they had been taxed unfairly and that their rights were being infringed upon, so they took up arms and fought alongside the other colonists. After the war, they continued to fight for their rights and helped to shape the new nation.
Which of the following protests against the Stamp Act happened first?
passage of formal resolutions by the Virginia House of Burgesses.
The British Proclamation of 1763
ordered colonial governors to reserve lands west of the Appalachian Mountains for Indian nations
The call for the meeting of a Continental Congress in 1774 came in response to the
Intolerable Acts.
Explanation: Intolerable ActsThe Intolerable Acts were a series of laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 in response to the Boston Tea Party. The acts included closing the port of Boston, restricting the autonomy of the Massachusetts legislature, and making it easier for the crown to prosecute colonists accused of treason. In response to these acts, the colonists called for a Continental Congress to meet in Philadelphia in 1774. The Congress was to discuss a united response to the Intolerable Acts.
Colonial women played a vital role in the movement toward revolution.
Explanation: Colonial women played a vital role in the movement toward revolution by organizing boycotts, circulating petitions, and participating in public protests. Women's participation in the movement helped to create a sense of unity and purpose among the colonists and ultimately helped to bring about the Revolutionary War.
Cities contained only 5 percent of the colonial population.
Explanation: Cities in the colonial era were generally quite small, containing only a small percentage of the total population. This was due in part to the lack of infrastructure and transportation options at the time. Most people lived in rural areas and were engaged in agriculture or other forms of subsistence living. Cities were also generally quite dangerous places, due to the lack of law enforcement and the presence of disease. As a result, many people avoided living in cities if they could.
George Grenville's program to raise revenue proposed that all imperial debts be paid by the American colonists.
Explanation: George Grenville was a British politician who served as Prime Minister from 1763 to 1765. During his time in office, Grenville implemented a series of policies designed to raise revenue for the British government. One of these policies was the imposition of a tax on all imperial debts owed by the American colonists. This policy was highly controversial and led to increased tensions between Britain and the American colonies.
The Philadelphia militia failed to support the radical leaders of the Revolution in the city.
Explanation: The Philadelphia militia was made up of conservative men who supported the status quo and were unwilling to risk their lives and livelihoods for the sake of the Revolution. The radical leaders of the Revolution, on the other hand, were willing to take risks and fight for change. As a result, the militia failed to support the radicals, and the Revolution ultimately failed in Philadelphia.
By the time the Second Continental Congress met, the fabric of government was badly torn in most colonies.
Explanation: The fabric of government was badly torn in most colonies by the time the Second Continental Congress met. This was due to a variety of factors, including the increasing power of the executive branch in many colonies, the growing influence of special interests, and the lack of effective checks and balances on the legislature. In addition, many colonies had been embroiled in bitter disputes over taxation and other issues, which had led to a breakdown in trust between the different branches of government.
o discuss creation of a colonial union and possible alliance with the Iroquois Indians, colonial representatives met in 1754 at __________ .
Albany, New York
Explanation: The Albany Congress was a meeting of representatives from seven of the thirteen British colonies in North America. It was convened in Albany, New York, in June and July 1754, to discuss better relations with the Iroquois Indians and the establishment of a colonial union.
France, Austria, and __________ fought against Great Britain and Prussia during the French and Indian War.
Explanation: France, Austria, and Spain fought against Great Britain and Prussia during the French and Indian War.
The __________ ended the Seven Years' War in 1763.
Treaty of Paris
Explanation: The Treaty of Paris ended the Seven Years' War in 1763.