BUS 346 Ch. 18

2 October 2022
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The key to a successful emotional advertising appeal is to use the emotion to Select one: a. get consumers to think about the benefits of the product. b. deliver a logical message. c. create a bond between the consumer and the brand. d. make consumers cry. e. balance social marketing with product-focused advertising.
An emotional appeal tries to reach the consumer by forging a bond between the consumer and the brand. The correct answer is: create a bond between the consumer and the brand.
Generally speaking, all advertising messages are designed to Select one: a. inform, persuade, or remind customers. b. match production scheduling with consumer demand. c. comply with FCC rules combined with FTC antitrust regulations. d. entertain or apprise. e. meet the needs of society.
Informing, persuading, and reminding are the three general objectives of advertising. The correct answer is: inform, persuade, or remind customers.
Which of the following is NOT one of the federal agencies that regulate advertising activities? Select one: a. FRS b. USPS c. FCC d. FTC e. FDA
The FDA, FCC, and FTC are the three major agencies regulating advertising; however, other agencies (including the U.S. Postal Service) have some regulatory responsibility as well. The correct answer is: FRS
For an advertiser, the target audience can be understood as Select one: a. consumers who do not use the product. b. consumers whom its research designates as its target market. c. consumers who prefer the competitor's product. d. consumers who currently use or like the product. e. consumers who are unaware of the product.
Firms must keep in mind that their target audience may or may not be the same as current users of the product. They must conduct research to identify their target audience. The correct answer is: consumers whom its research designates as its target market.
Brent is working on an advertising campaign to promote downtown businesses. He knows the increasing number of advertising communication channels available and changes in consumers' media usage Select one: a. makes it easier to select media. b. increases consumers' preference for high-pressure persuasive advertising. c. makes his job more difficult. d. makes budget more important, and creativity less important. e. will force him to use PSAs.
The increasing number of communications media has made it more complex to choose appropriate media for a campaign. The correct answer is: makes his job more difficult.