Assignment 7 Review

24 January 2023
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An American Dilemma, Gunnar Myrdal
Moral dilemma ā†’ contradiction between morality American Creed ā†’ how can you believe in the United States' American creed yet uphold the oppression of an entire human race? White American absolve themselves of guilt by creating "separate but equal" system ā†’ Myrdal says you've invented this to make yourselves feel better Racial prejudice is a function of the American Creed Creed used as a weapon against Americans the country
GI Bill, 1944
Provided services for veterans returning from war Accounts for their education and training, loan guaranty for homes, farms, or businesses and unemployment pay Racism deeply embedded in American institutions
The Supreme Court and the Black Revolution (Brown v. Board of Education)
We have to consider things as they are and so we must determine if segregation is equal in the current public schools today We have to recognize the importance of education to a democratic society Education as the foundation of good citizenship Segregation deprives minority children of equal education opportunities Generates feeling of inferiority ā†’ affects learning ability Separate is inherently unequal
Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King
Composed in 1963 while MLK was serving a jail sentence for participating in civil rights demonstrations in Birmingham, Alabama Response to eight white Alabama clergymen who had criticized his leadership in the civil rights movement Sit-ins/marches force whites to negotiate because they have to confront an issue they previously could easily avoid The goal is to create tension We have waited for many years It is not easy to be told to wait when such violence is occurring You cannot understand our impatience because you don't understand the urgency of our rights You express anxiety over our willingness to break laws but you create laws which are unjust I stand as a middleman between the complacent blacks who want to do nothing and the violent, bitter extremists who see all white men as devils The goal of our movement is freedom
At the Audubon Ballroom, Malcolm X
We struggle like we are a minority but we need not be one We have to understand our movement in a global context Stop believing in nonviolence We have to recognize that none of us came here voluntarily ā†’ slavery Role of capitalism in oppression Capitalist success comes from oppression This is the richest country on earth and there is terrible poverty here They don't want us to know how valuable Africa is to them but it is in a strategic location African resources are what European economies are built on and exploited European powers have prevented Asia/Latin America/Africa from industrializing because it means they will not be as dependent on Europe African nations are gaining power We need to identify with these Africans We need not align with a party because we will vote for who represents us, regardless of their party Violence is necessary Sometimes it those closest to us who are our biggest obstacles to freedom ā†’ black brothers and sisters who don't want to fight the system We must be interested in freedom by all means Does not accept help from any nonviolent liberals
We Want Black Power, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Black man in America is in a perpetual state of slavery Nobody can be free until we all are We have to create a black culture that will erase the lies of white men Black man in the ghetto must lead ā†’ he doesn't live in the pocket of the white society Bourgeois Negro must not lead movement ā†’ too full of contradictions We have to remove white values from our minds Black brotherhood ā†’ means hatred of all white things We must infiltrate the government We have to always remember our brothers We have to stop fighting a "fair game" because it does not work ā†’ hate is necessary All systems revolve around whites so we need to fight all systems Erase all symbols of slavery from our society Disrupt the white system Don't try to assimilate
The Plan of Delano, 1965, Cezar Chavez
Liberation of Farm Workers associated with the Delano Grape Strike in the State of California, seeking social justice in farm labor We work for others and get no reward ourselves This is only the beginning of a movement Fighting against bad workers' wages and calling for collective bargaining Also protesting bad working conditions Calls for unity along class lines Seeking the support of the government
Seizure of Alcatraz Island, 1969
Indian self-determination Taking run-down land where there was an old abandoned prison as a symbol gesture Conditions were awful on the island after the island stopped being used We will take this land and begin a colony here It is more suitable for an Indian reservation as determined by the white man's standards because it has no running water, has inadequate sanitation facilities, and the soil is unproductive It will be fitting for ships coming from all over the world to enter and first see Indian land to remind them of the country's origins before Europeans arrived there
Activist Amy Uyematsu Proclaims the Emergence of "Yellow Power", 1969
Defines a "yellow power" consciousness that emulated articulations of "black power" and demanded militant demonstrations against racism Demonstrates activists' commitment to anti imperialism and revolutionary politics Asians of the past have tried to transform themselves into white men by adopting the "American way of life" They reject their heritage, resulting in self-hatred "Black is Beautiful" inspires Asian-Americans to embrace themselves and to accept themselves Yellow power movement made up of students and young adults This requires the problem of stereotypes Asian Americans have remained "silent" and been passive, allowing national attention to focus on black people Asians have made an uneasy alliance with whites to keep blacks oppressed Asians allow whites to use the "silent Oriental" stereotype against the back protest Asian Americans are perpetuating white racism by allowing white America to hold up the "successful" Oriental image before other minority groups The yellow power movement seeks freedom from racial oppression through a consolidated yellow people Two main assumptions are being challenged: Asian Americans are powerless and that they have already obtained economic equality We need to join with other minorities Many yellow people feel that they have attained middle-class incomes and have no reason to complain about capitalism but it isn't true that Asian Americans enjoy full economic opportunity "Model Minority" --? passive/obedient/smart ā†’ pits one racial group against another Also defines Asian Americans as perpetually different from Americans
The Feminist Mystique, Betty Friedan
Rejects the idea that women's lives should revolve around home, husband, and family Sense of dissatisfaction among women Education/news media reaffirms these beliefs After World War II, women went back to the sexist conception of them remaining in the home A woman blames herself for lack of fulfillment A woman seeks fulfillment where there is none Feeling of incompleteness Only road to fulfillment for American woman is marriage Give women something more than husband/children Really only speaks to white women Does not address the needs of lower class women or women of color
What's Wrong with 'Equal Rights' for Women?, Phyllis Schlafly
Appeals to homemakers who fear feminism We are very privileged God created us this way Women have right to keep their babies The family gives a woman support We receive special respect and have received this since religious times American capitalism has liberated women Refers to women as aggressive Contests idea of marriage as a form of slavery We are more than equal ā†’ we have special privilege If we let the feminist movement go forward, women will be drafted Women's rights to child support will be abolished Pro-life feminist ā†’ anti-abortion/anti-premarital sex/anti-day-care (exclusive of women who can't afford to stay at home) The "women libbers" don't speak for us
A Black Feminist Statement, Combahee River Collective
Example of socialist feminism Articulated a politics based on the interlocking of the major systems of oppression -capitalism, patriarchy, racial hierarchy, and compulsory heterosexuality Rejected the separatism of white lesbian feminists because they expressed solidarity with black men as fellow victims of racism Seeking to disrupt all the systems Black women are oppressed because of both their gender and their race Our role in the feminist movement has been obscured Our development must be tied to the economic and political position of black people Addressing economic oppression under capitalism Race, class, and sex oppression cannot be separated Capitalism and imperialism are related to the patriarchy We refuse to take any separatist tactics Difficult to organize around black feminist issues because we are fighting on all fronts Our freedom means everyone's freedom We are hated by black men because people say that black feminism divides the black cause We plan to become involved in Third World Communities Racism in white women's movement
Mattachine Society reports on Stonewall Rebellion, 1969
Rioting features "queens" not "homosexuals" The "queens" refused to tolerate any more harassment or abuse Violence punishing the gays Very violent protests Everyone seemed to sympathize with the homosexuals Backlash would've occurred if the situation had occurred longer and violence increased The homosexual cause is growing Other groups were present besides gays Don't be ashamed of identity ā†’ be influenced by the Black Power MOvement Turning point of gay people embracing their identity
John D'Emilio and Estelle B. Freeman, Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America
Before the gay liberation, coming out was about self-acceptance It becomes about telling others No conception before the 20th century of sexuality as one's identity "Personal as political" Reference to feminist movement Coming out is political Two schools of thought "Normal" ā†’ queer people should become normal (no mental illness) ā†’ legalization of same sex marriage Advocated for allowing gays to join the military Under banner of equality Wants to abolish all systems Trouble with "normal" (no such thing as normal) Marriage is oppressive ā†’ reject marriage/challenge hetero and homonormativity Critique war instead of trying to join the military Focus on "eroticism" ā†’ polygamous relationship
Gunnar Myrdal
Swedish economic who writes about state of blacks in U.S.. Conducted study about race relations in "An American Dilemma". Wrote that "America can demonstrate that justice, equality, and cooperation are possible between white and colored people.
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas
Using sociological data, extensive research, and the Fourteenth Amendment, they dismantled the basis of legal segregation. On May 17th, 1954, Chief Justice Earl Warren's Court ruled unanimously that separate educational facilities resulted in inherently unequal education.
Cold War context
Warren was aware of how segregation undermined the U.S. position in the Cold War just as African and Asian liberation movements were gaining traction.
Little Rock Nine
In September of 1957, nine black students armed with a federal court order, attempted to desegregate the city's Central High School. Governor Orval Faubus responded by calling out the Arkansas National Guard, directly challenging the authority of the federal government. Eisenhower reluctantly sends federal troops to secure the students' safe passage into their school. This was the first time a Republican present sent federal troops into the South since Grant in 1874.
Civil Rights Act of 1957
expanded voting rights on paper but once again failed to deal with the question of enforcement.
Montgomery Improvement Association
Oversaw boycott against discriminatory practices on public transit. The boycott lasted a year and sparked violence against King, Nixon, and other leaders but demonstrated the power of collective community action.
Martin Luther King
Able to unify previously divided factions. Reached out to a broad audience of supporters in America and abroad. Strategically combined boycott and protest. Preached about "militant violence" and encouraged blacks and whites to confront racism everywhere. Called on all blacks of all ages to place their lives in danger and exercise willpower. Rightly concluded that if demonstrators refrained from violence, even in self-defense, the moral compass of world opinion would swing in their direction.
Black Power
More militant, often younger African Americans advocated for what they called Black Power, a combination of racial pride and forceful, even violent resistance to anti-black violence. This more militant assertion of rights and willingness to use "whatever means necessary" split the civil rights coalition. Produced and intensified the white backlash against political, social, and economic gains by African Americans. African Americans celebrated their heritage through the cultural nationalism in the Black Arts MOvement. Slogans became popular such as "Black is beautiful." Black Power replaces "We Shall Overcome" and "Freedom Now" as the slogan for the civil rights movement. Black Power movement has antecedents in Marcus Garvey's back-to-Africa crusade of the 1920s. Black Power could mean black pride, black control of black communities, or resistance to assimilation into a totally integrated society. Also mean hatred of white society and an endorsement of violence
National Farm Workers Association (NFWA)
movement for Mexican Americans burst into international prominence in 1965 when 5,000members of the NFWA joined a "huelga", or strike, against grape growers in Delano, California. Took influence from the Black Power Movement.
Cesar Chavez and Delores Huerta
two charismatic leaders of the NFWA. Led a nationwide boycott of the purchase of grapes to force the growers to the union. The grape boycott spread across the Atlantic to the United Kingdom. The strike went on for 5 years until the growers signed a contract recognizing the NFWA as the pickers' representative. Became an international leader for newly empowered Mexican Americans. Challenged stereotypes of Mexican American leaders because he had darker skin whereas leaders of the past mostly had lighter skin.
American Indian Movement
Formed in Minneapolis in 1968. The organization was inspired by the November 1969 occupation of Alcatraz Island in San Francisco ay, when hundreds of young Indian activists demanded that the federal government turn over ownership of the land.
Malcolm X
Malcolm X promoted separatism because, he believed, white racism would never end. He also encouraged pride in African Americans' cultural heritage, supporting black businesses and self-defense.
Black Panther Party
Advocated black self-determination and armed self-defense against Police brutality. Very violent.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Radicalization of the civil rights movement is epitomized by the history of the (SNCC), an organization mainly of college students. Led the fight of the integration of stores and restaurants in the South through sit-ins and in 1964 organized a Freedom Summer in Mississippi to register black voters and teach literacy and black history in Freedom schools.
Delano to Sacramento March
march of penetrance. Pilgrimage inspired by MLK's march in Washington and non-violent protest.
New Frontier
Kennedy administration's policy of expanding economic and social opportunities for those who missed the prosperity of the 50's and, at the same time, wage the Cold War against the Soviet Union and its allies more energetically. The Kennedy administration responded by providing the federal protection to embattled civil rights advocates and introducing far-reaching civil rights legislation in Congress.
Betty Friedan
Author of The Feminist Mystique. Described how educated, middle-class women felt isolated and useless in the "comfortable concentration camp" of the suburban house. Argued for meaningful work for educated women at equal pay with men.
National Organization for Women
advocated an end to laws that discriminate against women, opportunity to work at any job, and equal pay for equal work. Experienced opposition from men who thought they might lose privileges, some middle-class housewives who worried that they would lose legal protections, and some traditional Christians who believed that the Bible sanctioned male leadership in the home resisted the new feminism. Many African-American women and Latinas considered the push for women's rights a white middle-class movement that did not understand the problems of domestic or farm workers raising children on their own.
Equal Rights Amendment
A short declaration banning the denial or abridgement of rights on the basis of sex. Failed to achieve approval of the minimum of 38 state legislatures.
Phyllis Schlafly
Organized a grassroots movement opposed to ratification of the ERA.
Stonewall Rebellion
1969. This class with the police in June 1969 at the Stonewall Inn in New York City is popularly viewed as the start of a national gay rights movement.
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
August 28th, 1963. Over 200,00 black and white demonstrators, more than double the number expected, marched from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial.
Great Society
Series of reforms pushed forward by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Medicare, a health plan providing universal hospital insurance for Americans over 65, was included. Medicaid, a system in which the federal government provided states matching grants to pay for medical costs of poor people of all ages. Job Corps: Modeled on Civilian Conservation Corps. Employed 100,000 people in its first eight years. Volunteers in Service to America: recruited people to work in poverty stricken places in America. Office of Economic Opportunity: headed by Sargent Shriver to supervise the War on Poverty. Food Stamps: created to feed people whose income fell below the government calculated poverty level. Model Cities program encouraged physical and economic revitalization of the nation's poorest urban areas National Foundation for the Arts and Humanities: provided federal grants to individuals and institutions such as universities, museums, theaters, orchestras, and ballet companies Corporation for Public Broadcasting: provided funds for notable television series. Ultimately undermined by African American uprisings against police brutality, poverty, and continued racial discrimination
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Outlawed literacy tests to vote.The Justice Department had the power directly to register voters in districts where discrimination existed. Justice Department officials also monitored the conduct of elections on polling days. Response to demonstrations in Selma, Alabama, where 15,00 African Americnas were voting age but only 355 were registered voters. African Americans faced the prospect of losing their jobs or homes or lives if they tried to register and encountered hostility from officials when they tried to vote.
1965 changes to the immigration quota system
Replaced McCarthy era communist paranoia with an allowance of 170,000 immigrants from the Eastern Hemisphere and 120,000 from the Western Hemisphere to enter the US each year. Changed the source of US immigration from Europe to Asia and the Western Hemisphere. A provision, little noticed at the time, permitted an unlimited number of visas for family unification. An immigration chain developed.
Rosa Parks
On December 1st, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white passenger on a Montgomery bus as she traveled home from work. After she refused to move, police arrested her.
James Meredith
Air Force veteran who sought to become the first black student to attend the University of Mississippi. In response, thousands of whites rioted. Robert Kennedy ordered federal marshals t shield Meredith. After 160 marshals were wounded, Kennedy ordered the National Guard to the university campus to defend the marshals and restore order.
Why did whites turn against the Great Society programs?
Because they felt they rewarded the rioters who caused all the violence.
What happened the same day the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed?
A six day protest in Los Angles broke out. A crowd protesting the arrest of a young African American began to throw rocks and bottles at police in the streets of a poor, African American section of the city.
Why did some African Americans become disillusioned with traditional civil rights organizations?
Thought they paid too much attention to ending legal segregation and too little to the crushing burden of poverty.
Mattachine Society
Gay men associated with Communist Party