Artistic Inspiration Practice

27 August 2022
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Explain the differences between myths and legends, visual metaphors, and beliefs. Why are they all forms of artistic inspiration?
Myths and legends are stories which are passed down, usually verbally, through generations within a culture. Visual metaphors can be from a dream or memory, and involve an association between two images or experiences. Beliefs are usually religious or spiritual, and help to explain the past, present, and future, as well as guide its followers' actions and intentions. Each is a form of artistic expression, because all can be effective modes of communication, which can be easily understood by people of all ages, classes, and literacy levels.
Define symmetry and proportion. Why are they important to artistic design?
Symmetry is achieved when parts of an object are arranged along an imaginary center line. Proportion is the relation of one part to another, or of parts to the whole, in respect to size, height, width and scale. Symmetry provides balance and aesthetic appeal. Proportion provides depth, realistic imagery, definition for the individual parts.
List and describe the five main inspirations for artists.
Nature: Elements of the natural world, such as vegetation, landforms, animals, and insects. Environment: The location where people or other living organisms live. Landscape: Inland scenery. Seascapes: Coastal scenery. People: Any human being or groups of human beings, whether man or women, adult or child.
Define the following terms: - medium - technique - proportion
Medium: Material in which a work of art is produced. Technique: How a piece of art is made; the methods used. Proportion: Relation of one part to another, or of parts to the whole in respect to the size,height,width, and scale.
Explain how the artwork relates to Quintilian's famous quote, including the artist's technique(s) and inspiration(s).
Quintilian used nature as his inspiration to make this painting of the great waves. this relates to his quote because he turned nature into a great piece of art.
Compare and contrast the above pieces, each of which is of a woman.
Compare: Both are painted and of women. Both look thoughtful, and perhaps sad. Contrast: One is dark and realistic (Mona Lisa), while the other is colorful and almost imaginary/dreamlike. The realistic painting (Mona Lisa - left) looks calm and yet sad, while the women on the right looks sad as well, but also more fearsome or worried. For the Mona Lisa on the left, the artists has added background images, while the painting on the right has an array of colors that do not create any specific image, but rather just compliment the women's image and the emotions she exhibits.
The above painting is Michelangelo Buonarroti's, Last Judgement. What is/was the source of inspiration for this famous painting? What does the painting depict?
The painting is a Christian based painting. It shows images of what is known as God's last judgment, which is found in the book of Revelations, in the Bible. The painting depicts what is predicted in the book of Revelations regarding God returning to earth to judge and punish all those who are not Christian.
Why were portraits important in early history? Using key terms from the lesson, describe the above self-portrait by Rembrandt.
Before photography and film, portraits provided a way to record a person's image. Rembrandt's self-portrait, or portrait of the painter himself, is a painting. It is a realist, frontal self-portrait, that relies strong contrasts between light and dark to show detail and emphasize the artists face. Each part is proportionate, so that no one feature is embellished, but instead compliment one another.
List at least 4 places/content that most often inspire artists.
nature, environment, landscapes, seascapes, people, animals
his is a design by Leonardo da Vinci called, Old Man Contemplating the Flow of Water. What do you see when you look at this image? Why do you think the artist designed the image the way he did?
On one side we see a man deep in thought, while on the other side, his thoughts are projected. The man is sitting by a tree, which is often a symbol of wisdom in art. There is also a house or building in the background, so we can guess that the man is alone and away from the world's business. Based on the title, we also know that the man is suppose to be thinking about the flow of water, so the images on the right are most likely what he sees as water flowing. The words below the water, although we cannot read them, are perhaps his theories on water flow.