03.06 Elections And Voting

23 August 2022
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The U.S. Census is most likely to result in
Changes in policy and representation in Congress
The number of a state's electoral votes could change if the
State population has a major change compared to other states
In the Election of 2008, Florida had 27 electoral votes. How do you explain the data shown on this map?
Florida gained representatives and thus electoral votes because of census data showing population increase.
Which of the following describes when a person is most likely to vote?
Voter is over age 60 and it is a presidential election
What emerging relationship trend between negative campaign tone and voter turnout is depicted on the graph starting in 1988?
Negative campaigns have steadily increased and it is possible that it increased voter turnout but the evidence is not strong.
Of the following, turnout among young voters is likely to be highest among
Black educated females
Of the following year spans, which had the greatest decrease in voter turnout rates?
1916 to 1920
Imagine you are on a committee studying whether or not to make changes to the Electoral College system. What would you recommend? In a well-written paragraph, explain your position with at least three reasons
The Electoral College System definitely has some flaws, however, we still use it today. If I had a say in changing the system, I would recommend abolishing it. One problem with it is that the electors don't have to vote for the state's popular vote. People in America are voting for what they want. If the system was changed then they would have a better chance of making a more direct impact with their vote. Another reason for abolishing it is that the president can still win even though they did not earn the popular vote. The president is chosen by the majority of electoral votes. A third reason is that population determines the number of electoral votes. California has the most electoral votes and a smaller state like Wyoming would not have nearly as many. The smaller states however, have more power when it comes to individual voters when comparing the two states. Smaller states have a smaller number of people per electoral vote and therefore have more power per vote.