UNIT TEST (6) 96%

12 October 2022
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In a political campaign, the person with the responsibility of contacting the media and creating printed materials is the campaign manager. fund-raising chairperson. communications director. volunteer coordinator.
campaign manager.
Which statement best describes the media's role in informing the public on government affairs? The media presents information, allowing the public to stay informed about current and proposed laws. The media's constant presentation of information requires that the public gain a comprehensive understanding of policy. The media works hard to ensure that everyone has access to the same information at all times. The media's experts develop highly informed opinions about current events to ensure that people make the right decisions.
The media presents information, allowing the public to stay informed about current and proposed laws.
The role of a campaign manager is to select a candidate to run for office. contact the media on a daily basis. donate money to buy campaign materials. oversee a campaign organization.
oversee a campaign organization.
https://media.edgenuity.com/evresources/3315/3315-05/3315-05-05/3315-05-05-assessment/3315-05-05-11.png Look at the information in this bar graph. Based on this graph, what conclusion can someone draw? Voters were not interested in the issues in 2008. 2008 and 2012 were presidential election years. The majority of Americans vote in every election. Women boycotted the polls in 2010.
2008 and 2012 were presidential election years.
Which of these best describes what the media generally facilitate for the public? the ability to actively participate in policy making the ability to communicate with government officials and lawmakers the ability to try to influence policy decisions the ability to hear discussions on laws and the lawmaking process
the ability to hear discussions on laws and the lawmaking process
Which group is at the bottom of a political party's organizational structure and is most likely to be working within communities to reach voters and perform essential tasks? volunteers local county organizations state parties national parties
The media aim to make the public aware of the issues. actively involved. accountable. opinionated.
aware of the issues.
How does lobbying benefit the government? Lobbying simplifies the decision-making process for lawmakers. Lobbying presents all interests equally. Lobbying helps educate and inform lawmakers. Lobbying ensures all citizens' opinions inform government decisions.
Lobbying helps educate and inform lawmakers.
Which of these people might be a member of a campaign staff? Select all that apply. poll worker candidate volunteer worker communications director fund-raiser
volunteer worker communications director fund-raiser
Do lobbyists exert influence among all three branches of government? Why or why not? Yes, they advise on rules and legislation and file briefs with the courts. No, they focus on developing legislation. Yes, they influence the election of officials to all three branches. No, the courts are immune to outside influences.
Yes, they advise on rules and legislation and file briefs with the courts.
Read Justice John Paul Stevens's dissenting opinion in the Citizens United case. At bottom, the Court's opinion is thus a rejection of the common sense of the American people, who have recognized a need to prevent corporations from undermining self government since the founding, and who have fought against the distinctive corrupting potential of corporate electioneering since the days of Theodore Roosevelt. -Justice Stevens Dissenting Opinion Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission What does Justice Stevens say about the Court's ruling? Corporate money will make elections more likely to reflect the public will. Corporate money will have no influence on elections. Corporate money has changed since the days of Theodore Roosevelt. Corporate money will make elections less likely to reflect the public will.
Corporate money will make elections less likely to reflect the public will.
Which of these is the best reason to explain why candidates for office hire campaign staff to run their campaigns? Campaigns are complex undertakings, and candidates must hire staff members to manage specific activities. If candidates for office lose their runs for office, they can blame staff members for what went wrong. Candidates hire staff members because campaigns provide an opportunity to give jobs to family members and friends. Campaigns are run according to accepted rules, and one of those rules is that candidates for office must hire campaign staff.
Campaigns are complex undertakings, and candidates must hire staff members to manage specific activities.
In the United States, potential jury members are notified of their duty by a summons. a phone call. an e-mail. a text message.
a summons.
What led to the formation of political parties? Certain individuals wanted to gain political power. The writers of the Constitution disagreed on ideology. The Constitution encouraged the concept of two political parties. Groups of people decided to promote different legislative agendas.
The writers of the Constitution disagreed on ideology.
What do the media most provide the public with by covering policy and the lawmaking process? consistency complete accuracy transparency comprehensiveness
While state law governs many aspects of the election process, the federal government is responsible for registering voters. organizing local polling places. counting votes. passing campaign finance laws.
passing campaign finance laws.
Which best describes how social-networking sites help political campaigns, especially when compared to traditional media? They allow supporters to publicly criticize opponents. They ensure that a campaign's message reaches a large audience. They enable campaigns to sample public opinion. They facilitate clear communication.
They enable campaigns to sample public opinion.
Which statements apply to the financing of a political campaign and the laws controlling it? Select all that apply. Individual donors can contribute up to a set amount and no more. Limits are never placed on how much a PAC can donate. Campaigns are financed by public and private donations. Finance laws keep voters from learning who donated to a campaign. Finance laws require that donors and the amounts given be identified.
Individual donors can contribute up to a set amount and no more. Campaigns are financed by public and private donations. Finance laws require that donors and the amounts given be identified.
How might opinion polls negatively affect voter behaviors? They often sway voters' opinions on the issues. They can motivate people to not vote. They frequently influence voters' stance on the candidates. They persuade people to vote for particular issues and candidates.
They can motivate people to not vote.
The _____ is the name of the publication produced by the government that covers debates occurring in Congress.
congressional record
According to the Federal Election Commission, what is one action that a national party committee must perform? hold a national convention establish a national platform sponsor several national debates have national fund-raising events
hold a national convention
The final competition for elective office is called the indirect primary. general election. closed primary. caucus.
general election.
Why has social media affected political campaigns? It is usually a quick and effective form of mass communication. It is always a free way for politicians to advertise. It is often not an effective way for citizens to criticize policy ideas. It is an effective way of communicating with the public without getting feedback.
It is usually a quick and effective form of mass communication.
Which is an example of the difference between a responsibility and a duty of a US citizen who is an 18-year-old male? He has a responsibility to pay taxes and a duty to perform community service. He has a responsibility to vote and a duty to register for selective service. He has a responsibility to serve on a jury and the duty to help neighbors in need. He has a responsibility to serve in the military and a duty to clean up litter.
He has a responsibility to vote and a duty to register for selective service.
In a closed primary, who selects a political party's nominees for office? all qualified voters only party members only party leaders delegates
only party members