Susan B. Anthony

22 August 2022
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Susan B. Anthony (1820 - 1906)
-Raised in a Quaker Family - Teacher, writer and lecturer - Leading figure in the abolitionist and in women's voting rights movements - Lead the National American Woman Suffrage Association
-Born: February 15, 1820 - Adams, Massachusetts - Raised in Quaker Family - Second oldest of 8 children - Father was a local cotton mill owner - Developed a strong moral compass at a young age and spent most of her life working on social change
Early Life
- 1826: Family moved to Battenville, New York --> Susan was sent to a Quaker school near Philadelphia - 1830s (late): Fathers business fails Susan comes home to help support family, found a job as a teacher. - 1840s (mid): Anthony family moves to Rochester, New York. Became involved in the abolitionist movement. Their Farm house served as a meeting place for abolitionists (Fredrick Douglass met there) - Around mid-1840s, Susan became the head of the girl's department at Canajoharie Academy (held post for 2 yrs)
-1849: Left Canajoharie Academy - 1851: Met Elizabeth Cady Staton at an ant-slavery conference. Also involved in temperance (stop of alcohol consumption/production). - Susan was inspired to fight for women's rights when she was denied the chance to speak at a prohibition convention because she was a woman (while working on the prohibtion campaign) - She realized no one whould listen to a woman in politics seriously unless they had the right to vote - 1852: Susan and Elizabeth Cady established the Women's New York State Temperance Society. - The two also formed the New York State Woman;s Rights Committee. Susan also started up petitions for women have the right to own property and to vote - 1856: Susan began working for the American Ant-Slavery Society. She promoted the cause up until the Civil War
Women's Right to Vote
- After Civil War - 1866: Helped establish the American Equal Rights Association with Elziabeth Cady Staton + Called for same rights regardless of race or gender - 1868: Susan and Elizabeth created and produced a weekly publication called The Revolution - 1869: Susan and Elizabeth founded the National Woman Suffrage Association - 1872: Voted illegally in presidential election. Arrested and had to pay $100 fine, which she never paid -1880s: published first volume of "History of Woman Suffrage"- co-edited with Elizabeth, Husted Harper and Matilda Joslin Gagae (several more volumes followed) -1898: "The Life and Word of Susan B. Anthony: A Story of the Evolution of the Status of Women" worked with Harper to make
"The Revolution"
-1868 - A weekly publication that lobbied for Women's rights - Created and produced by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Staton - Newspaper Motto: "Men their rights, and nothing more. Women their rights, and nothing less."
Death and Legacy
-1905: Met with president Theodore Roosevelt in Washington D.C. to lobby for an amendment to give women the right to vote - 1906 (March 13): (Age 86) died at her honme in Rochester New York - Before death, she told Friend Ana Shaw "to think I have had more than 60 years of hard struggle for a little liberty, and then to die without it seems so cruel." -1920 (14 years after death
Important People
Important Publish Writings
-1898: "The Life and Word of Susan B. Anthony: A Story of the Evolution of the Status of Women" - 1880s "History of Woman Suffrage" - 1868: Susan and Elizabeth created and produced a weekly publication called The Revolution