22 August 2022
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If you record the exact words from a source, what kind of information have you recorded? paraphrase annotation summary quotation
Analyze the note cards below and answer the question that follows. Which piece of data best fits in the body of the note card above? "Cloning is an asexual form of reproduction. All the child's genes would come from a body cell of a single individual . . . ." "If a man cloned himself, would the child be that man's son or his twin brother? It would be neither, it would be a new category of biological relationship: his clone." "Societies have the right and responsibility to decide which uses of such screening technologies should be allowed and which should be banned." "Many people assume that germline engineering is necessary to allow couples at risk of passing on a genetic disease to avoid doing so. This is not so."
"Cloning is an asexual form of reproduction. All the child's genes would come from a body cell of a single individual . . . ."
What information should your organizational system document? bibliographic information for all sources used research information in its various forms author, title of the piece, and publisher all of these
all of these
What should you record on a note card if you're using the index-card organizational system? bibliographic information quotation, paraphrase, summary title of the original source bibliographic annotation
quotation, paraphrase, summary
Analyze the bibliography card and answer the question that follows. Which note card is properly formatted and labeled?
What should you record on a bibliographic card if you're using the index-card organizational system? quotation, paraphrase, summary title referring to category MLA bibliographic info plan for using the data
MLA bibliographic info
Analyze the bibliography card below and answer the question that follows. Which note card is properly formatted and labeled? NOT A
Which phrase best defines "annotated bibliography"? a bibliography that is typed on expensive paper with a specified font a summary and evaluation of each potential source for a research project a handwritten summary of the location of research sources a day-by-day log of all bibliographic sources for a research project
a summary and evaluation of each potential source for a research project
Read the excerpt below from the source material and the bibliography card. Then, answer the question that follows. Excerpt from "Human Cloning and Genetic Modification": 1. Reproductive cloning uses the cloning procedure to produce a clonal embryo which is implanted in a woman's womb with intent to create a fully formed living childβ€”a clone. . . . 2. Therapeutic cloning uses the cloning procedure to produce a clonal embryo, but instead of being implanted in a womb and brought to term it is used to generate stem cells. . . . The purpose of using clonal embryos to generate stem cells is to allow creation of tissues or organs that the clonal donor can use without having these tissues or organs rejected by their body's immune system. Most people oppose reproductive cloning. Some people oppose reproductive cloning but support therapeutic cloning. Others oppose therapeutic cloning as well as reproductive cloning, either because they are opposed to the destruction of embryos as a matter of principle, or because they feel the acceptance of therapeutic cloning will set us on a slippery slope to the acceptance of reproductive cloning and human genetic manipulation. It is possible to support stem cell research and still oppose research involving therapeutic cloning. Bibliography Card: Which note card is properly formatted and labeled?
A key difference between the annotated bibliography and the works cited page is that the annotated bibliography __________ each source. summarizes, assess, and reflects on lists only the author and page number of includes a photocopy or screenshot of provides in-text citations for
summarizes, assess, and reflects on
How many ideas should be on each note card in the index-card method of note-taking? zero one two as many as you can fit
Based on the MLA style guide, what do you need to submit with a research paper? annotated bibliography works cited page bibliographic cards note cards
works cited page
Cybercards are most useful for __________. keeping a personal diary writing to-do lists tracking Internet-based research creating new inventions
tracking Internet-based research