Lifespan Chapter 17

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1. Which of the following is considered an expert who studies aging? a) genealogist b) gerontologist c) oncologist d) endocrinologist
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 544 Skill: Factual LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
2. At what age does the period of late adulthood begin? a) 65 b) 75 c) 55 d) 80
Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 544 Skill: Factual LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
3. Which of the following best describes the meaning of "functional age"? a) cognitive functioning b) physical and psychological well-being c) emotional/behavioral functioning d) how well people recuperate from illness
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 544 Skill: Conceptual LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand
4. Which of the following is considered a group or part of functional age? a) middle young b) young old c) old young d) oldest older
Answer: B Level: Easy Page: 544 Skill: Factual LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
5. Which of the following is the definition of "young old"? a) some health problems and difficulties with daily living activities b) healthy and active c) frail and in need of care d) senior citizen
Answer: B Level: Easy Page: 544 Skill: Factual LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
6. Which of the following is the definition of "old old"? a) some health problems and difficulties with daily living activities b) healthy and active c) frail and in need of care d) geriatric
Answer: A Level: Easy Page: 544 Skill: Factual LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
7. Which of the following is the definition of "oldest old"? a) some health problems and difficulties with daily living activities b) healthy and active c) frail and in need of care d) senior citizen
Answer: C Level: Easy Page: 544 Skill: Factual LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
8. Sophia is a 98-year-old woman who still lives independently, has no major illnesses, and is able to take daily walks to the local grocery store. Which of the following best describes Sophia's functional age? a) oldest old b) old old c) young old d) geriatric
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 544 Skill: Applied LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply
9. Deron is a 68-year-old man who smoked most of his life and is now battling asthma. He struggles to complete some of his daily activities
otherwise, he is able to live an independent, full life. Which of the following best describes Deron's functional age? a) oldest old b) old old c) young old d) geriatric; Answer: B Page: 544 Level: Medium Skill: Applied LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply
10. Wilma is a 65-year-old woman who has chronic pulmonary disease, osteoporosis, and recently suffered a stroke. She relies on relatives and caretakers to help her on a daily basis, even with some of her most basic tasks. Which of the following best describes Wilma's functional age? a) oldest old b) old old c) young old d) geriatric
Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 544 Skill: Applied LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply
11. According to the terminology that demographers use, the age range of 65-74 is called a) old old. b) young old. c) geriatric. d) oldest old.
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 544 Skill: Factual LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
12. According to the terminology that demographers use, people at ages 75-84 are called a) old old. b) young old. c) geriatric. d) oldest old.
Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 544 Skill: Factual LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
13. According to the terminology that demographers use, age 85 and older is called a) old old. b) young old. c) geriatric. d) oldest old.
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 544 Skill: Factual LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
14. One out of every ____ people in the U.S. is 65 years of age or older. a) 10 b) 8 c) 15 d) 5
Answer: B Level: Difficult Page: 544 Skill: Factual LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
15. Research indicates that the fastest growing segment of the population is the a) old old. b) young old. c) geriatrics. d) oldest old.
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 544 Skill: Factual LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
16. Which of the following is a term for prejudice and discrimination directed at older people? a) oldest old b) young old c) old old d) ageism
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 544 Skill: Factual LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
17. In which of the following cultures/societies would ageism most likely be seen? a) Asian b) Native American c) African d) Western societies
Answer: D Level: Easy Page: 546 Skill: Factual LO 17.1: Describe what it is like to grow old in the United States today. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
18. Aging that involves universal and irreversible changes that, due to genetic programming, occur as people get older is called a) inward aging. b) secondary aging. c) outward aging. d) primary aging.
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 547 Skill: Factual LO 17.2: Summarize the physical changes that occur in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
19. The term "senescence" is another name for a) primary aging. b) secondary aging. c) outward aging. d) inward aging.
Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 547 Skill: Factual LO 17.2: Summarize the physical changes that occur in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
20. Changes in physical functioning that are due to illness, health habits, and other individual differences, but which are not due to increased age itself and are not inevitable, are called a) primary aging. b) secondary aging. c) outward aging. d) inward aging.
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 547 Skill: Factual LO 17.2: Summarize the physical changes that occur in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
21. What is the name for the protein that forms the basic fibers of body tissue? a) derma b) ectoderm c) membrane d) collagen
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 547 Skill: Factual LO 17.2: Summarize the physical changes that occur in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
22. A condition in which the bones become brittle, fragile, and thin, often brought about by a lack of calcium in the diet, is called a) osteopathy. b) endocrinology. c) osteoporosis. d) rickets.
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 547 Skill: Factual LO 17.2: Summarize the physical changes that occur in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
23. Which of the following contributes to a person getting osteoporosis? a) insufficient exercise earlier in life b) thickening of the bones due to too much protein and calcium intake earlier in life c) improper posture throughout life d) increases in estrogen in women following menopause
Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 547 Skill: Factual LO 17.2: Summarize the physical changes that occur in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
24. Which of the following is related to the prevention and/or treatment of osteoporosis in women? a) inadequate exercise throughout life b) adequate protein intake throughout life c) drug therapy with such medications as Fosamax d) bone marrow replacement therapy
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 547 Skill: Factual LO 17.2: Summarize the physical changes that occur in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
25. During a geriatrics conference, discussion focused on internal aging, specifically, brain size and cognitive decline. Which of the following summaries is most notable for this discussion? a) The brain will remain the same size and cognitive function can remain the same if the person keeps active. b) Brain structure and cognition will decline slightly. c) Brain structure will drastically be reduced and cognitive functioning will decrease. d) The brain becomes smaller and lighter with age but will retain its structure and function in the absence of disease.
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 548 Skill: Applied LO 17.2: Summarize the physical changes that occur in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply
26. Which of the following is true regarding brain development and aging? a) The brain becomes smaller but denser and more efficient. b) The brain grows, taking up double the amount of space between the brain and the skull. c) The structure, function, and number of neurons in the brain are significantly reduced. d) Blood flow to the brain is reduced within the brain, and less glucose and oxygen are used.
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 548 Skill: Factual LO 17.2: Summarize the physical changes that occur in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
27. Which of the following reflect internal changes due to aging? a) The heart's capacity to pump blood through the circulatory system to the brain is increased and more efficient due to the hardening and shrinking of blood vessels. b) The reduction in gray matter makes the aging brain less efficient. c) The respiratory system is more efficient with age. d) The digestive system is less efficient pushing food through the system, which leads to constipation.
Answer: D Level: Difficult Page: 549 Skill: Factual LO 17.2: Summarize the physical changes that occur in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
28. Research suggests that, with age, regular exercise contributes to which of the following? a) less loss of muscle fiber b) increased bone fractures c) worse performance on mental tests and increase in brain tissue d) cognitive loss
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 549 Skill: Factual LO 17.2: Summarize the physical changes that occur in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
29. The theory suggesting that overall processing speed declines in the peripheral nervous system with increasing age is called a) pulmonary hardening theory. b) peripheral slowing hypothesis. c) generalized slowing hypothesis. d) decreased myelination theory.
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 549 Skill: Factual LO 17.3: Explain the extent to which people slow down as they age and the consequences of this slowing. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
30. The theory that processing in all parts of the nervous system, including the brain, is less efficient is called a) dendrite/axon theory. b) peripheral slowing hypothesis. c) generalized slowing hypothesis. d) decreased myelination theory.
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 549 Skill: Factual LO 17.3: Explain the extent to which people slow down as they age and the consequences of this slowing. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
31. The notion that the nerves that branch out from the spinal cord and brain become less efficient with age is called a) dendrite/axon theory. b) peripheral slowing hypothesis. c) generalized slowing hypothesis. d) decreased myelination theory.
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 549 Skill: Factual LO 17.3: Explain the extent to which people slow down as they age and the consequences of this slowing. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
32. Which of the following is considered an age-related change in the physical apparatus of the eye of an elderly person? a) the retina of a 60-year-old person receives a third as much light as a 20-year-old person b) the optic nerve becomes more efficient in transmitting nerve impulses to the brain c) the lens of the eye becomes thinner and more transparent d) the elderly are less able to distinguish colors
Answer: A Level: Medium Page 550 Skill: Factual LO 17.4: Describe how the senses are affected by aging. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
33. Which of the following is the term for cloudy or opaque areas on the lens of the eye that interfere with the passing of light? a) glaucoma b) myopia c) age-related macular degeneration d) cataracts
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 550 Skill: Factual LO 17.4: Describe how the senses are affected by aging. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
34. Which of the following is the term for when pressure in the fluid of the eye increases either because it cannot be drained properly or too much fluid is produced? a) glaucoma b) myopia c) age-related macular degeneration d) cataracts
Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 550 Skill: Factual LO 17.4: Describe how the senses are affected by aging. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
35. Which vision disease, if diagnosed early, can be treated with medication, lasers, and in some cases, a diet rich in antioxidant vitamins? a) age-related macular degeneration (AMD) b) myopia c) glaucoma d) cataracts
Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 551 Skill: Factual LO 17.4: Describe how the senses are affected by aging. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
36. What percentage of adults between the ages of 65 and 74 has some degree of hearing loss? a) 25% b) 30% c) 50% d) 75%
Answer: B Level: Difficult Page: 551 Skill: Factual LO 17.4: Describe how the senses are affected by aging. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
37. What percentage of adults over the age of 75 has some degree of hearing loss? a) 25% b) 30% c) 50% d) 75%
Answer: C Level: Difficult Page: 551 Skill: Factual LO 17.4: Describe how the senses are affected by aging. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
38. Elderly people experience a decline in their taste and smell sensitivity because of which of the following? a) They have more and denser taste buds on the tongue. b) They use too much salt on their food. c) The olfactory bulbs on the brain begin to shrivel. d) They often overeat and lose sensitivity to different tastes and textures.
Answer: C Level: Easy Page: 552 Skill: Conceptual LO 17.4: Describe how the senses are affected by aging. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand
39. Because the elderly begin to lose their sensitivity to taste and smell, they begin to do which of the following? a) eat less b) eat more, because they don't remember what they ate c) experience healthy levels of weight loss d) lose the ability to determine when food is spoiled and suffer more food poisoning
Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 552 Skill: Factual LO 17.4: Describe how the senses are affected by aging. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
40. According to surveys conducted in the U.S., almost ________ of people 65 years old and older rate their health as good, very good, or excellent. a) one-half b) two-thirds c) three-quarters d) one-fourth
Answer: C Level: Difficult Page: 553 Skill: Factual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
41. Which of the following is a leading cause of death in elderly people? a) auto accidents b) broken bones c) Alzheimer's disease d) stroke
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 553 Skill: Factual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
42. Which of the following is a potentially disabling disease that causes painful inflammation and swelling of one or more joints? a) hypertension b) high blood pressure c) Alzheimer's disease d) arthritis
Answer: D Level: Easy Page: 553 Skill: Factual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
43. Maria is a 65-year-old woman who has difficulty managing simple everyday tasks because of the painful swelling of the joints in her hands. Maria is likely diagnosed with a) arthritis. b) high blood pressure. c) Alzheimer's disease. d) hypertension.
Answer: A Level: Easy Page: 553 Skill: Applied LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply
44. What portion of older people has hypertension, or high blood pressure? a) one-third b) one-half c) one-fifth d) two-thirds
Answer: A Level: Difficult Page: 553 Skill: Factual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
45. What percentage of people over the age of 65 shows some symptoms of a psychological disorder? a) 10% to 20% b) 15% to 25% c) 25% to 30% d) 30% to 50%
Answer: B Level: Difficult Page: 553-554 Skill: Factual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
46. Which of the following is the most common mental disorder of the elderly, covering several diseases, each of which includes serious memory loss accompanied by declines in other mental functioning? a) glaucoma b) dementia c) Alzheimer's disease d) schizoaffective disorder
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 555 Skill: Factual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
47. Which of the following people is most likely to show the symptoms of dementia? a) 63-year-old Caucasian b) 85-year-old African American c) 64-year-old Hispanic American d) 67-year-old Asian American
Answer: B Level: Difficult Page: 555 Skill: Conceptual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand
48. 72-year-old Angelo is demonstrating the following symptoms: serious memory loss, lessened intellectual ability, and impaired judgment. What diagnosis is Angelo likely to receive from his doctor? a) drug intoxication b) Alzheimer's disease c) dementia d) a stroke
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 555 Skill: Applied LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply
49. What is the term for a progressive brain disorder that produces loss of memory and confusion? a) dementia b) Alzheimer's disease c) drug intoxication d) a stroke
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 555 Skill: Factual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
50. Approximately what percent of people 85 and older have Alzheimer's disease? a) 50% b) 25% c) 75% d) 35%
Answer: A Level: Difficult Page: 555 Skill: Factual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
51. Muriel is an 86-year-old woman who tries to function independently but has suffered for several years with forgetfulness, especially with recent memories. She has trouble recalling the names of her best friends when they call on the phone, and she worries that she may have a form of dementia called a) Alzheimer's disease. b) Huntington's disease. c) schizophrenia. d) Parkinson's disease.
Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 555 Skill: Applied LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply
52. In the final stage of Alzheimer's disease, people a) lose olfactory buds. b) have trouble recalling particular words during conversation. c) demonstrate unusual forgetfulness. d) lose voluntary control of their muscles and are bedridden.
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 555 Skill: Factual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
53. Approximately how many deaths are a result of Alzheimer's disease annually in the U.S.? a) 150,000 b) 50,000 c) 100,000 d) 75,000
Answer: C Level: Difficult Page: 555 Skill: Factual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
54. When the production of the protein beta amyloid precursor protein, which normally produces neurons, goes awry and produces clumps of cells that trigger inflammation and deterioration of nerve cells, this is called a) Huntington's disease. b) Alzheimer's disease. c) schizophrenia. d) Parkinson's disease.
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 555 Skill: Factual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
55. Which of the following are contributors to developing Alzheimer's disease? a) predisposed genetic inheritance b) a diet rich in protein c) vegetarian diets d) increased stress level
Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 555 Skill: Conceptual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand
56. Donepezil (Aricept), galantamine (Razadyne), rivastigmine (Exelon), and tacrine (Cognex) are among the common drugs prescribed to treat a) Huntington's disease. b) Alzheimer's disease. c) schizophrenia. d) Parkinson's disease.
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 556 Skill: Factual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
57. Drug therapy to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease focuses on the loss of the neurotransmitter a) serotonin. b) dopamine. c) acetylcholine. d) ribonucleic acid.
Answer: C Level: Difficult Page: 556 Skill: Factual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
58. Alzheimer's patients make up _______ of the people living in nursing homes. a) one-fourth b) two-thirds c) two-fifths d) one-third
Answer: B Level: Difficult Page: 556-557 Skill: Factual LO 17.5: Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are susceptible. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
59. Whether an old person is ill or healthy, their health depends upon which of the following? a) toxins in the environment b) only current environmental factors c) psychological factors d) cognitive capabilities
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 557 Skill: Conceptual LO 17.6: Summarize how wellness can be maintained in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand
60. On average, senior citizens spend almost ____% of their total expenditures on healthcare, which is more than twice the amount spent by younger individuals. a) 25 b) 13 c) 30 d) 10
Answer: B Level: Difficult Page: 557 Skill: Factual LO 17.6: Summarize how wellness can be maintained in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
61. The goal of professionals such as social services workers is to help senior citizens extend their a) periods between illnesses. b) lives. c) active lifespans. d) mental capabilities.
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 557 Skill: Factual LO 17.6: Summarize how wellness can be maintained in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
62. What percentage of the elderly has inadequate nutrition and even suffers from hunger in the U.S.? a) 15-50% b) 60-75% c) 10-40% d) 5-25%
Answer: A Level: Difficult Page: 557 Skill: Factual LO 17.6: Summarize how wellness can be maintained in old age. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
63. What are the two major factors that determine whether or not an elderly person can engage in sexual activity? a) family approval and personal sexual history b) participation in an exercise program, and whether they have an available partner c) good physical and mental health and previous sexual activity d) the level of testosterone in males, and estrogen in females
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 558 Skill: Factual LO 17.7: Describe how sexuality is affected by aging. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
64. Theories that suggest that our body's DNA genetic code contains a built-in time limit for the reproduction of human cells are called a) wear-and-tear theories. b) inevitable death theories. c) life expectancy theories. d) genetic programming theories of aging.
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 559 Skill: Factual LO 17.8: Identify the facts involved with life span and the causes of death. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
65. Which of the theories promotes the existence of a "death gene" that is programmed to direct the body to deteriorate and die? a) wear-and-tear theories b) inevitable death theories c) life expectancy theories d) genetic programming theories of aging
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 559 Skill: Conceptual LO 17.8: Identify the facts involved with life span and the causes of death. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand
66. Which of the theories promotes the idea, based upon the survival of the species, that a long life after the reproductive years is unnecessary? a) wear-and-tear theories b) genetic programming theories of aging c) life expectancy theories d) inevitable death theories
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 559 Skill: Conceptual LO 17.8: Identify the facts involved with life span and the causes of death. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand
67. Which of the theories promotes the view that the cells of the body can only duplicate a certain number of times, and that the genetic instructions for running the body can be read only a certain number of times before they become illegible? a) wear-and-tear theories b) genetic programming theories of aging c) life expectancy theories d) inevitable death theories
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 559 Skill: Conceptual LO 17.8: Identify the facts involved with life span and the causes of death. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand
68. Evidence supporting the genetic programming theories of aging comes from research showing that when human cells are permitted to divide in the laboratory, they can do so successfully only around ____ times. a) 100 b) 75 c) 50 d) 65
Answer: C Level: Difficult Page: 559-560 Skill: Factual LO 17.8: Identify the facts involved with life span and the causes of death. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
69. What is the term for the part of the protective area(s) or tip of the DNA that grow(s) shorter every time the cell divides? a) chromosomes b) ribonucleic acid c) telomeres d) antigen
Answer: C Level: Difficult Page: 560 Skill: Factual LO 17.8: Identify the facts involved with life span and the causes of death. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
70. When a cell's _________ has/have just about disappeared, the cell stops replicating, making it susceptible to damage, and producing signs of aging. a) chromosomes b) ribonucleic acid c) telomeres d) antigen
Answer: C Level: Difficult Page: 560 Skill: Factual LO 17.8: Identify the facts involved with life span and the causes of death. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
71. The theories that the mechanical functions of the body simply wear out with age are called the a) wear-and-tear theories. b) inevitable death theories. c) life expectancy theories. d) genetic programming theories of aging.
Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 560 Skill: Factual LO 17.8: Identify the facts involved with life span and the causes of death. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
72. The wear-and-tear theories of aging argue that the body constantly manufactures energy and creates ___________, which eventually reach(es) such high levels as to impair the body's normal functioning. a) by-products b) radiation c) diseases d) toxins
Answer: A Level: Medium Page: 560 Skill: Conceptual LO 17.8: Identify the facts involved with life span and the causes of death. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand
73. What are the theories of aging that argue that the body's constant manufacturing of energy creates by-products, which combine with toxins such as radiation, chemical exposure, accidents, and disease, eventually reach such high levels that they impair the body's ability to function normally? a) life expectancy theories b) genetic programming theories of aging c) wear-and-tear theories d) inevitable death theories
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 560 Skill: Factual LO 17.8: Identify the facts involved with life span and the causes of death. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
74. What is a category of by-product that is produced in the body and has been related to aging? a) carbon dioxide production b) oxygen-deprived ribonucleic acid c) acetylcholine d) free radicals
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 560 Skill: Factual LO 17.8: Identify the facts involved with life span and the causes of death. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
75. What is the term for the average age of death for members of a population? a) cohort effect b) life expectancy c) peer group expectancy d) theory of aging
Answer: B Level: Easy Page: 560 Skill: Factual LO 17.8: Identify the facts involved with life span and the causes of death. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
76. Which of the following is a reason why life expectancy has continued to rise for the world's population? a) major alterations in the human genetic code b) increased nutrition and the rise in obesity c) vaccinations and preventive measures against diseases d) improved ranges of leisure activities
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 561-562 Skill: Conceptual LO 17.9: Discuss the possible extension of life span through scientific advances. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand
77. K. Warner Schaie has employed an ongoing study of intelligence in older people using the _________ research method. a) cross-sectional b) longitudinal c) experimental d) sequential studies
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 565 Skill: Factual LO 17.10: Describe how well older adults function cognitively. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
78. Research shows that ________ declines with age, while ________ remains steady and sometimes improves. a) crystallized intelligence: fluid intelligence b) information processing: fluid intelligence c) fluid intelligence: crystallized intelligence d) crystallized intelligence: information processing
Answer: C Level: Difficult Page: 565 Skill: Factual LO 17.10: Describe how well older adults function cognitively. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
79. The degree to which a developing structure or behavior is susceptible to experience is called a) learning. b) plasticity. c) life experience. d) intellectual functioning.
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 566 Skill: Factual LO 17.10: Describe how well older adults function cognitively. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
80. The researcher Timothy Salthouse suggests that if people are mentally active all of their lives, they enter late adulthood with a) a higher IQ. b) a "cognitive reserve" that allows them to continue to perform at a relatively high mental level. c) learned practice skills that help the elderly "use it or lose it." d) the knowledge of how to find and take advantage of adequate or proper mental stimulation.
Answer: B Level: Difficult Page: 566 Skill: Conceptual LO 17.10: Describe how well older adults function cognitively. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand
81. In which of the following countries are the elderly likely to show less memory loss? a) United States b) China c) Italy d) Canada
Answer: B Level: Easy Page: 566-567 Skill: Conceptual LO 17.11: Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand
82. Memories that are related to specific life experiences, such as recalling the events of a vacation, are called a) life memories. b) episodic memories. c) semantic memories. d) visual memories.
Answer: B Level: Medium Page: 567 Skill: Factual LO 17.11: Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
83. Memories that are related to general facts, such as the names of the capitols of states or addition facts, are called a) factual memories. b) episodic memories. c) semantic memories. d) visual memories.
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 567 Skill: Factual LO 17.11: Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
84. Memories that are related to unconscious information, such as how to ride a bike or boil water, are called a) factual memories. b) episodic memories. c) semantic memories. d) implicit memories.
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 567 Skill: Factual LO 17.11: Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
85. Which type of memory capacity changes during old age, and especially slips around age 70? a) long-term memory b) implicit memory c) short-term memory d) episodic memory
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 567 Skill: Factual LO 17.11: Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
86. Short-term memory slips gradually until _______, when the decline becomes more pronounced. a) middle age b) age 70 c) age 80 d) age 90
Answer: B Level: Easy Page: 567 Skill: Factual LO 17.11: Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
87. When an elderly person demonstrates difficulty with verbal information that is presented quickly, the person is exhibiting problems with _________ memory. a) episodic b) long-term c) implicit d) short-term
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 567 Skill: Factual LO 17.11: Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
88. Memories from one's own life are called a) visual memories. b) implicit memories. c) autobiographical memories. d) explicit memories.
Answer: C Level: Easy Page: 567 Skill: Factual LO 17.11: Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
89. When pleasant memories are more likely to be recalled than unpleasant memories, this is called a) implicit memory. b) explicit memory. c) the Pollyanna principle. d) autobiographical memory.
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 567 Skill: Factual LO 17.11: Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
90. Hannah is a strict parent, and does not recall that she got drunk at her senior prom, which does not "fit" with the way she currently views herself. This is an example of a) implicit memory. b) explicit memory. c) autobiographical memory. d) the Pollyanna principle.
Answer: D Level: Medium Page: 567 Skill: Applied LO 17.11: Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Apply
91. Which of the following is one of the biological factors associated with declines in memory in older people? a) myelination of the frontal lobes of the brain b) an increase in estrogen c) loss of cells in the hippocampus d) information processing deficits
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 568 Skill: Factual LO 17.11: Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
92. Memory changes in old age are explained by three of the following factors. Which of the following is one of those factors? a) information processing efficiencies that are affected by a person's ability to inhibit relevant information b) poor nutrition, inadequate diet, and inadequate vitamin and supplement intake c) environmental factors such as prescription drugs, life changes in adulthood such as less practiced memory, and low motivation d) biological factors such as brain and body improvements and wellness
Answer: C Level: Medium Page: 568 Skill: Factual LO 17.11: Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
93. Which of the following aspects of memory loss involving information processing deficits has received the most research support? a) Memory declines due to changes in the ability to pay attention to and organize tasks involving memory skills. b) People in late adulthood have a different ability to inhibit irrelevant information and thoughts, which interfere with learning and recalling memorized information. c) The speed at which the elderly process information becomes slower, and perhaps contributes to slow reaction times in retrieving memories. d) The elderly suffer neuron loss, which inhibits their ability to hold and retrieve information.
Answer: A Level: Difficult Page: 568 Skill: Factual LO 17.11: Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Remember
94. A large generational divide involves the use of technology. People over 65 are less likely to use technology than younger individuals. Which of the following would be considered a barrier as to why people over 65 are less interested and motivated to learn new technology skills? a) physical b) emotional c) cognition d) psychological
Answer: C Level: Difficult Page: 569 Skill: Conceptual LO 17.12: Describe how learning and education continue in late adulthood. Bloom's Taxonomy Level: Understand