Related Techniques Quiz

25 August 2022
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The metal that is used to hold stain glass pieces together is called __________. a. cement b. framing c. paste d. leading
D. Leading
______________ means to enclose something tightly, such as is done with stones or tiles, and a filler, when creating mosaics. a. Pasting b. Impacted c. Embedding d. Leading
C. Embedding
Artists who were a part of the Dada movement created artwork that was intended to be ____________. a. representative b. nonsensical c. meaningful d. cultural
B. Nonsensical
In French, the word collage means _______, according to the information presented in the lecture. a. to combine b. to hold c. to glue d. to arrange
C. To glue
Mosaics are __________________ a. images made with glass that has been colored by metallic salts are pieced together like a collage, and are joined by leading. b. images made by arranging colored pieces on a flat surface, which are held using leading. c. artwork created by arranging cut out or torn material pasted onto a surface. Means "to glue" in French. d. images made by arranging stones or tiles that are then embedded with a filler to connect the colored pieces.
D. images made by arranging stones or tiles that are then embedded with a filler to connect the colored pieces.
Mosaics and collages are similar in that they both _________________ a. involve combining pieces to create a final product. b. use a cement base to paste the objects or pieces on. c. create unique and colorful works of art. d. can be dated back to ancient historical times.
A. involve combining pieces to create a final product.
This piece of art is an example of a _____(1)______, entitled, _____(2)______. a. (1) collage; (2) Cut with the Kitchen Knife Collage b. (1) realistic imagery; (2) Cut with the Kitchen Knife Collage c. (1) stained glass; (2) Creations and People Over Time d. (1) nonsensical creation; (2) Creations and People Over Time
A. (1) collage; (2) Cut with the Kitchen Knife Collage
__________ is a form of artwork arranged from cut out or torn material pasted onto a surface. a. Mosaic b. Collage c. Stained glass d. Dada
A. Mosiac
Which artist made the concept of collage into a form of art in 1912? a. Hanna Hoch b. Pablo Picasso c. Antoni Gaudi d. Marcel Duchamp
B. Pablo Picasso
The piece of art above is an example of a ___________. a. collage b. stained glass c. mosaic d. structure
B. Stained Glass