Readiness Quiz Ch. 5

22 November 2022
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Which scenario portrays a secure attachment? A. a child refusing to let other children play with his toys B. a child clinging to her mother in a new environment C. a child being willing to explore a new environment in the presence of the caregiver D. a child mimicking his mother's expressions in a familiar environment
C. a child being willing to explore a new environment in the presence of the caregiver
Based on the experience of the Romanian children who were institutionalized during the late twentieth century, what might be concluded about attachment? A.No matter how impoverished an infant's emotional environment, self-righting will protect the child from permanent psychological damage. B. As long as children are adopted by 6 years of age, they can overcome any emotional disability that had developed prior to that. C. A person's attachment style starts to be set by about 6 months of age. D. There is no sensitive period for attachment.
C. A person's attachment style starts to be set by about 6 months of age.
Attachment in infants is definitely evident by the age of _____. A. 6 months B. 10 months C. 1 year D. 8 months
C. 1 year
Which psychologist developed the Strange Situation test? A. Erikson B. Ainsworth C. Skinner D. Freud
B. Ainsworth
A sign of secure attachment is when a child _____. A. plays aimlessly without interacting with the caregiver B. shows extreme fear and anger C. refuses to let go of the caregiver's arm D. maintains contact with the caregiver while exploring
D. maintains contact with the caregiver while exploring
Which child shows a secure attachment? A. one who refuses to let go of the caregiver when the caregiver attempts to place the child on the floor B. one who expresses fear at the sight of the caregiver C. one who makes contact with the caregiver after the caregiver re-enters the room D. one who ignores the caregiver while sitting in a corner
C. one who makes contact with the caregiver after the caregiver re-enters the room
Based on research, attachment appears to be _____. A. universal around the world B. an ethnotheory C. only in Western cultures D. based on cognitive theory
A. universal around the world
Dr. Berkowitz is doing research using the Strange Situation in order to measure a child's _____. A. depth perception B. fear C. attachment D. love
C. attachment
Secure attachment makes a toddler _____. A. want to talk a lot B. willing to explore C. self-centered D. cling to the mother
B. willing to explore
The fact that 3-month-olds do not spontaneously remember a kicking strategy that they learned two weeks earlier suggests that _____. A. infants cannot remember anything for very long B. mobiles do not induce very durable memories C. infant amnesia is a valid term D. infant memory is fragile
D. infant memory is fragile
The Strange Situation measures how a child _____. A. responds to a stranger B. plays with a parent C. responds to separations and reunions with a caregiver D. plays with toys he or she has never seen before
C. responds to separations and reunions with a caregiver
In the Strange Situation, a sign of insecure attachment might be _____. A. seeking contact with Mother when reunited B. playing happily as long as Mother is present C. crying and unable to be comforted when Mother returns D. smiling at Mother when she returns to the room
C. crying and unable to be comforted when Mother return
Jerome clings to his mother and refuses to leave her lap. Jerome is exhibiting _____ attachment behavior. A. secure B. disoriented C. insecure-resistant/ambivalent D. insecure-avoidant
C. insecure-resistant/ambivalent
By what age will infants imitate a behavior that they watched a day before? A. 3 months B. 5 months C. 9 months D. 7 months
C. 9 months
"Proximity-seeking" and "contact-maintaining" behaviors are displays of _____. A. love B. fear C. friendliness D. attachment
D. attachment
Jeremy spoke Ukrainian in early childhood, but stopped speaking it when he was about 4 years old. He no longer explicitly recalls any Ukrainian words and says he can't speak the language. Which of the following situations might reveal his implicit knowledge of Ukrainian? A.Administer a test of Ukrainian language comprehension, and compare his results to others who have spoken Ukrainian all of their lives. Jeremy will score just as well as life-long speakers. B. Provide Ukrainian language lessons. Jeremy will quickly realize that he does not need lessons. C.Administer a test of Ukrainian language comprehension, and compare his results to others who have never spoken Ukrainian. Jeremy will score higher than life-long non-speakers. D. Provide Ukrainian language lessons. Jeremy will pick up the language more quickly than life-long non-speakers.
D. Provide Ukrainian language lessons. Jeremy will pick up the language more quickly than life-long non-speakers.
Harry's mother left him for a few minutes. When she returned, Harry climbed into her lap and then resumed playing. Harry is probably a(n) _____ attached child. A. securely B. timidly C. insecurely D. disorganized
A. securely
In the Strange Situation, a sign of secure attachment is _____. A. being reluctant to leave Mother to play with new toys B. smiling at Mother when she returns to the room C. ignoring Mother when she returns to the room D. crying and not being comforted when Mother comes back
B. smiling at Mother when she returns to the room
Research on infant long-term memory has shown that infants can remember if the researchers _____. A. use special measures to aid memory retrieval, such as reminders B. use situations that are different from real life C. use highly emotional events D. do not let the baby move during the memory event
A. use special measures to aid memory retrieval, such as reminders
Which of the following is the best explanation for déjà vu experiences? A. There is a metaphysical continuum, through which one is viewing his or her own past directly. B. They are a view into one's past life. C. There was a precognitive dream that predicted the experience. D. An implicit memory of a similar situation from infancy is evoking a spooky feeling of familiarity.
D. An implicit memory of a similar situation from infancy is evoking a spooky feeling of familiarity.
Ruby does not notice when her mother leaves the day care center and ignores her mother when she returns. Ruby's behavior is characteristic of _____ attachment. A. secure B. disorganized C. insecure-avoidant D. insecure-resistant/ambivalent
C. insecure-avoidant
Janie is a 3-month-old infant participating in an experiment. She's lying in her crib with one end of a ribbon tied to her foot and the other end tied to a mobile dangling over her crib. She quickly learns that she controls the movement of the mobile with her kicking. One week later, the researchers return, tie the ribbon to her foot and hang the mobile above her crib. Immediately, Janie starts vigorously kicking her leg. What does this experiment demonstrate? A. Three-month-olds can remember things for at least a week. B. Kicking behavior is very easy to learn. C. Three-month-olds can relearn the kicking strategy very quickly at the second test. D. Mobiles are very interesting to 3-month-olds.
A. Three-month-olds can remember things for at least a week.
The lasting emotional bond that an infant forms with a caregiver is called _____. A. attachment B. pair-bonding C. unionization D. synchrony
A. attachment
Josh is 15 months old. His parents are happy in their marriage and financially stable. Most likely, Josh's attachment type will be _____. A. disorganized B. insecure-avoidant C. secure D. insecure-resistant/ambivalent
C. secure
Nine-month-old Taran explores new environments when his mother is present but shows distress when his mother leaves the room. Taran's behavior illustrates a(n) _____ attachment. A. disorganized B. secure C. insecure-resistant/ambivalent D. insecure-avoidant
B. secure
Abed is 12 months old, and his uncle Frank is visiting for the first time in 6 months. Frank is delighted to see his nephew, so as he enters the room, he booms, "There's my little man!" Abed looks to his mother, who is smiling broadly at her brother Frank, and crawls to her to be picked up. Abed is demonstrating _____. A. insecure attachment B. social phobia C. social referencing D. attachment disorder
C. social referencing
A baby searches the faces of her parents to see how to respond in unfamiliar situations. This is called _____. A. stranger anxiety B. social referencing C. uncertainty checking D. separation anxiety
B. social referencing
Baby Carrie's father is holding her. She is smiling at him one minute and then, unexpectedly, she slaps his face. Since this is typical behavior for her, she may have which type of attachment? A. secure-detached B. insecure-avoidant C. insecure-resistant/ambivalent D. disorganized
D. disorganized
Infant memory is characterized by _____ memory; _____ memory begins to appear between 6 and 12 months. A. recall; implicit B. implicit; recall C. explicit; implicit D. implicit; explicit
D. implicit; explicit
Rodney was raised on a farm in Utah and enjoys the taste of beef liver cooked with onions. Sarah was raised in New York City and would never think of eating beef liver, but she very much enjoys sushi. What explains their differences in food preference? A. biological differences in their taste buds B. social referencing C. differences in attachment styles D. behavioral reinforcement
B. social referencing