SLP Praxis Practice Test

25 July 2022
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C. Phonology
A 6 year old child produces /t/ for /s/, /d/ for /z/, /p/ for /f/, and /b/ for /v/. Intervention for this problem would target language at the level of A. morphology B. syntax C. phonology D. pragmatics E. Semantics
C. The influence of context on the speaker and the listener
A treatment plan for an adult client with an acquired language disorder recommends focusing on pragmatic communication. Goals established for this client would most appropriately emphasize which of the following? A. the rules for arranging sounds in words B. the denotative meanings of words C. the influence of context on the speaker and the listener D. The rules that apply to the structure of sentences E. the perceptual properties of speech sounds
E. Duration of the preceding vowel
Which of the following is the most important acoustic cue that distinguishes between an unreleased final /p/ and an unreleased final /b/, as in "cap" vs. "cab" A. Frequency of third formant B. locus frequency of burst C. Voice onset time D. Vocal fundamental frequency E. Duration of the preceding vowel
C. Walked
When using Roger Brown's system for computing mean length of utterance in a language sample, which of the following utterances would be scored as having two morphemes? A. Bought B. Doggie C. Walked D. Sticky E. Choo-choo
A. The epithelium and superficial lamina propria
Anatomical studies of the human vocal folds and detailed observation of mucosal behavior during phonation has led to the current "cover-body" characterization of the vocal fold. Which of the following is included in the vocal fold cover A. the epithelium and superficial lamina propria B. The epithelium and deep lamina propria C. The intermediate and deep layers of the lamina propria D. The vocalis portion of the thyroarytenoid muscle E. The lamina of the thyroid cartilage
A. /b/ for /m/
Which of the following substitutions is most likely to occur in conjunction with hyponasality? A. /b/ for /m/ B. /n/ for /d/ C. /ng/ for /k/ D. glottal stop for /t/ E. /m/ for /p/
A. Provide stuttering intervention, but no articulation intervention for /r/ at the present time
Parents bring their daughter of 4 years and 3 months for a speech and language evaluation. The parents have expressed concern that their daughter does not pronounce the /r/ sound correctly and has exhibited periods of stuttering for the last 18 months. During the evaluation, the SLP observes that the child exhibits sound-syllable repetitions on 30 percent of her words. What is the best action for the SLP to take? A. Provide stuttering intervention, but no articulation intervention for /r/ at the present time B. Provide both articulation intervention for the /r/ and stuttering intervention C. Provide articulation intervention for the /r/ and ignore the stuttering D. Provide articulation intervention for the /r/ first and later provide stuttering intervention E. Provide no intervention at this time
B. Acute Laryngitis
Voice therapy is least appropriate for clients with A. Ventricular phonation B. Acute laryngitis C. Vocal nodules D. Contact ulcers E. Unilateral Adductor Paralysis
B. Lower or decreased
An SLP is assessing the physiology of voice production in a client. If the client has a hyperfunctional voice disorder, then during phonation the client's average airflow rate is most likely to be A. almost absent B. lower or decreased C. higher or increased D. within normal limits E. erratic and inconsistent
D. Culture
When experiences, language, religion, and a shared history bring people together over time, they develop shared traditions and customs, which are referred to as A. ethnicity B. race C. creolization D. culture E. pidginization
E. no noticable abnormalities
During a transient ischemic attack, Mr. Mahmood has difficulty producing intelligible speech and retrieving words in conversation. One week later, Mr. Mahmood's speech and language would typically be characterized by A. mild dysarthria B. Expressive aphasia C. anomic aphasia D. both aphasic and dysarthric errors E. no noticeable abnormalities
A. That the parents be invited to participate in the development of an individualized education plan (IEP)
The Individuals with Disabilties Education Act mandates which of the following for a fifth grade student who has been identified as eligible for services? A. that the parents be invited to participate in the development of an individualized education plan (IEP) B. That the parents be given at least three names as referral sources for treatment of the disorder C. That the parents be notified of the results of a multidisciplinary conference within ten days of the time the conference was convened D. that the child's name be placed on a waiting list for services and that the parents be notified when space is available. E. that the child and parents be given an explanation of the types of support services that are available in the community and that they be informed about the possibility that an IEP will be approved for the child
D. Teach her picture representations for the intentions she expresses in other modalities.
Ellie is a 4 year old girl with developmental delay of unknown origin. She is ambulatory, and her receptive vocabulary, as assessed with a standardized picture vocabulary test, is in the 3 year, 0 month range. Her family members report that she uses six gestures and four words consistently. Ellie's expressive inventory appears in the table below Repetitive contact of hands at midline = more Right hand flicked against left arm = finished Flapping hands above head = yes Hand to head = mine Head down = sad Head shake side to side = no /kaji/ = animal /i^/ = no /i/ = ice cream /oki/ = open How can the SLP most immediately help Ellie become more easily understood by others outside her family, such as her day-care provider and her peers? A. teach her conventional signs to replace her idiosyncratic gestures and words. B. Initiate oral motor treatment to improve speech intelligibility. C. Develop her literacy skills so she can convey her thoughts in writing. D. Teach her picture representations for the intentions she expresses in other modalities. E. Give her a keyboard so she can type messages letter by letter and have them spoken aloud.
D. A 40 year old man who presents with severe hoarseness and recurrent laryngitis
For which of the following individuals is a medical evaluation most necessary before beginning a treatment program with an SLP? A. A 2 year old child who has overall developmental delays, abnormal muscle tone, and speech-language delays B. A 4 year old child who presents with phoneme specific nasal emissions with no visible evidence of any clefting condition C. A 6 year old child with an articulation disorder who appears to have a restricted lingual frenulum D. A 40 year old man who presents with severe hoarseness and recurrent laryngitis E. A 78 year old woman who complains of occasional difficulties retrieving the names of her friends.
D. Based on the gradualness principle, since the SLP reinforces a response that involves stopping on the initial consonant, a successive approximation of the target
A child with a phonological disorder typically produces "sack" as /kak/. During an intervention session, the child produces /tak/ and is rewarded for it by the SLP. The situation described illustrates a therapeutic strategy that is A. based on behavior modification principles and distributed practice B. based on sound behavioral principles, since it involves application of a random reinforcement schedule C. Based on the theory of negative practice, which permits occasional reinforcement of incorrect responses to prevent discouragement D. Based on the gradualness principle, since the SLP reinforces a response that involves stopping on the initial consonant, a successive approximation of the target E. A misapplication of variable reinforcement, since the SLP erroneously reinforces a production lacking the essential feature of stridency.
E. The SLP works with teachers and families to facilitate a student's communication and learning.
Which of the following best describes the role of the SLP in a collaborative-consultation service-delivery model? A. The SLP is responsible for providing both academic/curricular instruction and speech language services B. The SLP provides services to students individually or in small groups within the speech-language resource-room setting C. The SLP provides services directly to the student within the classroom and other natural environments D. The SLP sees the student for a specific amount of time each marking period to monitor communication performance E. The SLP works with teachers and families to facilitate a student's communication and learning.
B. Having the client flex her head forward (perform the chin-down posture) during oral preparation and transit stages of the swallow
A 70 year old female has dysphagia characterized by poor posterior oral containment of the bolus during the oral preparatory stage, causing aspiration before the swallow. Cognition and the pharyngeal stage of the swallow are intact. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment approach for the client? A. providing a puree diet with thickened liquids B. Having the client flex her head forward (perform the chin-down posture) during oral preparation and transit stages of the swallow C. Having the client turn (rotate) her head to the right when swallowing D. Having the client eat more slowly to prevent aspiration E. Providing a diet that consists of thin liquids
A. As a result of pharyngeal flap surgery
An 8 year old child with moderately severe hypernasality has persistent nasal regugitation following an adenoidectomy performed 6 months eariler. The child's speech is likely to show the greatest improvement A. as a result of pharyngeal flap surgery B. as a result of intensive speech intervention C. as a result of the natural regrowth of the adenoid tissue before puberty D. gradually and spontaneously, starting at age 9 E. gradually and spontaneously, starting after puberty
B. Aspiration during the swallow
A 61 year old woman has dysphagia, characterized by incomplete laryngeal closure during the swallow. Which of the following is the most significant risk to the patient? A. Aspiration before the swallow B. Aspiration during the swallow C. Residue in the valleculae D. Residue on top of the epiglottis E. Excessive weight loss
A. An occupational therapist, a pediatric physiatrist, and a physical therapist
In addition to an SLP, which of the following constitutes a team likely to be most helpful in the acute stage rehabilitation of a child with a moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury? A. An occupational therapist, a pediatric physiatrist, and a physical therapist B. A physical therapist, a psychologist, and a special education teacher C. An occupational therapist and a psychologist D. A special education teacher and a pediatrician E. A pediatrician and a geneticist
B. A teenager with a repaired cleft palate who continues to experience hypernasality
For which individual would an AAC intervention be least appropriate? A. a preschool child with a language learning disorder and highly unintelligible speech B. a teenager with a repaired cleft palate who continues to experience hypernasality C. A young adult with severe cerebral palsy precluding functional oral communication D. A 55 year old man who has had a laryngectomy E. A 76 year old woman with severe Broca's aphasia
D. Referring the child to a cleft palate team for consideration of surgical or prosthetic management
An 8 year old child with a repaired palatal cleft has received speech intervention for two years in order to reduce moderately severe hypernasality and nasal emission. Cognitive and linguistic skills are normal. All clinical data support a conclusion that abnormal speech characteristics are primarily the result of an inadequate velopharyngeal mechanism. There have been small improvements, but none in the past six to nine months. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action for the SLP to take with the child at this point? A. terminating speech intervention and reassessing at three month intervals the potential for benefiting from renewed speech intervention B. Instituting an additional three months of articulation intervention C. Instituting a program of blowing, sucking, and swallowing exercises for a six-month trial period D. Referring the child to a cleft palate team for consideration of surgical or prosthetic management E. Conferring with another SLP concerning a treatment decision
A. Canonical babbling
A typically-developing 10 month old child will exhibit which of the following skills? A. canonical babbling B. imitation of sequences of four syllables C. naming of objects D. an expressive vocabulary of four words E. a mean length of utterance of 1.5
C. A collaborative program emphasizing skills in establishing presuppositions within units of discourse
Carrie a 9 year old child, has normal receptive language abilities and normal intelligence. She produces narratives in correct sequential order of events, but they are characterized by verbal mazes with no identification of major themes and contain few, if any, referents. Which of the following is the most appropriate intervention for her school SLP to implement A. An inclusion program focused on specific syntactic deficits B. An individual pull-out program to develop expressive reasoning and sequencing C. A collaborative program emphasizing skills in establishing presuppositions within units of discourse D. a focused stimulation approach for developing conjunctions and modals E. Behavior management to eliminate use of nonspecific language terms.
B. documenting the presence of language or speech differences that result from cultural factors
Determination of eligibility for speech-language pathology services through IDEA is a multistage process that is based on all of the following EXCEPT A. documenting the presence of disability B. documenting the presence of language or speech differences that result from cultural factors C. documenting that a presenting disability adversely effects educational performance D. demonstrating a need for specially designed instruction that will help the student progress in the general education curriculum E. demonstrating a need for specific supports that will help the student progress in the general education curriculum
B. syntactic relationships
"Book read me." "Me TV see." The utterances above, spoken by a 3 year old monolingual English speaking child, indicate that the child most likely has a problem with which of the following? A. semantic redundancy B. syntactic relationships C. morphological relationships d. pragmatics e. phonological rules
A. a 4 year old child with whole-word and part-word repetitions, prolongations, audible inhalation, and facial grimacing that have been present for the past four months
Of the following clients, which one would be the most appropriate candidate for enrollment in a program of intervention directed at reducing speech disfluencies? A. a 4 year old child with whole-word and part-word repetitions, prolongations, audible inhalation, and facial grimacing that have been present for the past four months B. a 2 1/2 year old child with recent onset of single repetitions of pronouns and initial words of phrases C. a 3 year old child with single repetitions of whole words whose father and grandfather are also known to stutter D. A 6 year old child with a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and subtle word-finding difficulties whose speech is characterized by whole word repetitions, revisions, rapid rate, and interjections E. A 7 year old child who has marked hesitations and word-finding difficulties following a traumatic brain injury
D. Strength and coordination of the speech musculature are intact in the client with apraxia of speech, whereas slowness, weakness, incoordination, or altered tone of the speech musculature are associated with dysarthria
Which of the following describes an important diagnostic distinction between dysarthria and apraxia of speech? A. apraxic speech is a result of lower motor neuron lesions, whereas dysarthria is the result of upper motor neuron lesions B. Apraxic speech is associated with aphasia, whereas dysarthria is associated with cerebral palsy C. clients with dysarthria lack the ability to sequence volitional speech movements, whereas clients with apraxia of speech lack the ability to monitor reactive speech. D. Strength and coordination of the speech musculature are intact in the client with apraxia of speech, whereas slowness, weakness, incoordination, or altered tone of the speech musculature are associated with dysarthria E. Apraxic speech is characterized by distortions, omissions, and substitutions, whereas dysarthric speech is characterized by inconsistent, highly variable misarticulations
C. conductive loss
Which of the following hearing problems is most prevalent among children with cleft palate? A. sensorineural loss B. unilateral hearing loss C. conductive loss D. retrocochlear loss E. central auditory dysfunction
E. She has frequent difficulty hearing and understanding faint speech.
The audiogram above is that of a 7 year old girl who had developed a hearing problem about three years before the audiogram was reported. The girls intelligence quotient is in the normal range. On the basis of this information only, which of the following is most likely true of the girl? A. she misarticulates many consonant sounds B. She can hear and understand speech only with amplification C. She can be expected to be at age level for language D. She needs placement in a self-contained class for the hearing impaired E. She has frequent difficulty hearing and understanding faint speech.
E. the hawthorne effect
An investigator is conducting an observational study that includes parents and their children. The investigator observes that parents alter their behaviors spontaneously with the knowledge that they are being observed. The phenomenon described is an example of A. statistical regression toward the mean B. subject selection bias C. Multiple treatment intereferece D. a placebo effect E. the hawthorne effect
C. A hearing-handicap inventory
Mrs. Dawson is a 76 year old retired banker who is in excellent health. She recently failed a hearing screening. Her audiological evaluation shows bilateral mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing loss. Her speech-recognition scores are 80 percent for the right ear and 76 percent for the left ear. Which of the following should be performed to assist in her management? A. An auditory brain-stem response B. A dichotic listening task C. A hearing-handicap inventory D. Electronystagmography (ENG) E. A cochlear - implant evaluation
A. they increase sensitivity to low-intensity sounds
Which of the following is true about the outer hair cells of the cochlea? A. they increase sensitivity to low-intensity sounds B. they are sensory cells for balance C. They increase sensitivity to low-frequency sounds D. they are located on Reissner's membrane E. They are replaced when they wear out
D. a delayed pharyngeal swallow
In dysphagia treatment sessions, Bruno's SLP has been providing thermal stimulation. This choice of treatment, assuming that it is appropriate, indicates that Bruno most likely has swallowing difficulties related to A. bolus preparation B. pooling in the pyriform sinuses C. pooling in the valleculae D. a delayed pharyngeal swallow E. esophageal reflux
D. recognizing additional semantic features
A 4 year old child who refers to all four-legged creatures as "dog" needs help with A. understanding dimensional terms B. increasing the use of synonyms C. learning object permanence D. recognizing additional semantic features E. utilizing subordinating conjunctions
E. refer the child and family to a cleft palate/craniofacial team for further evaluation
An otolaryngologist refers a 4 year old child to an SLP six months after a tonsilectomy and adenoidectomy. Following surgery, the child's speech became hypernasal. The SLPs evaluation confirms mild to moderate hypernasailty. If the child has no other speech or language problems, which of the following is the most appropriate course of action for the SLP to take? A. Use behavioral strategies to increase velopharyngeal closure for speech B. Counsel the parents that the hypernasality is likely to resolve in a few weeks C. Counsel the child's preschool teacher about instructional exercises to use to improve speech production in the classroom D. Counsel the parents on ways to reduce hypernasality at home rather than providing any direct treatment. E. refer the child and family to a cleft palate/craniofacial team for further evaluation
E. refer the family to a mental health service and provide a program for fluency management
Evaluation of a 5 year old child with persistent dysfluencies has uncovered information suggesting alcoholism in the family, parental feuding, inappropriate behavior by a sibling, and materal depression. The SLPs most appropriate action at this time would be to A. refer the mother to the family physician for evaluation and treatment of the depression B. refer the entire family to a psychiatrist for group therapy C. offer treatment to the child and counsel the mother about fluency management D. reevaluation the child in 6 months to see whether the family issues have been resolved and the disfluencies have subsided E. refer the family to a mental health service and provide a program for fluency management
D. delayed phonological development
John is a 4 1/2 year old whose consonantal inventory includes word-initial /w/, /m/, /n/, /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, and /f/. He uses /t/ for /k/, /d/ for /g/, /b/ for /v/, and /f/ for /th/. He produces no consonant clusters. His word-final consonantal inventory consists of /m/ and /n/. His word shape inventory includes V, CV, CVC, and CVCV. The information given most strongly indicates that the child has A. a cleft palate B. apraxia of speech C. an oral motor impairment D. delayed phonological development E. a significant high-frequency hearing loss
D. recommend to the primary-care provider that the child be referred for a developmental evaluation
A 3 year old child presents with a limited speech-sound repertoire, inappropriate language comprehension for that age, and play skills firmly in the sensorimotor stage. Which of the following is the most appropriate action for the SLP to take with this child? A. enroll the child in a speech group with other 3 year olds B. provide the child's parents with speech activities to try at home C. refer the child for additional preschool experiences D. recommend to the primary-care provider that the child be referred for a developmental evaluation E. begin to teach the child some sign language
D. Increasing the compliance of the vocal fold mucosa
Which of the following will most effectively decrease the fundamental frequency of the laryngeal tone? A. decreasing the mass of the vocal folds B. increasing the elasticity of the vocal fold mucosa C. Increasing the length of the vocal folds D. Increasing the compliance of the vocal fold mucosa E. Raising the position of the larynx within the neck
E. positive reinforcement
Sheryl, an 8 year old girl, is learning to use "easy-onset" speech to facilitate fluency. To teach the technique, the SLP produces a model sentence and has Sheryl imitate it. For each fluent imitation produced with appropriate easy onset, Sheryl is allowed to choose a sticker to place in her "fluency journal." In this case, which of the following is being used to promote the use of the fluency-facilitation technique A. negative practice B. punishment C. intermittent reinforcement D. negative reinforcement E. positive reinforcement
A. brain stem
A client exhibits weakness, atrophy, and fasciculations of the right side of the tongue and lower face. The client also has right vocal-fold weakness and nasal regurgitation of fluid when swallowing. These problems are the result of a single tumor of the nervous system. The tumor is most likely located in which part of the nervous system? A, brain stem B. cerebellum C. left cerebral cortex D. right cerebral cortex E. lumbar spinal cord
B. compare premorbid performance with present performance
In assessing a child who has an acquired brain injury, it is most important for the SLP to A. assess pragmatics through a structured language test B. compare premorbid performance with present performance C. ensure administration of an intelligence test D. administer structure phonology tests E. compare nonverbal performance with verbal performance
C. Damage to the left recurrent laryngeal nerve
A 67 year old male patient with no history of swallowing problems has undergone a cardiothoracic surgical procedure. Postoperatively, he is found to be aspirating while swallowing and is diagnosed with a left vocal fold paralysis and left pharyngeal paresis. Which of the following is the most likely etiology? A. an intraoperative stroke (CVA) in the right pons B. damage to the right recurrent laryngeal nerve C. Damage to the left recurrent laryngeal nerve D. damage to the phrenic nerve E. a left hemisphere stroke
A. There is a much higher chance of spontaneous recovery for the client with brain injury
For which of the following reasons would the therapy for a client whose language loss is due to brain injury differ from the therapy for a client whose language loss is due to a progressive disorder? A. There is a much higher chance of spontaneous recovery for the client with brain injury B. There is a much higher chance of spontaneous recovery for the client with a progressive disorder C. The client with brain injury typically has problems with fatigue and mental confusion, whereas the client with a progressive disorder does not. D. The client with a progressive disorder typically has problems with attention and memory, whereas the client with brain injury typically does not E. The client with a progressive disorder typically shows steadier linear improvement than does the client with brain injury.
B. consider alternate means of hydration for her
Leticia experienced a cerebrovascular accident two weeks ago and now has dysphagia. Videofluoroscopy four days ago revealed that she can tolerate peroral intake of pureed foods and honey-thick liquids without risk of aspiration or laryngeal penetration. She dislikes the thickened liquids and prefers not to drink anything at all. The SLP would most appropriately recommend that Leticia's physician A. prescribe diuretic medications for her B. consider alternate means of hydration for her C. Perform a cricopharyngeal myotomy on her D. perform a tracheo-esophageal puncture on her E. perform a calorie count on her
A. a developmental delay
An SLP receives a referral regarding a 4 year old boy who uses two words spontaneously and functionally, who began walking at 3 years of age, and who responds to his name inconsistently. On the basis of the information alone, the SLP can legitimately conclude that the child's communication profile reflects A. a developmental delay B. autism spectrum disorder C. a chromosomal anomaly D. typical development E. a metabolic disorder
C. disordered phonological system
Which of the following areas needs to be evaluated first for a 5 year old who says /pun/ for "spoon" and /top/ for "soap?" A. auditory discrimination B. dialectal differences C. disordered phonological system D. dyslexia E. motor planning
C. Interrater validity
Information about which of the following would be most useful in evaluating the consistency of scoring of an assessment? A. content validity B. predictive validity C. Interrater validity D. Range of scaled scores E. Standard deviation of raw scores
C. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended
Which of the following federal statutes mandates that movie theaters provide assistive listening devices to individuals with hearing loss? A. section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended B. The Architectural Barriers Act of 1968, as amended C. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended D. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act E. Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996
A. internal validity
A study tested subjects with a phonological disorder prior to treatment and again after treatment. Change in the subjects tests performance may have been due to the effects of the treatment, but also to the fact that the subjects were already practiced in taking the test. Such subject "practice effects" are a threat to which of the following aspects of the study? A. internal validity B. External validity C. Measurement precision D. measurement accuracy E. reliability
E. there are two or more groups of data
To legitimately use an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to reach conclusions and draw inferences about data, which of the following must be true A. the data are ordinal B. the data are nominal C. The data are qualitative D. The groups are correlated E. there are two or more groups of data
E. rated "femaleness"
As part of a study, a group of naive judges and a group of experienced SLPs were asked to rate the "femaleness" of ten male-to-female transgender individuals from video-recorded speech samples using three different modes of presentation: auditory only, visual only, and audiovisual. Which of the following represents the dependent variable of investigation? A. mode of presentation B. experience level of the judges C. training in speech-language pathology D. video recording E. rated "femaleness"
E. Inferior frontal gyrus
Nonfluent speech, reduced phonemic repertoire, absence of function words, and overuse of content vocabulary are characteristic of the verbal ability of a person who has had damage to which of the following parts of the brain? A. superior temporal gyrus B. angular gyrus C. central sulcus D. primary motor cortex E. inferior frontal gyrus
E. as soon as the client is aware of activities in his or her environment
When should the treatment program for an adult client with a cognitive-communication disorder secondary to traumatic-brain injury begin? A. two months after onset of the symptoms B. six months after onset of the symptoms C. Twelve months after onset of the symptoms D. As soon as the client indicates an interest in treatment E. as soon as the client is aware of activities in his or her environment
C. mendelsohn maneuver
A patient has been determined to have poor upper esophageal sphincter opening secondary to decreased hyolaryngeal excursion, following a lateral medullary stroke. Cognitive functions are within normal limits. Which of the following interventions would be the most appropriate recommendation for this client as an initial course of treatment for the underlying disorder? A. thermotactile stimulation B. cricopharyngeal myotomy C. mendelsohn maneuver D. thickened liquids E. chin-down posture (head/neck flexion)
D. cognitive-communicative disorder consistent with right hemisphere damage
Ms. Brown, a 70 year old retired female, was admitted to the hospital following a CVA. The SLP conducted a comprehensive evaluation revealing the presence of left-side neglect, anosognosia (denial of impairment), and visuospatial problems, including prosopagnosia (difficulty recognizing familiar faces). Although her auditory comprehension and repetition skills were good, she experience difficulty with topic maintenance and turn taking. Based on the clinical features described, Ms. Brown's diagnostic classification would most likely be A. Wernicke's aphasia B. conduction aphasia C. verbal apraxia D. cognitive-communicative disorder consistent with right hemisphere damage E. cognitive-communicative disorder consistent with left hemisphere damage
D. /tu/ for Sue
Which of the following speech errors is described by the term "stopping"? A. /dok/ for dog B. /wed/ for red C. /des/ for dress D. /tu/ for Sue E. /taen/ for can
B. concurrent validity
Comparing performances on a new test for auditory comprehension in aphasia with those on several established similar measures will yield indications primarily of the new tests A. face validity B. concurrent validity C. interjudge reliability D. test-retest reliability E. split-half reliability
C. Palatoglossus
Which of the following muscles opposes velopharyngeal closure A. musculus uvulae B. levator veli palatini C. Palatoglossus D. Glossopharyngeus E. Stylopharyngeus
B. posterior cricoarytenoid
Which of the following muscles is primarily responsible for vocal fold abduction? A. thyroarytenoid B. posterior cricoarytenoid C. cricothyroid D. interarytenoid E. lateral cricoarytenoid
C. Botulinum toxin
One treatment option for adductor spasmodic dysphonia involves the percutaneous injection of which of the following into the thyroarytenoid muslce? A. gelfoam B. teflon C. Botulinum toxin D. collagen E. steriods
E. It is not considered to be an adequate explanation of the factors that cause developmental stuttering.
Which of the following is true about the diagnosogenic theory of stuttering? A. it explains 80% of all cases of developmental stuttering B. It explains 80% of all cases of acquired stuttering, but only 20% of all cases of developmental stuttering C. it explains 50% of all cases of developmental stuttering D. it accounts for children's secondary behaviors, but not their primary behaviors E. It is not considered to be an adequate explanation of the factors that cause developmental stuttering.
A. decreased amplitude perturbation (vocal shimmer)
Ms. Kohler has been receiving voice management each week since her otolaryngologist diagnosed bilateral vocal nodules six weeks ago. To document improvement, Ms. Kohler's SLP plans to compare several acoustic voice measures with those obtained at the time of the initial voice assessment. Which of the following acoustic signs would reflect vocal improvement? A. decreased amplitude perturbation (vocal shimmer) B. increased F2 frequency C. Increased frequency perturbation (vocal jitter) D. Reduced energy of the first harmonic E. Increased turbulent energy
E. Assimilation
A 24 month old says /gogi/ instead of "doggie." This is an example of A. gliding B. neutraliziation C. Stopping D. Fronting E. Assimilation
E. The percentage of correct productions of the target sound in conversational speech.
Which of the following is the most important consideration when establishing termination criteria for release from articulation intervention? A. The mean length of utterances produced during conversational speech B. Whether the client achieves 95% accuracy in producing the target phoneme in bisyllabic words C. Whether the client achieves 85% accuracy when reading a passage containing 20 instances of the target phoneme D. The percentage of self-corrected prolongations of the target sound in conversational speech E. The percentage of correct productions of the target sound in conversational speech.
C. Assimilation
queen -> /pim/ soap -> /pop/ soak - /kok/ What phonolgical deviation is the child using consistently in all of the productions above? A. stopping B. fronting C. assimilation D. metathesis E. epenthesis
B. cause of the client's voice problem
Prior to initiating voice intervention, it is most important that the SLP gather information about the A. clients production of /s/ and /z/ B. cause of the client's voice problem C. client's breathing patterns D. Client's oral-motor skills E. fundamental frequency of the client's laryngeal tone
B. improvement of short-term memory skills
Treatment programs for adult clients with mild traumatic brain injury are most likely to focus on A. development of rapid automatized naming of common objects B. improvement of short-term memory skills C. improvement of repetition skills D. complete recovery of long-term memory skills E. training in the use of scanning techniques
C. performed as well as or better than 75% of the individuals on whom the norms were developed
A person suspected of a communicative disorder received a standardized score of 115, which fell at the 75th percentile on a standardized test of speech-language ability. This means that the person A. responded correctly to 75 out of 100 items on the test B. scored considerably beyond normal limits C. performed as well as or better than 75% of the individuals on whom the norms were developed D. performed about 75% poorer than individuals on whom the norms were developed E. knew at least 115 of the items on the test
C. Obtain the assistance of an interpreter
Mr. Masari is a 54 year old man from Nigeria who speaks only his native language, Yoruba. Following a mild CVA, he has been referred to a speech and hearing clinic for evaluation. Which of the following would be the most appropriate action if a Yoruba-speaking SLP is not available? A. modify and administer a comprehensive test in English B. wait until Mr. Masari learns enough English to be evaluated C. Obtain the assistance of an interpreter D. use gesture and other visual cues to communicate with Mr. Masari E. Administer a comprehensive test translated into Yoruba
B. refer the child for a pediatric neurological examination
An SLP has diagnosed a 4 year old child with a severe language learning problem. The child at times appears inattentive and has episodes of staring. An audiologist has verified that the child's hearing acuity is within normal limits. The most appropriate next step for the SLP is to A. help the parents to accept the recommendation to enroll their child in a program for children with delayed cognitive development B. refer the child for a pediatric neurological examination C. Initiate pragmatic language services to address appropriate eye gaze D. discuss the need to provide psychological counseling to help the parents cope with the behavioral management of their child E. recommend that the parents consider a modified diet for their child.
A. good auditory comprehension
A 60 year old client who has a tumor confined to the left frontal lobe will most likely have A. good auditory comprehension B. normal writing ability C. fluent conversational speech D. normal repetition skills E. conversation containing frequent confabulations
D. Transcortical motor
Laborius, halting, telegraphic utterances are typical of patients with which of the following types of aphasia? A. conduction B. global C. Wernicke D. transcortical motor E. transcortical sensory
B. an audiological evaluation
An SLP finds a 5 year old child to have a delay in oral language development. The child's nonlinguistic development is within normal limits. In addition to recommending speech-language services, the SLP wold most appropriately recommend referral of the child for which of the following? A. an evaluation of intelligence B. an audiological evaluation C. an evaluation for attention deficit disorder D. a pediatric neurological evaluation E. An oral motor evaluation
A. "I do"
A kindergarten teacher asks the class, "Who wants chocolate milk today?" Which of the following responses to the teacher's question uses ellipsis A. I do B. I dont like chocolate milk C. Whats for lunch today D. I'm the line leader E. I want chocolate milk
C. There is essentially no relationship between severity of the disorder and the amount of this substance
For each of 25 subjects, an investigator measured the severity of a speech disorder and the amount of a particular substance in the blood. The Pearson r for the relationship between these two sets of measures was 0.10. Which of the following would be the most appropriate conclusion to draw from this correlation coefficient? A. the subjects with the most severe disorder tended to have the smallest amount of this substance B. the subjects with the most severe disorder tended to have the greatest amount of this substance C. there is essentially no relationship between severity of the disorder and the amount of this substance D. this substance causes the severity of the speech disorder to vary E. these two sets of variables are strongly related to each other because of their relationship to a third variable
D. Instituting therapy focused on the development of correct articulatory placement of misarticulated phonemes
A 5 year old girl with a repaired cleft palate and moderate velopharyngeal insufficiency, as documented by nasoendoscopy, exhibits the following speech characteristics: mild breathiness; moderate to severe hypernasality; moderate nasal emission; inconsistent substitution of nasalized alveolar stops for velar stops; and omission of many fricatives and affricates or substitution of /h/ for them. Dentition and occlusion are normal. Cognitive and language skills are age-appropriate, and the client has had no previous speech therapy. Pharyngeal flap surgery is scheduled, but because of pending cardiac surgery will not take place for 12 to 15 months. Which of the following management strategies and rationales is most appropriate and desirable for the child at this time? A. deferring speech therapy until after the pharyngeal flap surgery, because the surgery could improve the speech problem B. Instituting therapy focused on reduction of hard glottal attacks in order to prevent the development of vocal nodules C. Instituting a program of blowing, sucking, and swallowing exercises to improve palatal function D. Instituting therapy focused on the development of correct articulatory placement of misarticulated phonemes E. Instituting a language stimulation program to promote continuation of appropriate development
A. Presenting a progressive sequence of an anxiety - producing stimulus
In the treatment of stuttering, the term "densensitization" most properly refers to which of the following? A. presenting a progressive sequence of an anxiety-producing stimulus B. stimulating situations in which listeners are inattentive or impolite C. Decreasing the delayed auditory feedback time interval D. Repeating words or sounds with easy vocal attack E. Having the client describe in detail situations that are most problematic
E. Enlarged adenoids
Hypernasality is heard in each of the following conditions EXCEPT: A. myasthenia gravis B. muscular dystrophy C. palatopharyngeal paralysis D. spastic dysarthria E. enlarged adenoids
B. Reassess the goals and determine if a different approach may be more effective
An SLP is treating an individual who has recently been discharged from the hospital after having a severe CVA with severe-to-profound communication deficits. After ten sessions, the SLP does not observe any improvement in the communication modalities that were addressed. Which of the following would be the best course of action? A. discharge the client and wait for another referral from the client's physician B. Reassess the goals and determine if a different approach may be more effective C. Cease treatment and reassess in one week D. continue with the existing therapy plan E. reduce the frequency of treatment sessions until progress is measured
A. Observe molly interacting with her parents, interview the parents about Molly's fluency in different environments, and analyze Molly's speech-language-related behavior during conversational and structured speaking situations for evidence of stuttering before deciding whether therapeutic intervention is recommended
Three months ago an SLP evaluted 4 year old MOlly for stuttering. At that time she displayed easy repetitions of words and phrases, occurring at an average frequency of 4 per 100 words. She displayed no sound prolongations, facial grimaces, avoidance of sounds or words, and no pitch rises or phonatory breaks. Molly reportedly began stuttering 24 months prior to the evaluation. No speech language intervention was recommended, but the parents were counseled on ways to manage Molly's disfluencies at home. A reevaluation is scheduled for next week. The SLP would most appropriately do which of the following? A. Observe molly interacting with her parents, interview the parents about Molly's fluency in different environments, and analyze Molly's speech-language-related behavior during conversational and structured speaking situations for evidence of stuttering before deciding whether therapeutic intervention is recommended B. Refer molly for a complete neurological assessment because she is demonstrating no speech-language or behavioral reactions to her stuttering C. Administer a nonverbal test of intelligence and the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation D. Meet with Molly's parents to determine the current status of her fluency and then make it clear that it is highly likely that Molly will experience unassisted recovery from stuttering because she has been stuttering for only 24 months E. Postpone the reevaluation for another year until Molly is years old because children from ages 2 to 4 go through a period of normal dysfluency, and it is unwise to call attention to the problem prematurely.
C. using authentic situations to address social communication skills
Which of the following treatment strategies would be most appropriate for an SLP to use when working with children with autism? A. providing all information and directions verbally, because children with autism learn best by way of the auditory channel B. working with such children only individually and in settings with minimal distractions C. using authentic situations to address social communication skills D. Primarily using oral motor stimulation and exercises to increase articulatory development E. communicating using only sign language, because the children have severely delayed speech production skills
B. It uses the context of the daily teaching and caregiving environment
Which of the following is an accurate statement about the ecological approach to language intervention with children? A. it incorporates activities that expose the child to nature B. it uses the context of the daily teaching and caregiving environment C. it focuses on child-initiated behaviors D. It focuses on clinician-child interactions E. It consists of sustained, longitudinal intervention
C. Phonation
Fiberoptic instrumentation is appropriate for evaluation of which of the following types of disorders? A. cerebration B. perseveration C. Phonation D. proprioception E. respiration
D. Phoneme manipulation
Of the following phonological awareness tasks, which is typically the most difficult for a child to master? A. rhyme detection B. onset and rime blending C. syllable segmentation D. phoneme manipulation E. initial consonant detection
A. a face mask coupled to a pneumotachograph
A child with cerebral palsy seems to produce a diminised oral airflow during the production of certain consonants. The most accurate method of verifying this impression would be to use A. a face mask coupled to a penumotachograph B. a warm wire anemometer C. a u-tube water manometer D. an accelerometer E. a wet spirometer
B. A continuation of the same basic curriculum with increase in the frequency of intervention, the degree of repetition and review, and the intensity of support
Sam attends a school that uses the best available evidence to select literacy curricula and instructional practices. Nevertheless, Sam's progress is lagging significantly behind his peers. According to a response-to-intervention model, what instructional changes are most appropriate? A. a transfer to a school that focuses on the classical education model, including emphasis on sight words, spelling lists, and oral reports B. A continuation of the same basic curriculum with increase in the frequency of intervention, the degree of repetition and review, and the intensity of support C. Referral to the school psychologist for assessment of achievement potential and level of motivation for learning D. Development of a behavioral management plan to be implemented in home and school environments E. introduction of special education services
B. the trigeminal and facial
The sensorimotor integration of the muscles of the lower face depends on which two of the cranial nerves? A. the accessory and hypoglossal B. the trigeminal and facial C. the auditory and trigeminal D. The vagus and glossopharyngeal E> the phrenic and facial
E. Aperiodicity
The major acoustic characteristic of voiceless fricatives is A. higher amplitude than any adjacent vocalic phonemes B. a marked transition from periodicity to aperiodicity C. a concentration of energy at 5 to 7 kHz D. the absence of identifiable formants E. aperiodicity
E. a receptive and/or expressive language impairment
A three year old child presents for an evaluation of communication skills. When the SLP says "Sit in your seat," the child responds by saying [ti i ti]. When the SLP asks the child to "put the big block in the box," the child responds by saying [bi ba i ba]. Based on these responses, the child's primary problem with communication is most likely to be which of the following? A. oral motor weakness B. velopharyngeal inadequacy C. poor auditory discrimination D. a fluency disorder E. a receptive and/or expressive language impairment
C. A voiced plosive
A wideband spectrogram of a vowel-consonant-vowel (VCV) utterance yields a voice onset time of -12 milliseconds. Of the following, which consonant is most likely represented? A. a glide B. a voiced fricative C. A voiced plosive D. a voiceless fricative E. a voiceless plosive
E. Infants develop patterns of oral motor movement through babbling
Which of the following is an accurate statement about the babbling of infants A. a certain number of syllables and words can be identified B. infants use babbling to express some physical needs C. There is no evidence of intonational patterns D. infants can progress through the babbling stage normally without linguistic interaction with others E. infants develop patterns of oral motor movement through babbling
A. there is a great deal of individual variation in development among children who are developing normally.
Of the following, which is the most accurate statement about current knowledge of phonological development during childhood? A. there is a great deal of individual variation in development among children who are developing normally. B. development of sound systems tends to be uniform in children who are developing normally C. There are no significant trends or tendencies regarding the categories of phonemes acquired earliest by children D. distinctive-feature acquisition is the most useful yardstick by which to assess early development of phonology E. developmental norms represent the latest and most significant research of clinical relevance in this field.
D. Differential reinforcement of vocalizations
According to behavioral theorists, the phonemes of a particular language are acquired as a result of A. trial-and-error learning B. maturation and increased attention span C. imitation of the parents' speech D. differential reinforcement of vocalizations E. innate knowledge
A. subglottal pressure divided by the mean phonatory airflow
The resistance of the laryngeal airway during phonation is defined as the A. subglottal pressure divided by the mean phonatory airflow B. phonation volume divided by the maximum phonation time C. mean phonatory airflow divided by peak intraoral pressure D. mean phonation threshold pressure E. reciprocal of the open quotient
E. using semantic networks in which ideas are displayed in connected clusters
An SLP is working with a sixth-grade student who is having difficulty comprehending written text. To target this difficulty, which of the following strategies would be most effective for the SLP to use? A. creating a log in which unknown sight words are written down for later practice B. Developing the student's ability to chunk multisyllabic words into smaller units C. performing a miscue analysis as the student reads a text aloud D. selecting words from a text that can be used as both spelling and sight words E. using semantic networks in which ideas are displayed in connected clusters
C. behavioral
The following is a fragment of a treatment session with a 10 year old child. Clinician: "say soup" Child: "sssssoup" Clinician: "Good!" (gives child token) Clinician: "Say sand." Child: "ssssand" Clinician: "Good! You said all the words right - see on our chart here? Now, lets try the same words again, but this time I won't say them; you read them. OK?" Which of the following best describes the clinician's treatment approach? A. social-interactive B. classical conditioning C. behavioral D. paired stimuli E. cognitive
B. The child's intelligibility could be related to an inadequate phonological system.
Which of the following best explains how it is possible for a child to exhibit an age-appropriate phonetic inventory yet still be a candidate for speech intervention because of poor intelligibility? A. the child could have failed to acquire all of the phonemes of adult speech B. The child's intelligibility could be related to an inadequate phonological system C. the child could have poor motivation for communication D. the child could be unfamiliar with the vocabulary needed for communication E. the child could be speaking a regional or social dialect that the parents do not want their child to speak.
B. does the student speak Spanish as a first language?
A kindergarten teacher asks an SLP to test a student (age 5.9) because the student consistently substitutes /s/ for /z/, /ts/ for /sh/, and /i/ for /I/ while reading aloud. In evaluating this student, which of the following questions should the SLP consider first? A. does the student have a problem regarding voicing? B. does the student speak Spanish as a first language? C. Does the student need to be referred to an audiologist? D. does the student have an oral - motor problem? E. does the student read at grade level?
E. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Which of the following is most likely to be associated with a mixed spastic-flaccid dysarthria? A. parkinson's disease B. myasthenia gravis C. supranuclear palsy D. alzheimer's disease E. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
D. Referral to a physician
A 50 year old kindergarten teacher independently contacts an SLP for a voice examination. She reports to the clinician that for the past four months, her voice has been starting strong but grows weaker with extended vocalization throughout the day. The clinician also notes that the teacher's voice is hypernasal and breathy with decreased volume The most appropriate recommendation for the client is A. complete vocal rest for two weeks B. Voice treatment focusing on strengthening vocal musculature C. Voice treatment focusing on improving respiratory support D. referral to a physician E. to monitor voice usage for six months and return for a vocal examination
D. the capacity of the adult with aphasia to make appropriate comments about recent events is generally better
In terms of communication impairment, an adult with Alzheimer's type dementia tends to differ from an adult with aphasia associated with a CVA in that A. repetition abilities are typically more seriously impaired in the adult with dementia B. The adult with dementia generally has greater difficulty with dysfluency C. The adult with dementia is generally more aware of any disruptions in communication D. the capacity of the adult with aphasia to make appropriate comments about recent events is generally better E. syntactic ability is better preserved in the adult with aphasia
D. waiting three to five weeks to retest those who did not pass the first screening
The potential problem of over-referral in school-screening programs incorporating impedance/immittance measurements can be most effectively controlled by doing which of the following? A. obtaining the measures in a professional sound-insulated room B. including 500 Hz in the audiometric screening procedure C. retesting immediately those who did not pass the first screening D. waiting three to five weeks to retest those who did not pass the first screening E. screening in late winter or early spring
A. It provides informaiton about semantic diversity
Which of the following statements is true about calculating number of different words (NDW) from a spontaneous language sample? A. It provides informaiton about semantic diversity B. it should be used only with children who are over the age of six years C. It is ideally suited to measure pragmatic skills D. It is the best predictor of academic success E. It is used to assess emergent literacy skills in preschool-aged children
A. administer a list of words containing /f/, /z/, and /sh/ at two-week intervals and document whether the target sounds are replaced by stops.
Jackson has been receiving phonological treatment because he substitutes stops for fricatives. Which of the following ways of assessing Jackson's progress would best monitor whether the intervention methods are effective? A. administer a list of words containing /f/, /z/, and /sh/ at two-week intervals and document whether the target sounds are replaced by stops. B. Administer a standardized articulation test at two-week intervals and compare standard scores achieved each time C. Administer a list of words containing /r/ and /r/ clusters at two-week intervals and document whether the target sounds are replaced by stops D. administer a list of spelling words that contain the letters "s," "f," "z," and "v" at two week intervals and document whether the words are spelled correctly E. Have Jackson read a passage of words that contain the letters "r," "cr," "pr," and "tr" at two-week intervals and document whether the words are read correctly.
C. high-frequency second formant (F2)
Front vowels are characterized by a relatively A. low-frequency second formant (F2) B. high-frequency first formant (F1) C. high-frequency second formant (F2) D. low-frequency first formant (F1) E. low-frequency third formant (F3)
E. are likely to be ineffective in helping clients achieve speech intelligibility
Research on the use of lingual strengthening exercises for speakers with dysarthria has demonstrated that such exercises A. decrease the number of treatments necessary for restoring speech intelligibility B. increase the number of treatments necessary for restoring speech intelligibility C. are only effective for clients with ataxic dysarthria D. are only effective for clients with hypokinetic dysarthria E. are likely to be ineffective in helping clients achieve speech intelligibility
B. apraxia of speech
An individaul is referred for a speech-language assessment with a history of irregular substitutions and additions of consonants, repeated attempts to say words correclty, and more errors on longer and less familiar words. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A. ataxic dysarthria B. apraxia of speech C. hypokinetic dysarthria D. spastic dysarthria E. phonological disorder
B. Response to joint attention
By 6 months of age, a typically developing child should follow the line of regard of another person. This skill is called A. initiation of behavioral request B. response to joint attention C. initiation of joint attention D. attunement E. entrainment
C. The sequential presentation of message choices to the individual
In augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) approaches, "scanning" refers to A. the ability to cross visual midline B. the strategy of traversing the keyguard until the user's finger comes to rest on a key C. The sequential presentation of message choices to the individual D. The calibration of the device by gazing in each corner of the display E. The construction of messages from multiple display pages
A. to make feeding safe, efficient, and pleasurable for the child and the caregiver
The management program for a child's feeding problem should focus primarily on which of the following objectives? A. to make feeding safe, efficient, and pleasurable for the child and the caregiver B. to increase the length of time the child can eat comfortably C. to increase the caregiver's knowledge of the various textures of foods D. to improve the function of the esophageal stage of swallowing E. to increase the size of the bolus
B. Wernicke's aphasia
An aphasia characterized by fluent verbal output but difficulty understanding spoken and written language is most likely which of the following? A. nonfluent aphasia B. Wernicke's aphasia C. global aphasia D. broca's aphasia E. anterior aphasia
C. left-side neglect
Which of the following clinical symptoms is not likely to be present in an individual diagnosed with a cognitive-communicative disorder resulting from traumatic brain injury to the left hemisphere? A. problem-solving difficulties B. short-term memory impairment C. left-side neglect D. impairment of reasoning skills E. poor orientation to person, place, and time
A. left posterior superior temporal gyrus
After sustaining a CVA, Ms. Williams, age 75, was referred to an SLP for a speech and language evaluation. While Ms. Williams was describing the "Cookie Theft" picture, the SLP observed that her grammatical structure appeared to be intact, her prosody was normal, but many of her sentences were meaningless and did not fit the context, and she exhibited many nonsensical paraphasic errors. Additional testing also revealed that Ms. Williams exhibited poor repetition and naming skills, did not respond appropriately to many simple commands, and had difficulty reading. Ms. Williams appeared happy and talked excessively. She did not appear to be aware of her communication deficits. What is the most likely location of the lesion? A. left posterior superior temporal gyrus B. left inferior frontal gyrus C. left superior frontal gyrus D. arcuate fasciculus E. left inferior parietal gyrus
E. At least once a year or as often as defined in the IEP
IDEA requires that a student's progress on IEP goals be reported to parents A. once a month B. as often as they request C. before every IEP meeting D. only when parents make a formal request E. at least once a year or as often as defined in the IEP
A. to ensure a patient's privacy and confidentiality of health-care information
Which of the following indicates the goal of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)? A. to ensure a patient's privacy and confidentiality of health-care information B. To provide patients with aural rehabilitation services C. To maximize health insurance coverage for speech-language pathology services D. To ensure a free and appropriate education E. To ensure a patient's knowledge of health insurance.