QUIZ Case Study: The Stolen Valor Act

24 November 2023
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Which part of a court ruling will be cited as precedent in future cases? dissent majority opinion verdict legal brief
B. majority opinion
What did the Stolen Valor Act attempt to prohibit? lying about military service lying about crimes committed during service lying about receiving a military medal of honor lying about being honorably discharged from the military
C. lying about receiving a military medal of honor
Felix overhears Daniel telling a joke that makes fun of doctors. Felix's mom is a doctor, and Felix is offended by the joke. Does Felix have a legal case against Daniel? Yes, because making fun of a group of people is not considered free speech. Yes, because Daniel is spreading libel against the medical profession. No, because jokes are not restricted under the First Amendment. No, because offensive speech is protected under the First Amendment.
D. No, because offensive speech is protected under the First Amendment.
When the Supreme Court rules on a case, how many opinions might be written to explain the verdict? one: the majority opinion two: the majority opinion and the dissent nine: all justices can write an opinion, but only the majority opinion can be used in future cases nine: all justices can write opinions that can be cited in future cases but only majority opinions are considered law
D. nine: all justices can write opinions that can be cited in future cases but only majority opinions are considered law
When the Supreme Court rules on a case, how many "agree" votes are needed to reach a verdict? The Chief Justice's opinion is the verdict. A simple majority is needed. A 2/3 majority is needed. All nine justices must agree.
B. A simple majority is needed.
When a judge analyzes law, what document is used to determine the law's validity? the individual state's law the US Constitution the Declaration of Independence the majority opinion
B. the US constitution
Which event happens last in the appeals process? The Supreme Court rules on a case. An individual is found guilty during a trial. An individual appeals a sentence. A case is sent to the court of appeals.
A. The Supreme Court rules on a case.
Which event must take place first in order for the appeals process to take place? The Supreme Court rules on a case. An individual is found guilty during a trial. An individual appeals a sentence. A case is sent to the court of appeals.
B. An individual is found guilty during a trial.
In which case did the court rule that flag burning was not illegal under the First Amendment? US v. Fields New York Times v. Sullivan Texas v. Johnson US v. Alvarez
C. Texas v. Johnson
Knowingly making a false statement in print about someone else is known as defamation. libel. malice. intent.
B. libel