PSYCH 312: Human Sexuality-The Sexual Marketplace

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Prostitution has often been referred to as ________. a. the world's oldest profession b. the worst occupation in the world c. a religion d. a viable employment option for women
a. the world's oldest profession
Prostitution is also referred to as ________. a. sex for hire b. sexual commodity c. commercial sex trades d. pimping
c. commercial sex trades
Prostitution may be one of the oldest professions, as the opening story of the chapter described ________. a. paintings depicting prostitution on the wall of cave dwellings b. the discovery of artifacts from ancient brothels in Greece c. scrolls discussing prostitution found at the Red Sea d. photos discovered under a Roman empire
b. the discovery of artifacts from ancient brothels in Greece
From Susan's readings for class, she learns that most cultures throughout the world condemn the profession of prostitution as evidenced by all of the following except ________. a. language b. laws c. punishments d. the number of churches
d. the number of churches
Kristen learns something interesting in class about prostitution: It is often seen as an exchange of sexual services for all of the following, except ________. a. money b. valued objects c. sex d. drugs
c. sex
Historically, prostitution has been thought of and often legally defined as ________. a. acts furnished by a female to a male b. gender neutral c. involving a woman who works for a pimp d. a fairly easy way to make lots of money
a. acts furnished by a female to a male
Why are some prostitutes referred to as "streetwalkers"? a. They work on the main streets of all major cities. b. They are managed by pimps who are often seen in the streets soliciting business. c. They sell their services on the street, typically to customers driving up in cars. d. They are considered to be the most elite type of prostitutes.
c. They sell their services on the street, typically to customers driving up in cars.
Brenda works as a prostitute. She is in the category of prostitutes who are at the greatest risk of violence. She is a ________. a. streetwalker b. call girl c. brothel worker d. person working legally in Nevada
a. streetwalker
Tina is a high-priced prostitute who accepts clients by appointment; she is called a ________. a. streetwalker b. massage therapist c. call girl d. brothel owner
c. call girl
All of the following are characteristics of call girls, except they ________. a. are much less likely to be drug abusers b. are at a significantly less risk of violence c. may be listed in the phone book under "escort services" d. see more clients than streetwalkers
d. see more clients than streetwalkers
Bob lives in the one state where, in most areas, prostitution is legal and state-controlled. Bob lives in ________. a. Utah b. Nevada c. New Jersey d. New York
b. Nevada
Other names for a house of prostitution include all of the following except ________. a. brothel b. bordello c. massage parlor d. counseling center
d. counseling center
Male prostitutes ________. a. sell their services primarily to other males b. enjoy their work more than female prostitutes c. engage in more forms of sex play than female prostitutes d. charge less than female prostitutes
a. sell their services primarily to other males
Male prostitutes who have female clients are called ________. a. streetwalkers b. gigolos c. hustlers d. johns
b. gigolos
All of the following have been identified as factors associated with working in the commercial sex trades except ________. a. poverty b. early sexual experiences and abuse c. high sex drive d. drug addiction
c. high sex drive
A late 1990s study about drug use and prostitution by Potterat et al. indicated that ________. a. women began using drugs prior to their first experience with prostitution b. women began working as prostitutes and then started using drugs c. women working as prostitutes started using drugs earlier d. the drug of choice was alcohol
a. women began using drugs prior to their first experience with prostitution
Findings from a study in the late 1990s, looking at age of first intercourse and prostitution, indicated that what was true for those engaged in prostitution included all of the following except they had ________. a. earlier first intercourse b. earlier consensual intercourse c. earlier start of regular sexual activity d. later interest in sex
d. later interest in sex
Reasons given by women who choose to work as prostitutes include all of the following except that they ________. a. enjoy the sexual pleasure they receive b. do not feel they can make as much money in any other profession c. enjoy the flexible work hours d. would not be able to have the life they want in any other profession
a. enjoy the sexual pleasure they receive
Many sex workers are pressured to engage in prostitution for any one of the following reasons except ________. a. threats if they do not prostitute themselves to earn money for their husband or boyfriend b. being coerced into streetwalking by pimps who rescued them from homelessness and who now maintain total financial control over them c. severe drug addiction that can only be supported through exchanging sex for money or for drugs themselves d. to feed their sexual desire to have many partners
d. to feed their sexual desire to have many partners
Monica is like many sex workers. She feels constantly pressured to engage in prostitution because of all of the following reasons except ________. a. she's living in extreme poverty b. she's supporting children c. she lacks the education or training to find other forms of work d. she wants to run her own business
d. she wants to run her own business
One study of sex workers in Washington, DC found that ________ of prostitutes reported having been raped. a. 10% b. 18% c. 29% d. 50%
d. 50%
The illegal international trafficking of sex workers has become a major worldwide tragedy involving as many as ________ victims. a. 500,000 b. 2 million c. 4 million d. 11 million
c. 4 million
In 2000, the U.S. Congress passed the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Prevention Act, which did all the following except ________. a. establish new felony laws designed to combat sex trafficking b. require victims to return home and testify against their trafficker c. authorize a wide range of social services and protections for victims of trafficking d. provide temporary U.S. visas allowing victims to remain in the U.S. for their protection
b. require victims to return home and testify against their trafficker
Janice was helped by the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Prevention Act. Most likely she was a ________. a. brothel owner who was facing harassment b. drug user entering prostitution c. brought from another country to work as a prostitute d. male who visits prostitutes
c. brought from another country to work as a prostitute
One drug that appears to place those involved in the commercial sex trades at the greatest risk is ________. a. alcohol b. crack c. marijuana d. heroin
b. crack
________ are among the groups with the highest rates of STIs. a. Streetwalkers b. Gigolos c. Call girls d. Brothel workers
a. Streetwalkers
"Ophelia" is among the group of sex workers who are especially likely to spread sexually transmitted infections to the general population. This group of sex workers is ________. a. female transgender prostitutes b. bisexual women c. male transvestite prostitutes d. women who work in brothels
c. male transvestite prostitutes
Ronda is a streetwalker. One of the most common services requested by her clients is ________. a. anal sex b. oral sex c. massage d. mutual masturbation
b. oral sex
Prostitutes who work in brothels, especially when they are legal as in Nevada, or in those countries where sex work has been decriminalized, appear to be at much less risk of STIs because of all of the following reasons except they ________. a. are less likely to be drug abusers b. are more likely to use condoms consistently c. are less vulnerable than streetwalkers d. have a better immune system
d. have a better immune system
Evelyn is a prostitute. Her clients are usually called ________. a. johns b. gigolos c. pimps d. users
a. johns
In most places where selling sex is illegal, ________. a. buying it is not against the law b. buying it is against the law too c. there is a stiffer penalty for the person who buys it d. the client is the target of police
b. buying it is against the law too
In terms of the attempts to crack down on prostitution, ________. a. most attempts have been extremely successful b. most police arrests involve the male client c. increased attention is being paid to the clients in an effort to reduce demand d. prostitutes who are arrested usually are rehabilitated and move on to other work
c. increased attention is being paid to the clients in an effort to reduce demand
Monica works as a prostitute; she has found that most of her customers are ________. a. young, unmarried teenage boys b. men over 35 c. black, poor, and unmarried d. middle- to upper-class, educated, married males
d. middle- to upper-class, educated, married males
Approximately what percent of respondents in Monto's study of clients of prostitutes had engaged in oral sex with prostitutes? a. 80% b. 50% c. 30% d. 10%
b. 50%
All of the following reasons were given for why men go to prostitutes, except ________. a. to improve their sex skills b. loneliness c. curiosity about sex with various women d. satisfy an overly strong sex drive
a. to improve their sex skills
The decriminalization of prostitution would mean ________. a. removing all criminal laws relating to prostitution b. prostitution would increase c. prostitution would not be taxed by the government d. prostitution would not be regulated by any licensing board
a. removing all criminal laws relating to prostitution
The main arguments for legalizing or decriminalizing sex work are that the illegality of prostitution causes all of the following EXCEPT ________. a. drug abuse b. violence c. STI problems d. more people want to work as prostitutes
d. more people want to work as prostitutes
"Pornography" literally means ________. a. writing about prostitutes b. photographing nudity c. to undress d. obscenity
a. writing about prostitutes
The "moral standard" as it relates to pornography, was developed by ________. a. sex researchers b. psychologists c. judges d. ministers
c. judges
Exceptions to our first amendment on freedom of speech include all of the following except ________. a. defamation of another's character b. speech that causes panic, such as shouting "fire" in a crowded building c. obscenity, meaning sexually explicit works d. speech that describes our beliefs
d. speech that describes our beliefs
In describing the personal definitions of obscenity by the three justices in 1973, who was famous for saying "I know it when I see it"? a. Justice Brennen b. Justice Burger c. Justice Stewart d. Justice White
c. Justice Stewart
The Miller test provides that all of the following be met for a work to be deemed obscene and legally banned except ________. a. by applicable state law, it depicts patently offensive sexual conduct b. it lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value c. it appeals to the prurient interest d. it shows behaviors of an unusual or unconventional nature
d. it shows behaviors of an unusual or unconventional nature
Rae-Ann is learning about legal issues in her law class. She learns that the 1973 Supreme Court decision related to defining obscene sexually explicit materials largely put the decision in the hands of ________. a. local governments b. state governments c. federal government d. international courts
a. local governments
One approach for dealing with the legality of sexually explicit materials is to consider the extent to which these works victimize women. This is called the ________. a. gender standard b. discrimination standard c. moral standard d. victim standard
b. discrimination standard
The leading proponent of the discrimination standard, citing that pornography, by its very nature, is discrimination against women, was ________. a. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor b. N.O.W. c. Catherine MacKinnon d. Gloria Steinem
c. Catherine MacKinnon
The term ________ is applied to sexually explicit works expressing physical desire, passion, and attraction among people who freely choose to engage in sexual activities together. a. pornography b. erotica c. obscenity d. illegal sex
b. erotica
________ is about sexual sharing, whereas ________ is about sexual using. a. Pornography; erotica b. Obscenity; erotica c. Erotica; pornography d. Erotica; obscenity
c. Erotica; pornography
The person referenced in the text who is credited with drawing a clear distinction between erotica and pornography was ________. a. Justice Sandra day O'Connor b. President Clinton c. Catherine Mackinnon d. Gloria Steinem
d. Gloria Steinem
In a study comparing pornographic videos made by men for men (pure explicit sex) with videos designed by women for women (explicit sex with more plot and partner interaction), it was found that ________. a. men rated all the videos more positively than did the women b. women rated all the videos more positively than did the men c. men rated only the videos made by men higher d. there was no difference in women's and men's ratings
a. men rated all the videos more positively than did the women
When shown highly explicit movies with romantic themes, results for the study of college men and women indicated ________. a. only women found these to be arousing b. both men and women rated these as significantly more arousing c. men rated the romantic movies low d. women were not aroused due to the sexual explicitness
b. both men and women rated these as significantly more arousing
One of the central arguments to censor all pornography is based on that idea that these materials ________. a. lead to more sexual activity b. portray a double standard from the 1950s c. lead to great crime in major cities d. play a significant role in discrimination against and victimization of women
d. play a significant role in discrimination against and victimization of women
One researcher has suggested that the basic themes of most pornography are all of the following except ________. a. all women at all times want sex from all men. b. men really like to be dominated and taken care of c. women enjoy all the sexual acts that men perform or demand. d. any woman can be easily turned on with a little force
b. men really like to be dominated and taken care of
Sasha is working on a summary report on the connection between violence and pornography. She is likely to conclude that ________. a. it is very clear that a connection exists b. there is no clear, universal evidence that pornography leads to greater violence c. no good studies have been conducted thus far d. pornography causes violence against women
b. there is no clear, universal evidence that pornography leads to greater violence
Studies examining the link between violence and pornography are often ________. a. correlational b. longitudinal c. causal d. real-life
a. correlational
Carol is doing a presentation for class and pornography and the law. She presents on a study that looked at four states where pornography laws had at one time been strictly enforced, but then enforcement of those laws had been suspended. This study found the rates of sex crimes ________. a. were not affected b. went up after nonenforcement c. went down after nonenforcement d. were directly related to enforcement
a. were not affected
Joyce is researching the impact of access to sexually explicit materials. The studies suggest that greater access to sexually explicit material may ________. a. increase sex crimes b. increase internet stalking c. decrease sales d. decrease sex crimes
d. decrease sex crimes
Child pornography is a huge business, estimated at over ________ dollars per year in the U.S. a. 10 million b. 300 million c. 1 billion d. 3 billion
d. 3 billion
The availability and industry of child pornography has exploded since the introduction of the ________. a. Internet b. printing press c. magazine industry d. cable television network
a. Internet
According to Professor Jenkins, the problem with fighting child pornography is that ________. a. we already know all there is to know about child pornography b. it is such a small problem, there is no need to be concerned c. the legal crackdown prevents serious research to study and uncover how it functions d. it is not a legitimate topic for research
c. the legal crackdown prevents serious research to study and uncover how it functions
A study in 2002 found that ________ of all college students had used the Internet for sexual purposes of one kind or another. a. 10% b. almost one-third c. about half d. 75%
c. about half